
465 lines
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" "
" Darkcloud Vim Theme: "
" "
" Version: 1.0 "
" Maintainer: Prurigro "
" "
" Acknowledgements:
" I found the jellybeans theme part way through creating
" this one and liked how it scripted compatibility between
" cterm and gui, so I stripped its colours and ported
" my own in, using jellybeans as a functional template.
" As referenced in the original jellybean theme, the set
" of color approximation functions were creaed by Henry
" So, Jr. and David Liang
"remove all the colours before writing our own
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
if has("gui_running") || &t_Co == 88 || &t_Co == 256
let s:low_color = 0
let s:low_color = 1
let colors_name = "darkcloud"
"color approximation funcionality{{{
"approximate the grey index from a given grey level
fun! s:grey_number(x)
if &t_Co == 88
if a:x < 23
return 0
elseif a:x < 69
return 1
elseif a:x < 103
return 2
elseif a:x < 127
return 3
elseif a:x < 150
return 4
elseif a:x < 173
return 5
elseif a:x < 196
return 6
elseif a:x < 219
return 7
elseif a:x < 243
return 8
return 9
if a:x < 14
return 0
let l:n = (a:x - 8) / 10
let l:m = (a:x - 8) % 10
if l:m < 5
return l:n
return l:n + 1
"find the grey level for a given grey index
fun! s:grey_level(n)
if &t_Co == 88
if a:n == 0
return 0
elseif a:n == 1
return 46
elseif a:n == 2
return 92
elseif a:n == 3
return 115
elseif a:n == 4
return 139
elseif a:n == 5
return 162
elseif a:n == 6
return 185
elseif a:n == 7
return 208
elseif a:n == 8
return 231
return 255
if a:n == 0
return 0
return 8 + (a:n * 10)
"find the palette index for a given grey index
fun! s:grey_color(n)
if &t_Co == 88
if a:n == 0
return 16
elseif a:n == 9
return 79
return 79 + a:n
if a:n == 0
return 16
elseif a:n == 25
return 231
return 231 + a:n
"approximate the color index from a given color level
fun! s:rgb_number(x)
if &t_Co == 88
if a:x < 69
return 0
elseif a:x < 172
return 1
elseif a:x < 230
return 2
return 3
if a:x < 75
return 0
let l:n = (a:x - 55) / 40
let l:m = (a:x - 55) % 40
if l:m < 20
return l:n
return l:n + 1
"find the color level for a given color index
fun! s:rgb_level(n)
if &t_Co == 88
if a:n == 0
return 0
elseif a:n == 1
return 139
elseif a:n == 2
return 205
return 255
if a:n == 0
return 0
return 55 + (a:n * 40)
"find the palette index for a set of RGB color indices
fun! s:rgb_color(x, y, z)
if &t_Co == 88
return 16 + (a:x * 16) + (a:y * 4) + a:z
return 16 + (a:x * 36) + (a:y * 6) + a:z
"find the palette index to approximate a set of RGB color levels
fun! s:color(r, g, b)
"get the closest grey
let l:gx = s:grey_number(a:r)
let l:gy = s:grey_number(a:g)
let l:gz = s:grey_number(a:b)
"get the closest color
let l:x = s:rgb_number(a:r)
let l:y = s:rgb_number(a:g)
let l:z = s:rgb_number(a:b)
if l:gx == l:gy && l:gy == l:gz
let l:dgr = s:grey_level(l:gx) - a:r
let l:dgg = s:grey_level(l:gy) - a:g
let l:dgb = s:grey_level(l:gz) - a:b
let l:dgrey = (l:dgr * l:dgr) + (l:dgg * l:dgg) + (l:dgb * l:dgb)
let l:dr = s:rgb_level(l:gx) - a:r
let l:dg = s:rgb_level(l:gy) - a:g
let l:db = s:rgb_level(l:gz) - a:b
let l:drgb = (l:dr * l:dr) + (l:dg * l:dg) + (l:db * l:db)
if l:dgrey < l:drgb
return s:grey_color(l:gx)
return s:rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z)
return s:rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z)
"find the palette index to approximate the 'rrggbb' hex string
fun! s:rgb(rgb)
let l:r = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 0, 2)) + 0
let l:g = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 2, 2)) + 0
let l:b = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 4, 2)) + 0
return s:color(l:r, l:g, l:b)
"sets the highlighting for the given group
fun! s:X(group, fg, bg, attr, lcfg, lcbg)
if s:low_color
let l:fge = empty(a:lcfg)
let l:bge = empty(a:lcbg)
if !l:fge && !l:bge
exec "hi ".a:group." ctermfg=".a:lcfg." ctermbg=".a:lcbg
elseif !l:fge && l:bge
exec "hi ".a:group." ctermfg=".a:lcfg." ctermbg=NONE"
elseif l:fge && !l:bge
exec "hi ".a:group." ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=".a:lcbg
let l:fge = empty(a:fg)
let l:bge = empty(a:bg)
if !l:fge && !l:bge
exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=#".a:fg." guibg=#".a:bg." ctermfg=".s:rgb(a:fg)." ctermbg=".s:rgb(a:bg)
elseif !l:fge && l:bge
exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=#".a:fg." guibg=NONE ctermfg=".s:rgb(a:fg)." ctermbg=NONE"
elseif l:fge && !l:bge
exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=NONE guibg=#".a:bg." ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=".s:rgb(a:bg)
