#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Darkcloud Vim Config Update Tool # https://github.com/prurigro/darkcloud-vimconfig # # Written by Kevin MacMartin (prurigro@gmail.com) # Released under the MIT license # # # VARIABLES # error_log=update-errors.log script_name="${0//*\/}" script_home="${0%"$script_name"}" if [[ -z "$script_home" ]]; then script_home="$PWD" else pushd "$script_home" >/dev/null || exit script_home="$PWD" popd >/dev/null || exit fi if [[ -t 1 ]]; then cbg_blue=$'\e[44m' cbg_red_bold=$'\e[1;41m' cbg_black=$'\e[40m' cbg_yellow=$'\e[43m' cfg_green_bold=$'\e[1;32m' cfg_red_bold=$'\e[1;31m' cfg_white_bold=$'\e[1;37m' c_reset=$'\e[0m' else cbg_blue='#' fi # # FUNCTIONS # # error: output and log error function error { printf '%s\n' "$cbg_blue $c_reset$cbg_red_bold ! ERROR: $c_reset$cfg_red_bold $2 " >&2 printf '%s\n' "$cbg_blue $c_reset$cbg_red_bold ! COMMAND: $c_reset ${cfg_white_bold}=> $1$c_reset" >&2 [[ -n "$3" ]] && printf '%s\n' "$cbg_blue $c_reset$cbg_red_bold ! OUTPUT: $c_reset$cfg_white_bold $3" >&2 printf '%s\n%s\n%s\n' "DATE: @ $(date)" "ERROR: $2" "COMMAND: $1" >> "$script_home/$error_log" [[ -n "$3" ]] && printf '%s\n' "OUTPUT: $3" >> "$script_home/$error_log" printf '\n' >> "$script_home/$error_log" } # show_version: displays version information function show_version { repo_version="$(printf "%s.r%s" "$(git show -s --format=%ci master | sed 's/\ .*//g;s/-//g')" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)")" printf '%s\n' "$script_name: darkcloud-vimconfig update tool (version: $repo_version)" } # show_help: this function displays help output function show_help { printf '\n%s\n' 'USAGE' printf ' %s\n\n' "./$script_name [OPTION]" printf '%s\n' 'OPTIONS' printf ' %s\t%s\n' '-v, --version' '| output version information and exit' printf ' %s\t%s\n\n' '-h, --help' '| display this help and exit' printf '%s\n' 'Run with no arguments to update darkcloud-vimconfig' } # # SETUP # if type -P timeout >/dev/null; then timeout_command=timeout elif type -P gtimeout >/dev/null; then timeout_command=gtimeout else error 'type -P timeout' 'The timeout command could not be found (install coreutils)' exit 1 fi cd "$script_home" || exit # delete old error log if it exists [[ -f "$error_log" ]] && rm "$script_home/$error_log" # parse for arguments (then handle them below) [[ -n "$1" ]] && { case "$1" in -h|--help) show_version show_help exit 0 ;; -v|--version) show_version exit 0 ;; *) error "$ERROR" "$1 is not a valid option" show_help exit 1 ;; esac } # display script title printf '\n%s\n' "$cbg_black ~~~ DarkCloud Vimconfig Update Tool ~~~ $c_reset" # create vim/bundle.user if it doesn't exist [[ -d 'vim/bundle.user' ]] || { printf '\n%s' "$cbg_blue >> Creating user plugin directory:$c_reset" process_status="$(install -d 'vim/bundle.user' 2>&1)" if (( ! $? )); then printf '%s\n' "$cfg_green_bold SUCCESS! $c_reset" else printf '%s\n' "$cfg_red_bold FAIL! $c_reset" error 'install -d vim/bundle.user' "User plugin directory couldn't be created" "$process_status" fi } # create vim/vimrc.user if it doesn't exist [[ -e 'vim/vimrc.user' ]] || { printf '\n%s' "$cbg_blue >> Creating user config file:$c_reset" process_status="$(touch 'vim/vimrc.user' 2>&1)" if (( ! $? )); then { printf '%s\n%s\n\n' '"Autocheck syntax checking: (1:start toggled on | *0:start toggled off)' '"let g:autostartchecker = 0' printf '%s\n%s\n\n' '"Autoload Tagbar: (1:start open | *0:start closed)' '"let g:autostarttagbar = 0' printf '%s\n%s\n\n' '"Disable Completion: (1:disable completion | *0:enable completion if requirements are met)' '"let g:disablecompletion = 0' printf '%s\n%s\n\n' '"Disable automatic tag generation and highlighting: (1:force disabled tag generation and highlighting | *0:enable automatic tag generation and highlighting)' '"let g:disableautotags = 0' printf '%s\n%s\n\n' '"Disable automatic linebreaking: (1:force disabled globally | *0:let the filetype decide)' '"let g:disablelinebreaks = 0' printf '%s\n%s\n\n' '"Enable Powerline fonts: (1:expect powerline font | *0:expect regular font)' '"let g:powerlinefonts = 0 "(set powerline font for gvim and terminal when enabled)' printf '%s\n%s\n' '"GVim font selection: (Escaping spaces and use powerline if appropriate)' '"set guifont=Monospace\ 12' } >> vim/vimrc.user if [[ -e 'vim/vimrc.user' ]]; then printf '%s\n' "$cfg_green_bold SUCCESS! $c_reset" else printf '%s\n' "$cfg_red_bold FAIL! $c_reset" fi else printf '%s\n' "$cfg_red_bold FAIL! $c_reset" error "touch vim/vimrc.user" "User config couldn't be created" "$process_status" fi } # # REPO UPDATE # printf '\n%s' "$cbg_blue >> Updating darkcloud-vimconfig:$c_reset" process_status="$(git pull origin master 2>&1)" if (( ! $? )); then printf '%s\n' "$cfg_green_bold SUCCESS! $c_reset" else printf '%s\n' "$cfg_red_bold FAIL! $c_reset" error 'git pull origin master' 'Git failed to sync the repo' "$process_status" exit 1 fi # # SUBMODULE UPDATE # printf '\n%s\n' "$cbg_blue >> Updating plugin submodules >> $c_reset" printf '%s' "$cbg_blue $c_reset$cbg_yellow + Updating plugin URLs:$c_reset" process_status="$(git submodule sync 2>&1)" if (( ! $? )); then printf '%s\n' "$cfg_green_bold SUCCESS! $c_reset" else printf '%s\n' "$cfg_red_bold FAIL! $c_reset" error 'git submodule sync' 'Git failed to sync the submodules' "$process_status" fi # update each submodule to the new head and run 'git fetch --all' printf '%s' "$cbg_blue $c_reset$cbg_yellow + Fetching updates:$c_reset" git submodule foreach git reset --hard >/dev/null 2>&1 process_status="$(git submodule foreach git fetch --all 2>&1)" if (( ! $? )); then process_status=$(git submodule update --init --recursive 2>&1) if (( ! $? )); then printf '%s\n' "$cfg_green_bold SUCCESS! $c_reset" else printf '%s\n' "$cfg_red_bold FAIL! $c_reset" error 'git submodule update --init --recursive' 'Git failed to update the submodules' "$process_status" fi else printf '%s\n' "$cfg_red_bold FAIL! $c_reset" error 'git submodule foreach git fetch --all' "Git failed to fetch the submodules from their respective remotes" "$process_status" fi # clean plugin directories and remove plugins no longer in the repo printf '\n%s\n' "$cbg_blue >> Clean plugin directories >> $c_reset" printf '%s' "$cbg_blue $c_reset$cbg_yellow + Remove untracked files:$c_reset" process_status="$(git submodule foreach git clean -dxf 2>&1)" if (( ! $? )); then printf '%s\n' "$cfg_green_bold SUCCESS! $c_reset" else printf '%s\n' "$cfg_red_bold FAIL! $c_reset" error 'git submodule foreach git clean -dxf' 'Git failed to remove untracked files' "$process_status" fi [[ -f '.gitmodules' ]] && { for plugin in vim/bundle/*; do [[ -f "$plugin/.git" ]] && { plugin_dirname="${plugin/*\/}" grep 'path = ' .gitmodules | grep -oe '[^\/]*$' | grep -qe "^$plugin_dirname$" || { [[ -z "$first_found" ]] && { first_found=1 printf '%s\n' "$cbg_blue $c_reset$cbg_yellow + Removing old plugins: $c_reset" } process_status="$(rm -rf "${plugin:?}")" if (( ! $? )); then printf '%s\n' "$cbg_blue $c_reset$cbg_yellow = $cfg_white_bold$plugin$c_reset" else error "rm -rf $plugin" "Folder couldn't be deleted" "$process_status" exit 1 fi } } done printf '\n' } # # USER PLUGIN UPDATE # [[ -d vim/bundle.user ]] && find vim/bundle.user -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 3 -name config | grep -q '.git/config' && { printf '%s\n' "$cbg_blue >> Updating user plugins >> $c_reset" pushd 'vim/bundle.user' >/dev/null || exit for plugin in *; do [[ -d "$plugin/.git" ]] && { pushd "$plugin" >/dev/null || exit printf '%s' "$cbg_blue $c_reset$cbg_yellow + Updating 'vim/bundle.user/$plugin':$c_reset" process_status="$(git pull 2>&1)" if (( ! $? )); then if ! grep -q "Already up-to-date" <<< "$process_status"; then printf '%s\n' "$cfg_green_bold SUCCESS! $c_reset" else printf '%s\n' "$cfg_white_bold UP TO DATE $c_reset" fi else error 'git pull' "Failed pulling changes for $plugin" "$process_status" fi popd >/dev/null || exit } done popd >/dev/null || exit printf '\n' } # # GENERATE PLUGIN HELP # type -P vim >/dev/null && { printf '%s' "$cbg_blue >> Generating plugin help:$c_reset" $timeout_command --preserve-status --foreground 1m vim -u ./vimrc -c 'Helptags|qa!' if (( ! $? )); then printf '%s\n' "$cfg_green_bold SUCCESS! $c_reset" else reset -I printf '%s\n' "$cfg_red_bold FAIL! $c_reset" error "vim -u './vimrc' -c 'Helptags|qa!'" 'