"============================================================" " " " Darkcloud Vim Config: vimpager.vim " " " " By: Kevin MacMartin (prurigro@gmail.com) " " Website: https://github.com/prurigro/darkcloud-vimconfig " " " " License: MIT " " " "============================================================" "Undo Unwanted Keymappings: map v <Nop> noremap w <S-Right> noremap <PageDown> <C-F> noremap <kPageDown> <C-F> noremap <PageUp> <C-B> noremap <kPageUp> <C-B> "Main Settings: set nocursorline nocursorcolumn "disable cursor column/line highlighting set nofoldenable "disable the fold column set noru laststatus=0 noshowmode "remove statusline set clipboard=autoselect "autocopy selection set clipboard+=unnamed "use '*' reg if has('unnamedplus')|set clipboard+=unnamedplus|endif "if exists, use '+' reg set autoread "track file changes autocmd CursorHold * checktime "use CursorHold events to trigger checktime set conceallevel=2 "enable the conceal feature to hide unnecessary elements set concealcursor=n "conceal text in the cursor line while in normal mode "Override Filetypes: runtime bundle.pager/vim-markdown-concealed/ftdetect/mkdc.vim "Mappings: "mouse map <C-ScrollWheelUp> <Nop> map <C-ScrollWheelDown> <Nop> map <A-ScrollWheelUp> <Nop> map <A-ScrollWheelDown> <Nop> noremap <C-ScrollWheelUp> 4zl noremap <C-ScrollWheelDown> 4zh noremap <A-ScrollWheelUp> zl noremap <A-ScrollWheelDown> zh "movement noremap <Home> 0 noremap <kHome> <Home> noremap <End> $ noremap <kEnd> <End> noremap <Up> <C-P> noremap <Down> <C-N> noremap <Right> zL noremap <Left> zH noremap = + noremap _ - noremap <C-Up> 4k noremap <C-Down> 4j noremap <C-Right> <S-Right> noremap <C-Left> <S-Left> noremap <S-Up> gg0 noremap <S-Down> G$ noremap <S-Right> $ noremap <S-Left> ^ "copy/paste nnoremap y vy<Esc> vnoremap y y nnoremap <C-c> y vnoremap <C-c> y nnoremap T vg_y vnoremap T g_y "search map / <Plug>(incsearch-forward) map ? <Plug>(incsearch-backward) map g/ <Plug>(incsearch-stay) nnoremap <silent><expr> // '<Esc>:noh<CR>' "selection nnoremap <C-a> gg0vG$ xnoremap <C-a> <Esc>gg0vG$ nnoremap <Leader>a gg0vG$ xnoremap <Leader>a <Esc>gg0vG$ "toggles nnoremap <silent><expr> <F1> ':set wrap!<CR>:echo "line wrapping toggled"<CR>' xnoremap <silent><expr> <F1> '<Esc>:set wrap!<CR>gv' nnoremap <silent><expr> <F2> ':set spell!<CR>:echo "spell checking toggled"<CR>' xnoremap <silent><expr> <F2> '<Esc>:set spell!<CR>gv'