Commit graph

242 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Kevin MacMartin
7bb3c32e3b Tons of mapping issues fixed, re-add mkd table fmt, tweak keys+settings 2014-10-22 03:41:50 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
75557104d1 Set the default text width to 80 and cleaned up associated comments 2014-10-21 11:16:46 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
5914aceb5d Change the goyo minimum width from 78 to 80 2014-10-21 11:06:05 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
af0be6d906 Greatly improve text width formatting + arrange the section more clearly 2014-10-21 11:04:17 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
70003e79d4 Add incsearch so all matches highlight together, configure plugin to
default search keys, and remap clear search to // (search key twice)
2014-10-19 13:12:27 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
6106feb745 Update submodules and add rts to the list of text file formats 2014-10-19 11:03:14 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
22a08f5732 Removed the plugin part of the markdown plugin in polyglot and configs 2014-10-14 16:13:18 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
512f777729 Added another string to the ignore list for syntastic 2014-10-11 06:32:58 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
fa771c8d84 Remove auto change directory setting for vimfiler compatibility 2014-10-09 13:36:26 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
4b529edfdf whitelisted a java error that appears because of limited project scope 2014-09-10 01:05:08 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
144b3ec466 Reduced the key mapping timeout from 1000 to 500 2014-09-01 06:11:01 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
f67f016641 Add additional checks for file/folder creation and use 2014-08-29 05:37:36 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
def7fe0c76 Check for autochdir before attempting to load it 2014-08-29 04:50:12 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
623918995d Autofocus the tagbar when it's triggered 2014-08-26 12:21:04 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
f8cce36327 Combine word-processing settings and make breakat settings more robust 2014-08-26 03:07:04 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
a3971297aa make java errors about being unable to find external imports silent 2014-08-25 23:56:55 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
ba8ab82b30 Completed disabling syntax checking on :wq 2014-08-25 23:47:40 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
2e69f653ca Don't check syntax on :wq 2014-08-25 23:39:44 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
26608e0eee Display tag information (if available) in the gutter area 2014-08-25 02:38:28 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
0a2b75414b Made the plugin categories for filetypes more consistant 2014-08-25 01:37:45 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
0fc53f1677 autotags is enabled by default again, but with much better config 2014-08-25 00:43:41 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
fad8db91af Set the default value for disableautotags to 1 2014-08-24 22:48:01 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
ddf0d247e2 Changed some formatting + set tagfile locations 2014-08-21 02:27:36 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
952ce1c879 Added a few more tweaks to the easytags settings 2014-08-20 23:28:00 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
db68ee56c7 Added auto_recurse option to easytags to generate more complete tags 2014-08-20 23:12:55 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
e2b5f1327f Fixed filetype assignments 2014-08-11 00:58:56 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
0f2b687d84 Prevent wrapping from breaking words in vimpager 2014-08-10 06:11:37 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
37da2ea46c Improve left/right browsing in vimpager 2014-08-07 23:33:34 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
1b3f169999 Reenable escape keys as they seem to be required for correct arrow keys 2014-08-07 23:20:59 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
21ee4d0d0c Disable ctrl-z suspend and remove some buggy settings 2014-08-07 23:03:22 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
5c39279877 Disabled gvim scrollbars by default and readded the toggle (\<f3>) 2014-08-07 03:51:07 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
91fcadf17d Added a few tweaks to the setting 2014-08-06 00:19:46 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
98dc5a76e9 ctrl-A aligns comments and ctrl-a aligns end of line comments 2014-08-05 06:01:38 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
b06a94ef02 added some cut and paste shortcuts during input 2014-07-31 02:09:34 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
d101b03cbc Used capital C for ctrl for consistency 2014-07-31 01:57:01 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
539254078b move copy/paste stuff to before neocomplcache remaps it 2014-07-31 01:53:33 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
caed6a7476 Fixed less.vim unmappings properly 2014-07-31 01:33:15 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
30e5dff895 Use mapcheck before unmapping 2014-07-31 01:05:43 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
7d4e69198c Readded the lazy redraw setting as it seems to help more than hurt 2014-07-30 07:17:31 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
775770c3ee Configured vimpager to use concealed markdown for reading purposes 2014-07-30 02:34:26 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
e4ad1c0125 ircd.conf javascript->json 2014-07-29 22:05:27 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
5ded6877c5 Added the tabular plugin and mapped the mkd table format it allows 2014-07-29 03:04:37 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
030bfbe227 Fixed vimpager copy in visual mode with y 2014-07-28 06:17:50 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
7620aff01f Fixed some mapping bugs, pulled vimpager settings into its own config
file, and configured vimpager stuff more thoroughly against less.vim
2014-07-28 06:08:10 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
cd51ed5573 Disabled experimental neocomplcache setting that's no longer needed 2014-07-26 05:09:52 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
ceb0874c45 Removed the Spellcheck stuff from the keyboard mappings 2014-07-26 03:14:40 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
112495115b Improve taskrc commentstring call + add one for ft=tmux 2014-07-26 01:44:09 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
441f88eba3 Set the ft for *vimpagerrc to vim for proper syntax highlighting 2014-07-25 23:48:41 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
adc8895c53 Pulled lightline theme out of the darkcloud theme and into into plugins.vim so
the darkcloud theme can be used without requiring lightline, and set the
colorscheme before loading the user config so it can be overridden
2014-07-25 10:18:03 -04:00
Kevin MacMartin
5f64be2ad0 Added function check to MakeNewDir to avoid complaints when reloading
settings.vim, and played with key timeout settings to see if I can fix
a strange error where the arrow keys suddenly stop working.
2014-07-24 00:51:58 -04:00