mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 12:38:46 -05:00
Tweaked the theme and syntax definitions a bit more. Configured the
file manager's theme, settings and keyboard mappings. Played around with the keyboard mappings in general quite a bit more. All the toggles output what they're doing now, though not their actual status in most cases at this point, and only in normal mode. The bottom scrollbar is now part of the gui scrollbar toggle as it turned out it can be auto-disabled when the content isn't wide enough anyway. I realized a bad hack to get visual paste ontop to work without replacing the paste buffer with whatever it was pasting over meant that pasting at the start and end of the line would leave issues with spacing, so I found a plugin that fixed the problem the right way and hooked things up through that.. Whether syntax checking is enabled by default or needs to be toggled on can now be set in the vimrc. Some small bugfixes and improvements were also made.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 154 additions and 109 deletions
@ -55,3 +55,6 @@
[submodule "vim/bundle/syntastic"]
path = vim/bundle/syntastic
url = https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic.git
[submodule "vim/bundle/ReplaceWithRegister"]
path = vim/bundle/ReplaceWithRegister
url = https://github.com/vim-scripts/ReplaceWithRegister.git
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit c77ef9d4e6e9572002274fe985e87c4d8b335d52
@ -266,12 +266,12 @@ else
let s:termBlack = "Grey"
"format: ('name','fg ','bg ','style ',s:lowcolor-fg,'lowcolor-bg')
"example:('Line','000000','f0f0f0','italic,bold',s:termBlack ,'White')
call s:X("Visual","","262626","standout","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("Cursor","","262626","standout,bold,underline","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("Cursor","","000000","standout,bold,underline","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("Pmenu","87d7ff","303030","","Grey","Blue")
call s:X("PmenuSel","87d7ff","4e4e4e","bold","White","Black")
@ -314,8 +314,8 @@ call s:X("PreProc","ffd787","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("Operator","d75f5f","","","Red","")
call s:X("NonText","87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("SpecialKey","000000","","",s:termBlack,"")
call s:X("Search","000000","87d7ff","bold",s:termBlack,"Blue")
call s:X("IncSearch","","","standout","","")
call s:X("Search","87d7ff","262626","standout","Blue",s:termBlack)
call s:X("IncSearch","87d7ff","262626","standout,bold","Blue",s:termBlack)
call s:X("Directory","87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("Question","87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("ExtraWhitespace","262626","","standout",s:termBlack,"")
@ -409,7 +409,18 @@ call s:X("rubyGlobalVariable","","","bold","","")
hi! link luaOperator Conditional
"syntastic error checking
call s:X("IndentGuidesOdd","","7c7c7c","","","Grey")
call s:X("IndentGuidesEven","","1c1c1c","","",s:termBlack)
if !exists("g:indent_guides_auto_colors")
let g:indent_guides_auto_colors=0
hi! link TagListFileName Directory
call s:X("SyntasticError","d75f5f","","standout,bold","Red","")
call s:X("SyntasticWarning","ffd787","","standout,bold","Yellow","")
hi! link SyntasticErrorLine SyntasticError
@ -419,16 +430,7 @@ hi! link SyntasticWarningSign Statement
hi! link qfSeparator Delimiter
hi! link qfLineNr SyntasticError
call s:X("IndentGuidesOdd","","7c7c7c","","","Grey")
call s:X("IndentGuidesEven","","1c1c1c","","",s:termBlack)
if !exists("g:indent_guides_auto_colors")
let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0
"plugins, etc.
