mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 20:09:58 -04:00
uploading gitmodules for gitgutter. tweaked the keybindings and
settings for diff so its settings will be enabled by default when it's being used regardless of where it gets initiated, and won't be used at all when it's not initiated. Improved vimdiff settings in general. Improved the help popup tab (it's now sized exactly to the width of the help page). The theme now takes colour hex codes with or without #s at the start so they can be used with the coloresque plugin to show the colours while editing. The theme now considers gitgutter. vimdiff now uses <leader>> and <leader>< to make a change because I realized the current way was leading to changes being made when you reversed direction.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 138 additions and 128 deletions
@ -94,3 +94,6 @@
[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-expand-region"]
path = vim/bundle/vim-expand-region
url = https://github.com/terryma/vim-expand-region.git
[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter"]
path = vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter
url = https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter.git
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
* **Custom Configuration**: Settings with priority over those set by darkcloud-vimconfig can be added to a file named __vimrc.user__, located in __darkcloud-vimconfig/vim/__ or any of the folders in the runtimepath.
* **Custom Plugins**: Pathogen compatible plugins can be cloned or extracted to "darkcloud-vimconfig/vim/bundle.user/", or a folder named "bundle" or "bundle.user" in any of the folders in the runtimepath.
* **Custom Snippets**: To add or override Emmet snippets, create __~/.vim/snippets.json__ and add your own definitions using json like shown in the [Emmet Documentation](http://docs.emmet.io/customization/snippets/).
* **File Associations**: To use the file manager in vim to run files with external programs, create "~/.vim/filetypes.vimcall" and on each line, write an association between a file extension and the program to launch files of that type that looks like: `call vimfiler#set_execute_file('mp4','xdg-open')`.
* **File Associations**: To use the file manager in vim to run files with external programs, create "~/.vim/filetypes.vim" and on each line, write an association between a file extension and the program to launch files of that type that looks like: `call vimfiler#set_execute_file('mp4','xdg-open')`.
* **Update Script**: (requires: bash+git) Update the project and its submodules using the same "update" script in the root of darkcloud-vimconfig as the one used to download the plugins.
* **Generate System Tags**: (requires: bash+ctags) Generate a list of ctags for your system libraries in __/usr/include__ and __/usr/local/include__ as well as any folders passed as arguments by running the __gentags__ script.
* **Fix TMux Keys**: (requires: tmux): Add the following settings to tmux to ensure the colour scheme gets loaded and all the keyboard combinations work: `set -g default-terminal "screen-256color` and `set-window-option -g xterm-keys on`
@ -237,15 +237,17 @@ let colors_name = "darkcloud"
exec "hi ".a:group." ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=".a:lcbg
let l:fge = empty(a:fg)
let l:bge = empty(a:bg)
let l:fgs = substitute(a:fg, '^#', '', '')
let l:bgs = substitute(a:bg, '^#', '', '')
let l:fge = empty(l:fgs)
let l:bge = empty(l:bgs)
if !l:fge && !l:bge
exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=#".a:fg." guibg=#".a:bg." ctermfg=".s:rgb(a:fg)." ctermbg=".s:rgb(a:bg)
exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=#".l:fgs." guibg=#".l:bgs." ctermfg=".s:rgb(l:fgs)." ctermbg=".s:rgb(l:bgs)
elseif !l:fge && l:bge
exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=#".a:fg." guibg=NONE ctermfg=".s:rgb(a:fg)." ctermbg=NONE"
exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=#".l:fgs." guibg=NONE ctermfg=".s:rgb(l:fgs)." ctermbg=NONE"
elseif l:fge && !l:bge
exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=NONE guibg=#".a:bg." ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=".s:rgb(a:bg)
exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=NONE guibg=#".l:bgs." ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=".s:rgb(l:bgs)
@ -280,72 +282,72 @@ hi SpellLocal guisp=NONE gui=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NON
"example:('Line','000000','f0f0f0','italic,bold',s:termBlack ,'White')
