mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 20:39:59 -04:00
Improve/fix organization+naming for splits + load help @ 33% width
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 62 additions and 55 deletions
@ -43,13 +43,16 @@ endif
"filtype specific settings
"filtype specific settings
autocmd Filetype text,mkd,mkdc,gitcommit,notes,mail,notmuch,rst,taskreport setlocal nonumber spell nolist linebreak breakat&vim breakat-=* breakat-=. breakat-=/ breakat-=? breakat-=, breakat-=: breakat-=; breakat-=! "set some defaults for word processing
autocmd Filetype text,mkd,mkdc,gitcommit,notes,mail,notmuch,rst,taskreport setlocal nonumber spell nolist linebreak breakat&vim breakat-=* breakat-=. breakat-=/ breakat-=? breakat-=, breakat-=: breakat-=; breakat-=! "set some defaults for word processing
autocmd Filetype text,gitcommit,notes,mail,notmuch,rst,taskreport setlocal wrap
autocmd Filetype text,gitcommit,notes,mail,notmuch,rst,taskreport setlocal wrap
autocmd FileType help* wincmd L "help windows always open vertically
autocmd FileType help* vertical resize 80 "set the window size to 80 cols
autocmd FileType help* setlocal nocursorline "remove the horizontal cursor line
autocmd FileType tmux,taskrc setlocal commentstring=#\ %s "set the comment string to #
autocmd FileType tmux,taskrc setlocal commentstring=#\ %s "set the comment string to #
autocmd FileType slrnrc setlocal commentstring=%%\ %s "set the comment string to %
autocmd FileType slrnrc setlocal commentstring=%%\ %s "set the comment string to %
"special side/bottom-bar settings to apply when opened
autocmd BufEnter,FileType taskreport,qf,help* setlocal nowrap nocursorcolumn "disable text wrapping and the vertical cursor line
autocmd BufEnter,FileType taskreport,qf,help* setlocal nowrap nocursorcolumn "disable text wrapping and the vertical cursor line
autocmd BufEnter,FileType extradite setlocal number "enable line numbers in extradite
autocmd BufEnter,FileType extradite setlocal number "enable line numbers in extradite
autocmd BufEnter,FileType help* setlocal nocursorline "remove the horizontal cursor line
"load help as a vertical split (sidebar) using one third of the window
autocmd BufEnter,FileType help* wincmd L|wincmd h|vs|wincmd =|q|wincmd l
"settings for buffers in diff mode
"settings for buffers in diff mode
autocmd VimEnter,FilterWritePre * if &diff|setlocal nofoldenable|endif
autocmd VimEnter,FilterWritePre * if &diff|setlocal nofoldenable|endif
@ -72,11 +72,11 @@
" <Ctrl-w>{ | (N) -> rotate counter-clockwise
" <Ctrl-w>{ | (N) -> rotate counter-clockwise
" <Ctrl-w>} | (N) -> rotate clockwise
" <Ctrl-w>} | (N) -> rotate clockwise
" <Ctrl-w>] | (N) -> split vertically
" <Ctrl-w>] | (N) -> split vertically
" <Ctrl-w>0 | (N) -> create a vertical split 25% of the window
" <Ctrl-w>0 | (N) -> create a vertical split 33% of the window
" <Ctrl-w>) | (N) -> create a vertical split 75% of the window
" <Ctrl-w>) | (N) -> create a vertical split 66% of the window
" <Ctrl-w>[ | (N) -> split horizontally
" <Ctrl-w>[ | (N) -> split horizontally
" <Ctrl-w>9 | (N) -> create a horizontal split 25% of the window
" <Ctrl-w>9 | (N) -> create a horizontal split 33% of the window
" <Ctrl-w>( | (N) -> create a horizontal split 75% of the window
" <Ctrl-w>( | (N) -> create a horizontal split 66% of the window
" (display)
" (display)
" <Backspace> | (N) -> reset window and clear search
" <Backspace> | (N) -> reset window and clear search
@ -326,10 +326,10 @@
cabbrev <expr><silent> gitstatus ':Gstatus<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> gitstatus ':Gstatus<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> GitCommit ':Gcommit<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> GitCommit ':Gcommit<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> gitcommit ':Gcommit<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> gitcommit ':Gcommit<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> vs25 ':VS25<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> vs33 ':VS33<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> vs75 ':VS75<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> vs66 ':VS66<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> sp25 ':SP25<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> sp33 ':SP33<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> sp75 ':SP75<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> sp66 ':SP66<CR>'
cabbrev diff vertical diffsplit
cabbrev diff vertical diffsplit
cabbrev sudow SudoWrite
cabbrev sudow SudoWrite
cabbrev wsudo SudoWrite
cabbrev wsudo SudoWrite
@ -414,11 +414,11 @@
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>{ ':wincmd R<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>{ ':wincmd R<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>} ':wincmd r<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>} ':wincmd r<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>] ':vs<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>] ':vs<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>0 ':VS25<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>0 ':VS33<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>) ':VS75<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>) ':VS66<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>[ ':sp<CR>:wincmd j<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>[ ':sp<CR>:wincmd j<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>9 ':SP25<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>9 ':SP33<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>( ':SP75<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>( ':SP66<CR>'
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
set timeout timeoutlen=500 "how long before timing out for mappings
set timeout timeoutlen=500 "how long before timing out for mappings
set ttimeout ttimeoutlen=100 "how long before timing out for terminal key codes
set ttimeout ttimeoutlen=100 "how long before timing out for terminal key codes
if has('autocmd')
if has('autocmd')
"enable the auto-creation of missing folders in a save path
"enable the auto-creation of missing folders in a save path
if !exists('*s:MakeNewDir')
if !exists('*s:MakeNewDir')
@ -107,28 +108,31 @@
augroup END
augroup END
function s:VSResize75()
"functions to create a split using 33% and 66% of the height
vs|wincmd =|q
function s:SPResize33()
function s:vs75()
vs|call s:VSResize75()
command! -buffer VS75 call s:vs75()
function s:vs25()
vs|wincmd h|call s:VSResize75()|wincmd l
command! -buffer VS25 call s:vs25()
function s:SPResize25()
sp|wincmd =|q
sp|wincmd =|q
function s:sp25()
function s:sp33()
sp|call s:SPResize25()|wincmd j
sp|call s:SPResize33()|wincmd j
command! -buffer SP25 call s:sp25()
command! -buffer SP33 call s:sp33()
function s:sp75()
function s:sp66()
sp|wincmd j|call s:SPResize25()
sp|wincmd j|call s:SPResize33()
command! -buffer SP75 call s:sp75()
command! -buffer SP66 call s:sp66()
"functions to create a vertical split using 33% and 66% width
function s:VSResize66()
vs|wincmd =|q
function s:vs66()
vs|call s:VSResize66()
command! -buffer VS66 call s:vs66()
function s:vs33()
vs|wincmd h|call s:VSResize66()|wincmd l
command! -buffer VS33 call s:vs33()
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