diff --git a/vim/config/after.vim b/vim/config/after.vim index 3f3957d..8bc593f 100644 --- a/vim/config/after.vim +++ b/vim/config/after.vim @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ autocmd FileChangedRO * nested set noreadonly autocmd FileType tmux,taskrc setlocal commentstring=#\ %s "set the comment string to # autocmd FileType slrnrc setlocal commentstring=%%\ %s "set the comment string to % autocmd FileType scss setlocal iskeyword+=$ - autocmd FileType javascript setlocal iskeyword+=- + autocmd FileType javascript setlocal iskeyword+=- iskeyword+=. autocmd FileType vue setlocal spell "special side/bottom-bar settings to apply when opened