# Contain Element A JavaScript plugin to contain an element within its parent element. ## Features * Pure JavaScript with no dependencies * Configures the horizontal and vertical alignment of the contained element * Can detect the native size or have it specified at runtime ## Usage ``` window.onload = function() { containElement({ id: 'element', // the id of the element to be contained width: '100', // (optional) element width in pixels (unset: element width) height: '100', // (optional) element height in pixels (unset: element height) valign: 'top', // (optional) vertical alignment: top|bottom (unset: middle) halign: 'left' // (optional) horizontal alignment: left|right (unset: middle) }); }; ``` ## Credits Written by [Williams New York](http://williamsnewyork.com) ### Authors * Kevin MacMartin ## LICENSE Licensed under the [MIT license](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).