if a:attr == ""
exec "hi ".a:group." gui=none cterm=none"
let noitalic = join(filter(split(a:attr, ","), "v:val !=? 'italic'"), ",")
if empty(noitalic)
let noitalic = "none"
exec "hi ".a:group." gui=".a:attr." cterm=".noitalic
if !exists("g:colorscheme_use_lowcolor_black") || g:colorscheme_use_lowcolor_black
let s:termBlack = "Black"
let s:termBlack = "Grey"
"format: (name ,fg ,bg ,style ,lowcolor-fg,lowcolor-bg)
"exmple: ("Sel","000000","f0f0f0","italic,bold",s:termBlack,"White")
"Default foreground and background
call s:X("Normal","bcbcbc","262626","","White",s:termBlack)
call s:X("Pmenu","87d7ff","303030","","Grey","LightBlue")
call s:X("PmenuSel","87d7ff","4e4e4e","bold","White","Black")
Tweaked the colors and styling of the cursor line/col and visual selection to better differentiate between the two. Changed the match parenthesis to standout with black text so the colour is based on the syntax instead of sometimes becoming invisble when the colours match. Changed the emmit shortcut from <Ctrl-Y> to <Ctrl-Z> for reach, and because it's easier to remember (zencoding). Tweaked some of the keyboard references so their explanation makes it easier to remember the keys. Removed the multiple cursors plugin as it rarely worked, was buggy when it did and would slow things down when accidentally triggered. Chanced read sudo from :rsudo to :esudo to match the usual load command in vim, :e. Emmit is now only initialized in css, html, php and aspx files (feel free to push additional webdev files that would be likely to have css or html). Tried to apply a more consistant style and better organization across the configs. Lowered the distance from the edge of the screen before scrolling and increased the undo history size. Removed the perl omnicompletion script because I was looking to trim things down and don't really use perl myself; my apologies if anyone does though, and you can easily get it back by cloning https://github.com/c9s/perlomni.vim.git into the bundle directory. I also remove the fugitive git plugin because while I do use git, I've just found it to be easier and more natural to run it from outside vim; fans of that one can get it back by cloning https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git into the bundle directory
2014-03-11 03:05:09 -04:00
call s:X("CursorLine","","303030","","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("CursorLineNr","000000","87d7ff","bold",s:termBlack,"Blue")
Tweaked the colors and styling of the cursor line/col and visual selection to better differentiate between the two. Changed the match parenthesis to standout with black text so the colour is based on the syntax instead of sometimes becoming invisble when the colours match. Changed the emmit shortcut from <Ctrl-Y> to <Ctrl-Z> for reach, and because it's easier to remember (zencoding). Tweaked some of the keyboard references so their explanation makes it easier to remember the keys. Removed the multiple cursors plugin as it rarely worked, was buggy when it did and would slow things down when accidentally triggered. Chanced read sudo from :rsudo to :esudo to match the usual load command in vim, :e. Emmit is now only initialized in css, html, php and aspx files (feel free to push additional webdev files that would be likely to have css or html). Tried to apply a more consistant style and better organization across the configs. Lowered the distance from the edge of the screen before scrolling and increased the undo history size. Removed the perl omnicompletion script because I was looking to trim things down and don't really use perl myself; my apologies if anyone does though, and you can easily get it back by cloning https://github.com/c9s/perlomni.vim.git into the bundle directory. I also remove the fugitive git plugin because while I do use git, I've just found it to be easier and more natural to run it from outside vim; fans of that one can get it back by cloning https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git into the bundle directory
2014-03-11 03:05:09 -04:00
call s:X("CursorColumn","","303030","","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("MatchParen","","000000","standout","","000000")
call s:X("TabLine","","000000","","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("TabLineFill","","000000","","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("TabLineSel","000000","ffffff","",s:termBlack,"White")