"core style
call s:X("Normal","eaeaea","262626","","White",s:termBlack)
call s:X("Normal","#eaeaea","#262626","","White",s:termBlack)
hi Normal ctermfg=254 ctermbg=235
call s:X("Cursor","","262626","standout,underline,bold",s:termBlack,"White")
call s:X("CursorColumn","","303030","","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("Cursor","","#262626","standout,underline,bold",s:termBlack,"White")
call s:X("CursorColumn","","#303030","","",s:termBlack)
hi CursorColumn ctermbg=236
call s:X("CursorLine","","303030","","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("CursorLine","","#303030","","",s:termBlack)
hi CursorLine ctermbg=236
call s:X("CursorLineNr","87d7ff","303030","bold","Blue",s:termBlack)
call s:X("CursorLineNr","#87d7ff","#303030","bold","Blue",s:termBlack)
hi CursorLineNr ctermbg=236
call s:X("LineNr","4e4e4e","","bold","White",s:termBlack)
call s:X("LineNr","#4e4e4e","","bold","White",s:termBlack)
hi LineNr ctermfg=239
call s:X("Visual","","262626","standout","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("MatchParen","ffffff","","bold,underline","","")
call s:X("Visual","","#262626","standout","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("MatchParen","#ffffff","","bold,underline","","")
call s:X("TabLine","","000000","","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("TabLineFill","","000000","","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("TabLineSel","000000","d0d0d0","",s:termBlack,"White")
call s:X("ExtraWhitespace","262626","","standout",s:termBlack,"")
call s:X("TabLine","","#000000","","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("TabLineFill","","#000000","","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("TabLineSel","#000000","#d0d0d0","",s:termBlack,"White")
call s:X("ExtraWhitespace","#262626","","standout",s:termBlack,"")
"menu call
call s:X("Pmenu","87d7ff","303030","","Grey","Blue")
call s:X("PmenuSel","87d7ff","4e4e4e","bold","White","Black")
call s:X("Pmenu","#87d7ff","#303030","","Grey","Blue")
call s:X("PmenuSel","#87d7ff","#4e4e4e","bold","White","Black")
call s:X("Search","87d7ff","262626","standout","Blue",s:termBlack)
call s:X("IncSearch","87d7ff","262626","standout,bold","Blue",s:termBlack)
call s:X("Search","#87d7ff","#262626","standout","Blue",s:termBlack)
call s:X("IncSearch","#87d7ff","#262626","standout,bold","Blue",s:termBlack)
"status line
call s:X("StatusLine","000000","d75f5f","bold",s:termBlack,"Red")
call s:X("StatusLineNC","ffffff","626262","","White","Grey")
call s:X("VertSplit","626262","626262","",s:termBlack,s:termBlack)
call s:X("WildMenu","808080","303030","","White",s:termBlack)
call s:X("StatusLine","#000000","#d75f5f","bold",s:termBlack,"Red")
call s:X("StatusLineNC","#ffffff","#626262","","White","Grey")
call s:X("VertSplit","#626262","#626262","",s:termBlack,s:termBlack)
call s:X("WildMenu","#808080","#303030","","White",s:termBlack)
call s:X("Folded","87d7ff","4e4e4e","bold","Blue",s:termBlack)
call s:X("FoldColumn","87d7ff","","bold","Blue","")
call s:X("SignColumn","ffaf00","","bold","Red","")
call s:X("Folded","#87d7ff","#4e4e4e","bold","Blue",s:termBlack)
call s:X("FoldColumn","#87d7ff","","bold","Blue","")
call s:X("SignColumn","#ffaf00","","bold","Red","")
hi! link ColorColumn SignColumn
"syntax style
call s:X("Title","d75f5f","","underline","Red","")
call s:X("Comment","6c6c6c","","italic","Grey","")
call s:X("Constant","87d7ff","","bold","Blue","")
call s:X("Special","ffd787","","bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("Delimiter","ffffff","","","White","")
call s:X("String","ffffff","","italic","White","")
call s:X("StringDelimiter","d0d0d0","","","White","")
call s:X("Identifier","87d7ff","","bold","Blue","")
call s:X("Type","d75f5f","","bold","Red","")
call s:X("Function","87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("Label","d75f5f","","","Red","")
call s:X("Statement","ffd787","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("PreProc","ffd787","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("Keyword","ffd787","","bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("Operator","d75f5f","","","Red","")
call s:X("NonText","87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("SpecialKey","626262","","",s:termBlack,"")
call s:X("Directory","87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("Question","87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("Todo","d75f5f","","bold","Red","")
call s:X("Title","#d75f5f","","underline","Red","")
