diff --git a/vim/config/settings.vim b/vim/config/settings.vim index f8c384a..6280d78 100644 --- a/vim/config/settings.vim +++ b/vim/config/settings.vim @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ set whichwrap=b,s,<,>,[,] "scrolling left/right off current line wraps to the next/previous set smarttab expandtab autoindent tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 "configure tabs set hlsearch incsearch ignorecase smartcase "configure how search behaves - set timeout timeoutlen=1000 "how long before timing out for mappings + set timeout timeoutlen=500 "how long before timing out for mappings set ttimeout ttimeoutlen=100 "how long before timing out for terminal key codes "change to a file's directory when it's opened