call s:X("Visual","","000000","standout","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("Cursor","000000","ffff00","underline",s:termBlack,"Yellow")
call s:X("LineNr","ffaf00","","","Red","")
call s:X("Comment","626262","","","Grey","")
call s:X("Todo","5f0000","808080","","Red",s:termBlack)
call s:X("StatusLine","000000","d75f5f","bold",s:termBlack,"Red")
call s:X("StatusLineNC","ffffff","626262","","White","Grey")
call s:X("VertSplit","626262","626262","",s:termBlack,s:termBlack)
call s:X("WildMenu","808080","303030","","White",s:termBlack)
call s:X("Folded","ffaf00","262626","standout","Red",s:termBlack)
call s:X("FoldColumn","ffaf00","262626","bold","Red",s:termBlack)
call s:X("SignColumn","","000000","","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("ColorColumn","","000000","","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("Title","d75f5f","","bold","Red","")
call s:X("Constant","ffaf00","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("Special","ffaf00","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("Delimiter","ffaf00","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("String","ffffff","","","White","")
call s:X("StringDelimiter","ffff00","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("Identifier","87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("Structure","d75f5f","","","Red","")
call s:X("Function","87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("Statement","ffd787","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("PreProc","ffd787","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("Operator","d75f5f","","","Red","")
call s:X("Type","87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("NonText","ffff00","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("SpecialKey","000000","","",s:termBlack,"")
call s:X("Search","ffffff","d75f5f","bold","White","Red")
call s:X("IncSearch","87d7ff","626262","standout","Blue","Grey")
call s:X("Directory","ffff00","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("Question","ffaf00","","","","")
call s:X("ExtraWhitespace","262626","","standout",s:termBlack,"")
call s:X("ErrorMsg","5f0000","ffaf00","bold","DarkRed","Yellow")
hi! link Error ErrorMsg
hi! link MoreMsg Special
"spell checking
call s:X("SpellBad","bcbcbc","262626","undercurl","White",s:termBlack)
call s:X("SpellCap","bcbcbc","262626","undercurl","White",s:termBlack)
call s:X("SpellRare","bcbcbc","262626","undercurl","White",s:termBlack)
call s:X("SpellLocal","bcbcbc","262626","undercurl","White",s:termBlack)
hi! link diffRemoved Constant
hi! link diffAdded String
call s:X("DiffAdd","000000","00ff00","",s:termBlack,"Green")
call s:X("DiffDelete","000000","d75f5f","",s:termBlack,"Red")
call s:X("DiffChange","000000","87d7ff","",s:termBlack,"Blue")
call s:X("DiffText","000000","626262","bold",s:termBlack,"White")
hi! link phpFunctions Function
hi! link phpSuperglobal Identifier
hi! link phpQuoteSingle StringDelimiter
hi! link phpQuoteDouble StringDelimiter
hi! link phpBoolean Constant
hi! link phpNull Constant
hi! link phpArrayPair Operator
"call s:X("StorageClass","","","","","")
hi! link rubySharpBang Comment
hi! link rubyConstant Type
hi! link rubyFunction Function
hi! link rubyGlobalVariable rubyInstanceVariable
hi! link rubyModule rubyClass
hi! link rubyString String
hi! link rubyStringDelimiter StringDelimiter
hi! link rubyInterpolationDelimiter Identifier
"call s:X("rubyClass","","","","","")
"call s:X("rubyIdentifier","","","","","")
"call s:X("rubyInstanceVariable","","","","","")
"call s:X("rubySymbol","","","","","")
"call s:X("rubyControl","","","","","")
"call s:X("rubyRegexpDelimiter","","","","","")
"call s:X("rubyRegexp","","","","","")
"call s:X("rubyRegexpSpecial","","","","","")
"call s:X("rubyPredefinedIdentifier","","","","","")
hi! link javaScriptValue Constant
hi! link javaScriptRegexpString rubyRegexp
hi! link coffeeRegExp javaScriptRegexpString
hi! link luaOperator Conditional
hi! link cOperator Constant
hi! link objcClass Type
hi! link cocoaClass objcClass
hi! link objcSubclass objcClass
hi! link objcSuperclass objcClass
hi! link objcDirective rubyClass
hi! link objcStatement Constant
hi! link cocoaFunction Function
hi! link objcMethodName Identifier
hi! link objcMethodArg Normal
hi! link objcMessageName Identifier
"call s:X("DbgCurrent","","","","","")
"call s:X("DbgBreakPt","","","","","")
call s:X("IndentGuidesOdd","","7c7c7c","","","Grey")
call s:X("IndentGuidesEven","","1c1c1c","","",s:termBlack)
if !exists("g:indent_guides_auto_colors")
let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0
"plugins, etc.
hi! link TagListFileName Directory
"delete functions {{{
delf s:X
delf s:rgb
delf s:color
delf s:rgb_color
delf s:rgb_level
delf s:rgb_number
delf s:grey_color
delf s:grey_level
delf s:grey_number
"lightline statusbar colours {{{
let s:base3 = '#eaeaea'
let s:base23 = '#d0d0d0'
let s:base2 = '#c6c6c6'
let s:base1 = '#b2b2b2'
let s:base0 = '#949494'
let s:base00 = '#767676'
let s:base01 = '#606060'
let s:base02 = '#4e4e4e'
let s:base023 = '#303030'
let s:darkblue = '#005fff'
let s:red = '#d75f5f'
let s:orange = '#ffaf00'
let s:yellow = '#ffd787'
let s:green = '#5faf00'
let s:cyan = '#d7ffff'
let s:blue = '#87d7ff'
let s:p = {'normal': {}, 'inactive': {}, 'insert': {}, 'replace': {}, 'visual': {}, 'tabline': {}}
let s:p.normal.left = [ [ s:base023, s:blue ], [ s:base3, s:base01 ] ]
let s:p.normal.right = [ [ s:base02, s:base1 ], [ s:base2, s:base01 ] ]
let s:p.inactive.right = [ [ s:base02, s:base0 ], [ s:base1, s:base01 ] ]
let s:p.inactive.left = [ [ s:base02, s:base0 ], [ s:base00, s:darkblue ] ]
let s:p.insert.left = [ [ s:base023, s:red ], [ s:base3, s:base01 ] ]
let s:p.replace.left = [ [ s:base023, s:orange ], [ s:base3, s:base01 ] ]
let s:p.visual.left = [ [ s:base023, s:green ], [ s:base3, s:base01 ] ]
let s:p.normal.middle = [ [ s:base1, s:base02 ] ]
let s:p.inactive.abmiddle = [ [ s:base0, s:base02 ] ]
let s:p.tabline.left = [ [ s:base2, s:base01 ] ]
let s:p.tabline.tabsel = [ [ s:base2, s:base023 ] ]
let s:p.tabline.middle = [ [ s:base01, s:base1 ] ]
let s:p.tabline.right = copy(s:p.normal.right)
let s:p.normal.error = [ [ s:red, s:base023 ] ]
let s:p.normal.warning = [ [ s:yellow, s:base02 ] ]
let g:lightline#colorscheme#darkcloud#palette = lightline#colorscheme#fill(s:p)
"theme config (powerline fonts)
if powerlinefonts == 1
let g:lightline = {'colorscheme': 'darkcloud', 'active': {'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ], [ 'fugitive', 'readonly', 'filename', 'modified' ] ]}, 'component': {'readonly': '%{&readonly?"":""}', 'modified': '%{&filetype=="help"?"":&modified?"+":&modifiable?"":"-"}','fugitive': '%{exists("*fugitive#head")?fugitive#head():""}'},'component_visible_condition': {'readonly': '(&filetype!="help"&& &readonly)','modified': '(&filetype!="help"&&(&modified||!&modifiable))', 'fugitive': '(exists("*fugitive#head") && ""!=fugitive#head())'}, 'separator': {'left': '', 'right': ''}, 'subseparator': {'left': '', 'right': ''}}
let g:lightline = {'colorscheme': 'darkcloud','active': {'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ], [ 'fugitive', 'readonly', 'filename', 'modified' ] ]},'component': {'readonly': '%{&readonly?"x":""}', 'modified': '%{&filetype=="help"?"":&modified?"+":&modifiable?"":"-"}', 'fugitive': '%{exists("*fugitive#head")?fugitive#head():""}'},'component_visible_condition': {'readonly': '(&filetype!="help"&& &readonly)','modified': '(&filetype!="help"&&(&modified||!&modifiable))', 'fugitive': '(exists("*fugitive#head") && ""!=fugitive#head())'},'separator': {'left': '', 'right': ''},'subseparator': {'left': '|', 'right': '|'}}