diff --git a/vim/config/after.vim b/vim/config/after.vim index cc91086..a9f264c 100644 --- a/vim/config/after.vim +++ b/vim/config/after.vim @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ autocmd FileChangedRO * nested set noreadonly autocmd BufEnter * :syntax sync fromstart "disable automatic line breaks - autocmd VimEnter * set textwidth=0 + set textwidth=0 "set filetypes for various file extensions autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.aspx,*.asmx,*.ascx,*.master setlocal ft=aspnet @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ autocmd FileChangedRO * nested set noreadonly "filtype specific settings autocmd BufEnter,FileType sh setlocal iskeyword-=. - autocmd Filetype text,markdown,gitcommit,mail setlocal nonumber spell nolist linebreak textwidth=80 tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 breakat&vim breakat-=* breakat-=. breakat-=/ breakat-=? breakat-=, breakat-=: breakat-=; breakat-=! "set some defaults for word processing - autocmd Filetype text,gitcommit,mail setlocal wrap + autocmd Filetype markdown,text,gitcommit,mail setlocal nonumber spell tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 "word processing defaults + autocmd Filetype text,gitcommit,mail setlocal wrap nolist textwidth=80 linebreak breakat&vim breakat-=* breakat-=. breakat-=/ breakat-=? breakat-=, breakat-=: breakat-=; breakat-=! "configure text wrapping for applicable filetypes autocmd FileType tmux setlocal commentstring=#\ %s "set the comment string to # autocmd FileType scss setlocal iskeyword+=$ autocmd Filetype markdown setlocal iskeyword+=-