call s:X("Comment","#6c6c6c","","italic","Grey","")
call s:X("Constant","#87d7ff","","bold","Blue","")
call s:X("Special","#ffd787","","bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("Delimiter","#ffffff","","","White","")
call s:X("String","#ffffff","","italic","White","")
call s:X("StringDelimiter","#d0d0d0","","","White","")
call s:X("Identifier","#87d7ff","","bold","Blue","")
call s:X("Type","#d75f5f","","bold","Red","")
call s:X("Function","#87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("Label","#d75f5f","","","Red","")
call s:X("Statement","#ffd787","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("PreProc","#ffd787","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("Keyword","#ffd787","","bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("Operator","#d75f5f","","","Red","")
call s:X("NonText","#87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("SpecialKey","#626262","","",s:termBlack,"")
call s:X("Directory","#87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("Question","#87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("Todo","#d75f5f","","bold","Red","")
call s:X("Error","d75f5f","000000","standout","Red",s:termBlack)
call s:X("Error","#d75f5f","#000000","standout","Red",s:termBlack)
hi! link WarningMsg Error
hi! link ErrorMsg Error
hi! link MoreMsg Special
@ -353,30 +355,32 @@ hi! link Structure PreProc
hi! link Number Type
hi! link diffRemoved Constant
hi! link diffAdded String
call s:X("DiffAdd","000000","ffd787","italic",s:termBlack,"Yellow")
call s:X("DiffDelete","000000","d75f5f","italic",s:termBlack,"Red")
call s:X("DiffChange","000000","87d7ff","italic",s:termBlack,"Blue")
call s:X("DiffText","000000","c6c6c6","italic",s:termBlack,"White")
call s:X("DiffAdd","#000000","#ffd787","italic",s:termBlack,"Yellow")
call s:X("DiffDelete","#000000","#d75f5f","italic",s:termBlack,"Red")
call s:X("DiffChange","#000000","#87d7ff","italic",s:termBlack,"Blue")
call s:X("DiffText","#000000","#c6c6c6","italic",s:termBlack,"White")
hi! link gitconfigAssignment Label
call s:X("GitGutterAdd","#ffd787","","bold","","Yellow")
call s:X("GitGutterDelete","#d75f5f","","bold","","Red")
call s:X("GitGutterChange","#87d7ff","","bold","","Blue")
call s:X("GitGutterChangeDelete","#87d7ff","","bold","","Blue")
call s:X("htmlTitle","ffffff","","underline,bold","White","")
call s:X("htmlH1","d75f5f","","underline,bold","Red","")
call s:X("htmlH2","ffd787","","underline,bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("htmlH3","87d7ff","","underline,bold","Blue","")
call s:X("htmlH4","d75f5f","","underline","Red","")
call s:X("htmlH5","ffd787","","underline","Yellow","")
call s:X("htmlH6","87d7ff","","underline","Blue","")
call s:X("htmlTitle","#ffffff","","underline,bold","White","")
call s:X("htmlH1","#d75f5f","","underline,bold","Red","")
call s:X("htmlH2","#ffd787","","underline,bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("htmlH3","#87d7ff","","underline,bold","Blue","")
call s:X("htmlH4","#d75f5f","","underline","Red","")
call s:X("htmlH5","#ffd787","","underline","Yellow","")
call s:X("htmlH6","#87d7ff","","underline","Blue","")
call s:X("htmlSpecialChar","","","italic","","")
call s:X("htmlArg","d75f5f","","bold","Red","")
call s:X("htmlTagName","ffd787","","bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("htmlTag","87d7ff","","bold","Blue","")
call s:X("commentURL","ffd787","","italic,underline","Yellow","")
call s:X("htmlLink","ffd787","","underline","Yellow","")
call s:X("htmlArg","#d75f5f","","bold","Red","")
call s:X("htmlTagName","#ffd787","","bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("htmlTag","#87d7ff","","bold","Blue","")
call s:X("commentURL","#ffd787","","italic,underline","Yellow","")
call s:X("htmlLink","#ffd787","","underline","Yellow","")
hi! link phpFunctions Function
@ -400,7 +404,7 @@ hi! link javascriptDomElemFuncs javaScriptFunction
hi! link coffeeRegExp javaScriptRegexpString
call s:X("cBraces","ffd787","","","Yellow","")
call s:X("cBraces","#ffd787","","","Yellow","")
hi! link cBlock cBraces
hi! link cOperator cBraces
hi! link cCharacter String
@ -442,23 +446,22 @@ call s:X("rubyGlobalVariable","","","bold","","")
hi! link luaOperator Conditional
"vim config/vimscript
call s:X("IndentGuidesOdd","","7c7c7c","","","Grey")
call s:X("IndentGuidesEven","","1c1c1c","","",s:termBlack)
call s:X("IndentGuidesOdd","","#7c7c7c","","","Grey")
call s:X("IndentGuidesEven","","#1c1c1c","","",s:termBlack)
if !exists("g:indent_guides_auto_colors")
let g:indent_guides_auto_colors=0
call s:X("vimOperParen","87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("vimOperParen","#87d7ff","","","Blue","")
call s:X("notesRule","","","bold","","")
call s:X("WarningMsg","ffd787","2c2c2c","standout,bold","Yellow",s:termBlack)
call s:X("notesTitle","d75f5f","","underline,bold","Red","")
call s:X("notesName","ffd787","","underline,bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("notesShortHeading","ffd787","262626","standout,underline,bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("Underlined","87d7ff","","underline,bold","Blue","")
call s:X("notesInProgress","87d7ff","262626","standout,underline,bold","Blue","")
call s:X("notesRealURL","d75f5f","","underline,bold","Red","")
call s:X("WarningMsg","#ffd787","#2c2c2c","standout,bold","Yellow",s:termBlack)
call s:X("notesTitle","#d75f5f","","underline,bold","Red","")
call s:X("notesName","#ffd787","","underline,bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("notesShortHeading","#ffd787","#262626","standout,underline,bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("Underlined","#87d7ff","","underline,bold","Blue","")
call s:X("notesInProgress","#87d7ff","#262626","standout,underline,bold","Blue","")
call s:X("notesRealURL","#d75f5f","","underline,bold","Red","")
hi! link notesTextURL notesRealURL
hi! link notesSubtleURL notesRealURL
hi! link notesListBullet FoldColumn
@ -479,15 +482,15 @@ hi! link mailHeaderKey Identifier
hi! link quicktaskDatestamp Identifier
hi! link quicktaskTimestamp Identifier
hi! link quicktaskSection Todo
call s:X("quicktaskTimeNote","ffd787","","bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("quicktaskTask","ffffff","","bold","White","")
call s:X("quicktaskTimeNote","#ffd787","","bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("quicktaskTask","#ffffff","","bold","White","")
hi! link TagListFileName Directory
call s:X("SyntasticError","d75f5f","","standout,bold","Red","")
call s:X("SyntasticWarning","ffd787","","standout,bold","Yellow","")
call s:X("SyntasticError","#d75f5f","","standout,bold","Red","")
call s:X("SyntasticWarning","#ffd787","","standout,bold","Yellow","")
hi! link SyntasticErrorLine SyntasticError
hi! link SyntasticWarningLine SyntasticWarning
hi! link SyntasticErrorSign Error
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
" <Ctrl-_>p | (A) -> comment the current paragraph
" <Ctrl-enter> | (I) -> add a close bracket following an open one
" <Ctrl-c> | (I) -> add a close bracket following an open one
" + | (V) -> increase the selected region
" _ | (V) -> decrease the selected region
" (surround)
" S" | (V) -> surround selection with quotes
@ -119,6 +121,9 @@
" <Alt+h> | (N) -> move a line up a half page
" <Alt+l> | (N) -> move a line down a half page
" >> | (N) -> next difference (vimdiff/gitgutter)
" << | (N) -> previous difference (vimdiff/gitgutter)
" (selection)
" <Ctrl-a> | (N) -> select all text
" <Leader>a | (N) -> select all text
@ -135,14 +140,6 @@
" <Shift-Right> | (V) -> select a few lines right
" <Shift-Left> | (V) -> select a few lines left
" (vimdiff)
" <Leader>> | (N) -> update differences
" <Leader>< | (N) -> an alt mapping to update differences
" >> | (N) -> next difference
" << | (N) -> previous difference
" >< | (N) -> replace diff in current pane with other pane
" <> | (N) -> replace diff in other pane with current pane
" (paste functions)
" <Leader>p | (N) -> view the paste buffers and register contents
" <Leader>p<Direction> | (N) -> paste in the direction entered
@ -162,14 +159,10 @@
" <Leader>dd | (N) -> delete lines under and after the one below
" Filetype Specific Mappings:
" (gundo)
" <LMouse> | (A) -> same as normal + justify one from the left
" <MMouse> | (A) -> same as the left mouse
" <RMouse> | (A) -> same as the left mouse
" <Right> | (A) -> same as j (down)
" l | (A) -> same as j (down)
" <Left> | (A) -> same as k (up)
" h | (A) -> same as k (up)
" (vimdiff)
" <Leader><> | (N) -> update differences
" <Leader>> | (N) -> replace diff in other pane with current pane
" <Leader>< | (N) -> replace diff in current pane with other pane
" (help)
" q | (N) -> close the dialog
@ -182,6 +175,7 @@
" <Right> | (N) -> map to l, which opens a directory
" <Left> | (N) -> map to h, which goes up one directory
" ' | (N) -> edit the selected file
" n | (N) -> start editing a new file
" (gundo)
" <LeftMouse> | (N) -> same as normal + justify on the left
@ -388,6 +382,10 @@
vmap <A-l> <Plug>MoveBlockHalfPageDown
nmap <A-h> <Plug>MoveLineHalfPageUp
nmap <A-l> <Plug>MoveLineHalfPageDown
"move to next/previous difference (vimdiff/gitgutter)
nmap >> ]c
nmap << [c
@ -410,16 +408,6 @@
xnoremap <C-Left> ^
"map shortcuts for vimdiff
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>> ':diffu<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>< ':diffu<CR>'
nnoremap >> ]c
nnoremap << [c
nnoremap <> dp
nnoremap >< do
"display contents of paste buffers
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>p ':reg<CR>'
@ -446,6 +434,13 @@
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader><> ':diffu<CR>'|endif
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|nnoremap <Leader>> dp|endif
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|nnoremap <Leader>< do|endif
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|cabbrev q qall|endif
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|cabbrev q! qall!|endif
autocmd FileType help nnoremap <buffer> <silent><expr> q ':q<CR>'
autocmd FileType help nnoremap <buffer> <silent><expr> ?? ':q<CR>'
@ -460,6 +455,7 @@
autocmd FileType vimfiler nmap <Right> l
autocmd FileType vimfiler nmap <Left> h
autocmd FileType vimfiler nmap ' e
autocmd FileType vimfiler nmap n q
autocmd FileType gundo nmap <buffer> <LeftMouse> <LeftMouse>0l
@ -481,9 +477,9 @@
"remove incompatible toggles from gundo and filer
"remove incompatible toggles from specific filetypes
autocmd Filetype gundo,vimfiler noremap <F1> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype gundo,vimfiler noremap <F2> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype gundo,vimfiler,help noremap <F2> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype gundo,vimfiler noremap <F3> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype gundo,vimfiler noremap <C-Up> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype gundo,vimfiler noremap <C-k> <Nop>
@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
" "
execute pathogen#infect('bundle/{}', 'bundle.user/{}')
"BREEZE: {{{
let g:breeze_active_filetypes="*.html,*.htm,*.xhtml,*.xml,*.php,*.aspx"
let g:breeze_shade_color = "String"
@ -28,7 +28,12 @@
let g:gitgutter_sign_removed = '-'
let g:gitgutter_sign_modified_removed = '~-'
"GUNDO: {{{
let g:gundo_right=1
let g:gundo_width=35
let g:gundo_preview_height=10
@ -36,7 +41,7 @@
autocmd FileType gundo setlocal nocursorcolumn
let g:unite_force_overwrite_statusline = 0
let g:vimfiler_force_overwrite_statusline = 0
@ -166,12 +171,12 @@
let g:vim_markdown_folding_disabled=0
let g:vim_markdown_initial_foldlevel=2
if !exists("g:autostartchecker")
let g:autostartchecker=1
@ -189,7 +194,7 @@
let g:syntastic_loc_list_height=5
let g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer=1
let g:vimfiler_safe_mode_by_default=0
let g:vimfiler_enable_auto_cd=1
@ -202,8 +207,7 @@
let g:vimfiler_marked_file_icon='+'
"edit files by double clicking them, and justify the cursor on the left
autocmd FileType vimfiler setlocal nonumber wrap
autocmd FileType vimfiler setlocal nocursorcolumn
autocmd FileType vimfiler setlocal nonumber nocursorcolumn
"open automatically if vim was run without any files
autocmd VimEnter * if !argc() | VimFiler -quit -project | endif
@ -214,7 +218,7 @@
let g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup=1
let g:neocomplcache_enable_smart_case=1
let g:neocomplcache_min_syntax_length=3
@ -70,16 +70,20 @@
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *tmux.conf,pacman.conf,yaourtrc setf sh
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead cjdroute.conf,ircd.conf setf javascript
"override options for specific filetypes
"misc filtype specific settings
autocmd FileType gitcommit,notes,mail,notmuch,text setlocal spell
autocmd FileType notes,mail,notmuch,mkd,text setlocal nonumber
autocmd FileType mail,notmuch,text setlocal wrap
autocmd FileType help* wincmd L "help windows always open vertically
"disable folding by default in vimdiff
if &diff
autocmd VimEnter * windo setlocal nofoldenable
"help specific settings
autocmd FileType help* wincmd L "help windows always open vertically
autocmd FileType help* vertical res 80
autocmd FileType help* setlocal nowrap nocursorline nocursorcolumn "help windows don't wrap
"set vimdiff settings
setlocal diffopt=foldcolumn:0,filler
autocmd VimEnter,FilterWritePre * if &diff|setlocal nofoldenable|endif
autocmd VimEnter,FilterWritePre * if &diff|wincmd L|endif
"enable omnicompletion for any filetype without that has syntax highlighting
if has("autocmd") && exists("+omnifunc")
Add table
Reference in a new issue