hi! link TagListFileName Directory
"delete functions {{{
delf s:X
delf s:rgb
@ -441,7 +443,7 @@ hi! link TagListFileName Directory
delf s:grey_number
"lightline statusbar colours {{{
"colour presets (used with lightline) {{{
let s:base3 = '#eaeaea'
let s:base23 = '#d0d0d0'
let s:base2 = '#c6c6c6'
@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
" Reference: (view plugin documentation for the full list of commands each offers)
" <Leader>q | (N) -> toggle display of the quickfix list
" <Leader>l | (N) -> toggle display of the location list
" ds" | (N) -> delete surrounding ""
" cs'" | (N) -> change surrounding '' to "" (any delimiters work)
" cs"<q> | (N) -> change surrounding "" to the tag: <q></q>
" cst" | (N) -> change any surrounding tag to ""
" ds" | (N) -> delete surrounding ""
" Mappings:
" (mouse)
@ -25,22 +25,24 @@
" <Shift-MiddleClick> | (A) -> unbind this from vim so xorg can paste
" (tabs)
" <Ctrl-t> | (A) -> open a new tab
" <Ctrl-n> | (A) -> go to the next open tab
" <Ctrl-p> | (A) -> go to the previous open tab
" <Ctrl-t> | (A) -> open a new tab
" `<Ctrl-t> | (N) -> create a new tab with vimfiler
" (toggles)
" `` | (N) -> toggle the vimfiler sidebar on the left
" ~~ | (N) -> toggle the vimfiler sidebar on the right
" <Space> | (N) -> toggle folds
" <F1> | (A) -> toggle line numbers
" <F2> | (A) -> toggle row/column highlighting
" <F2> | (A) -> toggle row/column cursor highlighting
" <F3> | (A) -> toggle line wrapping
" <F4> | (A) -> toggle all folds
" <F5> | (A) -> toggle spell check
" <F6> | (A) -> toggle syntax checking
" <F9> | (A) -> toggle the gundo undo history sidebar
" <Shift-F9> | (A) -> toggle the tagbar sidebar
" <Ctrl-F9> | (A) -> toggle the error list
" `` | (N) -> toggle the filer explorer sidebar
" <Ctrl-F9> | (A) -> toggle the location/error list
" (gvim toggles)
" <Ctrl-F1> | (A) -> toggle the menu
@ -63,6 +65,7 @@
" <Leader><C-w> | (N) -> remove whitespace
" <Leader><C-t> | (N) -> convert tabs into spaces
" <Leader>\ | (N) -> remove search highlighting
" <Leader><Esc> | (N) -> an alt mapping to remove search highlighting
" <Tab> | (V) -> indent all the lines currently selected
" <Tab> | (N) -> indent the current line
" <Shift-Tab> | (V) -> unindent all the lines currently selected
@ -75,32 +78,43 @@
" <Ctrl-Right> | (N) -> move to the end of the line
" <Ctrl-Left> | (N) -> move to the beginning of the non-whitespace
" <Shift-Up> | (N) -> move a few lines up
" <Shift-Down> | (N) -> move a few lines down
" <Shift-Right> | (N) -> move a few lines right
" <Shift-Left> | (N) -> move a few lines left
" (selection)
" <Ctrl-a> | (V) -> select all
" <Ctrl-a> | (N) -> select all
" <Leader>a | (V) -> select all
" <Leader>a | (N) -> select all
" <Shift-Up> | (V) -> toggle selection of all text above the cursor
" <Shift-Up> | (N) -> select all text above the cursor
" <Shift-Down> | (V) -> toggle selection of all text below the cursor
" <Shift-Down> | (N) -> select all text below the cursor
" <Shift-Right> | (V) -> toggle selection of all text to the right of the cursor
" <Shift-Right> | (N) -> select all text to the right of the cursor
" <Shift-Left> | (V) -> toggle selection of all non-whitespace to the left
" <Shift-Left> | (N) -> select all non-whitespace to the left
" <Ctrl-a> | (N) -> select all text
" <Leader>a | (N) -> select all text
" <Ctrl-a> | (V) -> select all text
" <Leader>a | (V) -> select all text
" <Ctrl-Up> | (V) -> select all text above
" <Ctrl-Down> | (V) -> select all text below
" <Ctrl-Right> | (V) -> select all text to the right
" <Ctrl-Left> | (V) -> select all text to the left up to the indent
" <Shift-Up> | (V) -> select a few lines up
" <Shift-Down> | (V) -> select a few lines down
" <Shift-Right> | (V) -> select a few lines right
" <Shift-Left> | (V) -> select a few lines left
" (vimdiff)
" <Leader>> | (N) -> update differences
" <Leader>< | (N) -> an alt mapping to update differences
" >> | (N) -> next difference
" << | (N) -> previous difference
" >< | (N) -> replace diff in current pane with other pane
" <> | (N) -> replace diff in other pane with current pane
" (paste)
" y | (N) -> copies the character
" p | (V) -> paste and replace the currently selected text
" P | (V) -> paste and replace the currently selected text
" (paste functions)
" <Leader>p | (N) -> view the paste buffers and register contents
" <Leader>p<Direction> | (N) -> paste in the direction entered
" y | (N) -> copies the character at the cursor
" P | (V) -> save selection to the buffer and paste over
" p | (V) -> preserve the buffer pasting over selected text
" (delete/cut functions)
" <Leader>d | (V) -> delete the currently selected text
" <Leader>x | (V) -> delete the currently selected text
" <Leader>x | (N) -> delete the char(s) under and the cursor
@ -130,79 +144,80 @@
"move to the next and previous tabs
nnoremap <silent><expr> <C-t> ':tabnew<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <C-n> ':tabnext<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <C-p> ':tabprev<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <C-t> ':tabnew<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> `<C-t> ':VimFiler -tab -project<CR>'
"bindings to trigger vimfiler
nnoremap <silent><expr> `` ':VimFilerExplorer -direction=topleft -winwidth=45<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> ~~ ':VimFilerExplorer -direction=botright -winwidth=45<CR>'
"toggle folded code at foldpoints
nnoremap <Space> za
"unmap F1 from help then map it to toggle the display of line numbers
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F1> ':set number!<CR>'
vnoremap <silent><expr> <F1> '<Esc>:set number!<CR>v'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F1> ':set number!<CR>:echo "Line numbers toggled"<CR>'
xnoremap <silent><expr> <F1> '<Esc>:set number!<CR>v'
inoremap <silent><expr> <F1> '<C-O>:set number!<CR>'
"toggle the cursor line and column
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F2> ':set cursorline! cursorcolumn!<CR>'
vnoremap <silent><expr> <F2> '<Esc>:set cursorline! cursorcolumn!<CR>v'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F2> ':set cursorline! cursorcolumn!<CR>:echo "Cursor crosshair toggled"<CR>'
xnoremap <silent><expr> <F2> '<Esc>:set cursorline! cursorcolumn!<CR>v'
inoremap <silent><expr> <F2> '<C-O>:set cursorline! cursorcolumn!<CR>'
"toggle line wrapping (and bottom bar if using the gui)
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F3> ':set wrap! go'.'-+'[&wrap]."=b\r"
vnoremap <silent><expr> <F3> '<Esc>:set wrap! go'.'-+'[&wrap]."=b\rv"
inoremap <silent><expr> <F3> '<C-O>:set wrap! go'.'-+'[&wrap]."=b\r"
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F3> ':echo "Line wrapping toggled"<CR>:set wrap!<CR>'
xnoremap <silent><expr> <F3> '<Esc>:set wrap!<CR>v'
inoremap <silent><expr> <F3> '<C-O>:set wrap!<CR>'
"toggle all folds
nnoremap <F4> zi
vnoremap <F4> <Esc>ziv
nnoremap <F4> zi:echo "Code Folding Toggled"<CR>
xnoremap <F4> <Esc>ziv
inoremap <F4> <C-O>zi
"toggle spellcheck
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F5> ':set spell!<CR>'
vnoremap <silent><expr> <F5> '<Esc>:set spell!<CR>v'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F5> ':set spell!<CR>:echo "Spell checking toggled"<CR>'
xnoremap <silent><expr> <F5> '<Esc>:set spell!<CR>v'
inoremap <silent><expr> <F5> '<C-O>:set spell!<CR>'
"toggle syntax checking
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F6> ':SyntasticToggleMode<CR>'
vnoremap <silent><expr> <F6> '<Esc>:SyntasticToggleMode<CR>v'
xnoremap <silent><expr> <F6> '<Esc>:SyntasticToggleMode<CR>v'
inoremap <silent><expr> <F6> '<C-O>:SyntasticToggleMode<CR>'
"bindings to trigger the gundo undo history
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F9> ':GundoToggle<CR>'
vnoremap <silent><expr> <F9> '<Esc>:GundoToggle<CR>v'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F9> ':GundoToggle<CR>:echo "Undo history sidebar toggled"<CR>'
xnoremap <silent><expr> <F9> '<Esc>:GundoToggle<CR>v'
inoremap <silent><expr> <F9> '<C-O>:GundoToggle<CR>'
"bindings to trigger the tagbar list of tags
nnoremap <silent><expr> <S-F9> ':TagbarToggle<CR>'
vnoremap <silent><expr> <S-F9> '<Esc>:TagbarToggle<CR>v'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <S-F9> ':TagbarToggle<CR>:echo "Code tagbar toggled"<CR>'
xnoremap <silent><expr> <S-F9> '<Esc>:TagbarToggle<CR>v'
inoremap <silent><expr> <S-F9> '<C-O>:TagbarToggle<CR>'
"bindings to trigger the tagbar list of errors
nmap <script> <silent> <C-F9> :call ToggleLocationList()<CR>
"bindings to trigger the filer explorer
nnoremap <silent><expr> `` ':VimFilerExplorer -winwidth=30<CR>'
nmap <script> <silent> <C-F9> :call ToggleLocationList()<CR>:echo "Error/Location list toggled"<CR>
"map toggles for the menu, toolbar and vertical scrollbar
nnoremap <silent><expr> <C-F1> ":if &go=~#'m'<Bar>set go-=m<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=m<Bar>endif<CR>"
nnoremap <silent><expr> <C-F1> ":if &go=~#'m'<Bar>set go-=m<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=m<Bar>endif<CR>:echo 'Menu bar toggled'<CR>"
vnoremap <silent><expr> <C-F1> "<Esc>:if &go=~#'m'<Bar>set go-=m<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=m<Bar>endif<CR>v"
inoremap <silent><expr> <C-F1> "<C-O>:if &go=~#'m'<Bar>set go-=m<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=m<Bar>endif<CR>"
nnoremap <silent><expr> <C-F2> ":if &go=~#'T'<Bar>set go-=T<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=T<Bar>endif<CR>"
nnoremap <silent><expr> <C-F2> ":if &go=~#'T'<Bar>set go-=T<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=T<Bar>endif<CR>:echo 'Toolbar toggled'<CR>"
vnoremap <silent><expr> <C-F2> "<Esc>:if &go=~#'T'<Bar>set go-=T<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=T<Bar>endif<CR>v"
inoremap <silent><expr> <C-F2> "<C-O>:if &go=~#'T'<Bar>set go-=T<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=T<Bar>endif<CR>"
nnoremap <silent><expr> <C-F3> ":if &go=~#'r'<Bar>set go-=r<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=r<Bar>endif<CR>"
vnoremap <silent><expr> <C-F3> "<Esc>:if &go=~#'r'<Bar>set go-=r<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=r<Bar>endif<CR>v"
inoremap <silent><expr> <C-F3> "<C-O>:if &go=~#'r'<Bar>set go-=r<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=r<Bar>endif<CR>"
nnoremap <silent><expr> <C-F3> ":if &go=~#'r'<Bar>set go-=r<Bar>set go-=L<Bar>set go-=b<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=r<Bar>set go+=L<Bar>set go+=b<Bar>endif<CR>:echo 'Scrollbars toggled'<CR>"
vnoremap <silent><expr> <C-F3> "<Esc>:if &go=~#'r'<Bar>set go-=r<Bar>set go-=L<Bar>set go-=b<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=r<Bar>set go+=L<Bar>set go+=b<Bar>endif<CR>v"
inoremap <silent><expr> <C-F3> "<C-O>:if &go=~#'r'<Bar>set go-=r<Bar>set go-=L<Bar>set go-=b<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=r<Bar>set go+=L<Bar>set go+=b<Bar>endif<CR>"
"emmet switch triggerkey from <Ctrl-Y>
let g:user_emmet_leader_key='<Leader>,'
@ -226,10 +241,11 @@
nnoremap <Backspace> i<Backspace><Esc>l
"formatting options to apply to the whole document
nnoremap <Leader><C-f> mzgg=G`z<CR>
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader><C-w> ':FixWhitespace<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader><C-t> ':retab<CR>:noh<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>/ ':noh<CR>'
nnoremap <Leader><C-f> mzgg=G`z<CR>:echo "The document has been formatted"<CR>
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader><C-w> ':FixWhitespace<CR>:echo "Trailing whitespace has been removed"<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader><C-t> ':retab<CR>:noh<CR>:echo "Tabs have been converted to spaces"<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>/ ':noh<CR>:echo "Search results have been cleared"<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader><Esc> ':noh<CR>:echo "Search results have been cleared"<CR>'
"tab and untab the currently selected lines
vnoremap <Tab> >gv
@ -242,7 +258,13 @@
"additional mappings for easier access
nnoremap = +
"remap keys to scroll through text
"remap keys for speedier movement
nnoremap <S-Up> 4k
nnoremap <S-Down> 4j
nnoremap <S-Right> 6l
nnoremap <S-Left> 6h
"remap keys to scroll to the end in a direction
nnoremap <C-Up> gg0
nnoremap <C-Down> G$
nnoremap <C-Right> $
@ -250,24 +272,29 @@
"map remap keys to select text
vnoremap <C-a> <Esc>gg0vG$
"ctrl-a to select all (and an alt for screen users)
nnoremap <C-a> gg0vG$
vnoremap <Leader>a <Esc>gg0vG$
nnoremap <Leader>a gg0vG$
vnoremap <S-Up> gg0
nnoremap <S-Up> vgg0
vnoremap <S-Down> G$
nnoremap <S-Down> vG$
vnoremap <S-Right> $
nnoremap <S-Right> v$
vnoremap <S-Left> ^
nnoremap <S-Left> v^
xnoremap <C-a> <Esc>gg0vG$
xnoremap <Leader>a <Esc>gg0vG$
xnoremap <Leader>a gg0vG$
"map remap keys for speedier text selection
xnoremap <S-Up> 4k
xnoremap <S-Down> 4j
xnoremap <S-Right> 6l
xnoremap <S-Left> 6h
"remap keys to select all text in one direction
xnoremap <C-Up> gg0
xnoremap <C-Down> G$
xnoremap <C-Right> $
xnoremap <C-Left> ^
"map shortcuts for vimdiff
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>> ':diffu<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>< ':diffu<CR>'
nnoremap >> ]c
nnoremap << [c
nnoremap <> dp
@ -278,12 +305,15 @@
"display contents of paste buffers
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>p ':reg<CR>'
"allow y to copy in normal mode
"allow y to copy a single character in normal mode
nnoremap y vy<Esc>
"alternatives that preserve the paste buffer
vnoremap p "_dP
vnoremap P "_dP
"P puts text it replaces in the buffer and p does not
vnoremap P p
xmap p <Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterVisual
nmap <Leader>p <Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterOperator
"Alternatives to deletion commands that don't replace the buffer
vnoremap <Leader>x "_x
nnoremap <Leader>x "_x
vnoremap <Leader>X "_X
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
"status bar config with and without powerline fonts
if powerlinefonts == 1
if (powerlinefonts == 1)
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'darkcloud',
\ 'active': {
@ -153,20 +153,44 @@
let g:vim_markdown_initial_foldlevel=2
if (autochecksyntax == 1)
let g:syntastic_mode_map = {'mode':'active','active_filetypes':[],'passive_filetypes':[]}
let g:syntastic_check_on_open=1
let g:syntastic_mode_map = {'mode':'passive','active_filetypes':[],'passive_filetypes':[]}
let g:syntastic_check_on_open=0
let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list=1
let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list=1
let g:syntastic_loc_list_height=5
let g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer=1
let g:vimfiler_safe_mode_by_default=0
let g:vimfiler_enable_auto_cd=1
let g:vimfiler_tree_indentation=2
let g:vimfiler_explorer_columns='type:time'
let g:vimfiler_tree_closed_icon='▸'
let g:vimfiler_tree_opened_icon='▾'
let g:vimfiler_file_icon='-'
let g:vimfiler_marked_file_icon='+'
"edit files by double clicking them
"edit files by double clicking them, and justify the cursor on the left
autocmd FileType vimfiler nmap <buffer> <2-LeftMouse> <Plug>(vimfiler_edit_file)
autocmd FileType vimfiler nmap <buffer> <LeftMouse> <LeftMouse>0
autocmd FileType vimfiler nmap <buffer> <MiddleMouse> <LeftMouse>0
autocmd FileType vimfiler nmap <buffer> <RightMouse> <LeftMouse>0
autocmd FileType vimfiler nmap <buffer> <Right> l
autocmd FileType vimfiler nmap <buffer> <Left> h
autocmd FileType vimfiler setlocal nonumber wrap
autocmd FileType vimfiler setlocal nocursorcolumn
"open automatically if vim was run without any files
autocmd VimEnter * if !argc() | VimFiler -project | endif
autocmd VimEnter * if !argc() | VimFiler -quit -project | endif
"filetype associations (just a sample to show how it can work)
"if has('unix')
@ -209,10 +233,3 @@
let g:neocomplcache_omni_patterns.objc='\h\w\+\|\h\w*\%(\.\|->\)\h\w*'
let g:neocomplcache_omni_patterns.objj='[\[ \.]\w\+$\|:\w*$'
let g:syntastic_check_on_open=1
let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list=1
let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list=1
let g:syntastic_loc_list_height=5
@ -91,16 +91,5 @@
set guicursor+=a:blinkon0 "disable the blinking cursor
set guioptions-=T "remove the toolbar
set guioptions-=m "remove the toolbar
if &wrap
set go-=b "disable the bottom scrollbar on launch iff text wrapping is enabled
set go+=b "enable the bottom scrollbar on launch iff text wrapping is disabled
"disable the bottom scrollbar if currently the vimfiler
autocmd FileType vimfiler set go-=b
set guioptions=aegi
@ -21,11 +21,14 @@
"Powerline Font Support: (1:enabled, 0:disabled)
let powerlinefonts=1
"Syntax Checking Enabled: (1:enabled, 0:must be toggled on)
let autochecksyntax=1
"GVim Font Selection: (term font set by terminal)
set guifont=Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ 12
"Add Config Directory: (distro-agnostic system-wide)
set runtimepath+=/etc/vim
set runtimepath+=/etc/vim,/etc/vim/after
"Load Settings:
runtime config/settings.vim
Add table
Reference in a new issue