"============================================================" " " " Darkcloud Vim Config: vimpagerrc " " " " By: Kevin MacMartin (prurigro@gmail.com) " " Website: https://github.com/prurigro/darkcloud-vimconfig " " " " License: MIT " " " "============================================================" "darkcloud vim config folder path: {{{ " if you want to use darkcloud-vimconfig as a package without symlinking " the vim folder or placing it @ /etc/darkcloud-vimconfig, create a file " @ ~/.vim/darkcloud-path.vim and in it place the following, except with " the path pointing to the cloned repo: " " let g:darkcloudpath="/etc/darkcloud-vimconfig" if filereadable(glob("~/.vim/darkcloud-path.vim")) source ~/.vim/darkcloud-path.vim else let g:darkcloudpath="/etc/darkcloud-vimconfig" endif "}}} "DARKCLOUD CONFIG AND THEME FILES FOR VIMPAGER: {{{ "Add Config Directory: (distro-agnostic system-wide) let &runtimepath=printf('%s,%s/vim,%s/vim/after',&runtimepath,g:darkcloudpath,g:darkcloudpath) "Load Colour Scheme: colorscheme darkcloud "Load Settings: runtime config/settings.vim "Init Plugin Loader: runtime bundle/vim-pathogen/autoload/pathogen.vim "Load Plugins: execute pathogen#infect('bundle.pager/{}') "Vimpager Settings: runtime config/vimpager.vim "Load After Config: runtime config/after.vim "}}}