"=============================================================" " " " Darkcloud Neovim Config: vimrc " " " " By: Kevin MacMartin (prurigro@gmail.com) " " Website: https://github.com/prurigro/darkcloud-nvimconfig " " " " License: MIT " " " "=============================================================" "darkcloud neovim config folder path: {{{ "the location of darkcloud-nvimconfig (default is /etc/darkcloud-nvimconfig) let g:darkcloudpath = get(g:, "darkcloudpath", "/etc/darkcloud-nvimconfig") "}}} "LOAD DARKCLOUD CONFIG AND THEME FILES: {{{ "Add Config Directory: (distro-agnostic system-wide) let &runtimepath = printf('%s,%s/vim,%s/vim/after',&runtimepath,g:darkcloudpath,g:darkcloudpath) "Load Colours if &term != "linux" runtime colors/palette.vim "Load Colour Scheme: colorscheme darkcloud endif "Load Settings: runtime config/settings.vim "Initialize Plugins: let g:pathogen_disabled = get(g:, "pathogen_disabled", []) if has('python3') "check for python-neovim redir => python_neovim_check silent python3 exec("import pkgutil\nneovim = pkgutil.find_loader('neovim')\nfound = neovim is not None\nprint(found)") redir END if substitute(python_neovim_check, '^\n*\([^\n]*\)\n*$', '\1', '') == 'True' let g:python_neovim = 1 else let g:python_neovim = 0 endif "check for python-msgpack redir => python_msgpack_check silent python3 exec("import pkgutil\nmsgpack = pkgutil.find_loader('msgpack')\nfound = msgpack is not None\nprint(found)") redir END if substitute(python_msgpack_check, '^\n*\([^\n]*\)\n*$', '\1', '') == 'True' let g:python_msgpack = 1 else let g:python_msgpack = 0 endif else "if python isn't available disable plugins that depend on it and set library variables to false call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'MatchTagAlways') let g:python_neovim = 0 let g:python_msgpack = 0 endif "don't load vim-gutentags if ctags can't be found if !executable('ctags') call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'vim-gutentags') endif if !g:python_neovim || !g:python_msgpack "don't load deoplete if either of its python dependencies are missing call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'deoplete.nvim') call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'neco-syntax') endif "use pathogen to load plugins that haven't been disabled runtime bundle/vim-pathogen/autoload/pathogen.vim "Load Keymappings: runtime config/keyboard.vim "Load User Config: runtime user.vim "Load Plugin Configuration: runtime config/plugins.vim "Load After Config: runtime config/after.vim "}}}