# Darkcloud TMUX Config ## Features * A custom theme that matches the one used in [darkcloud-vimconfig](https://github.com/prurigro/darkcloud-vimconfig). * A bandwidth monitor showing the current upload and download speed of either **eth0** or the device you've set to **$NETDEV**. * Sane defaults and a set of custom key bindings that group similar ideas and make frequently used commands easier to access. * Optional support for powerline fonts that looks oh so much better when they're used :). ![Darkcloud TMUX Config Theme](https://i.imgur.com/Ps3XmMc.png) ## Installation 1. Choose either `tmux.powerline.conf` if powerline fonts are available or `tmux.normal.conf` if they're not, and install it to __/etc/tmux.conf__ for a system-wide install or __~/.tmux.conf__ for a local install. 1. Install **bwrate** to somewhere available in `$PATH` and make it executable (ie: `install -Dm755 bwrate /usr/local/bin/bwrate`) 1. If your network device isn't named `eth0`, set `$NETDEV` to the name of the device you'd like to use somewhere tmux will see it when it runs (ie: `echo 'export NETDEV="wlan0"' >> ~/.bashrc`) ## Key Bindings * **Prefix**: `` ### With Prefix | Key(s) | Behaviour | |-----------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------| | `c` and `c` | Create a new pane and create a new pane in the current directory | | `[` and `]` | Create a new pane to the right and below the current one | | `-` and `=` | Select an even layout vertically and horizontally | | `_` and `+` | Rotate the panes clockwise and counter-clockwise | | `S` | Swap the current pane with the marked one (`M` to mark) | | `,` | Swap the current window with another (using its index) | | `#` | Rename the current window | | `` and `` | Move to the previously selected pane and window | | `` ` `` | Toggle synchronized input between the panes on the current window | | `r` and `R` | Reload /etc/tmux.conf and ~/.tmux.conf | | `F1` and `F2` | Show help for available commands and keyboard bindings | | `W` | Write scrollback buffer to file | | `V` | Enter **copy mode** | | `p` | Paste from the copy buffer | | `P` and `N` | Move to the previous and next session | ### Without Prefix | Key(s) | Behaviour | |-----------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------| | `` | Navigate to the pane in the respective direction | | `n` and `p` | Switch to the next and previous window | | `n` and `p` | Swap the current window with the next and previous window | | `Alt-[0-9]` | Switch to the window with the respective index | | `Alt-?` | Start searching up | ### Copy Mode | Key(s) | Behaviour | |-----------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------| | `v` | Start visually selecting text | | `y` | Copy the selected text | | `` | Exit **copy mode** ## Credits * Written by Kevin MacMartin: [GitHub Projects](https://github.com/prurigro) | [Arch Linux AUR Packages](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=prurigro) ## License This config and the bwrate script are released under the MIT license.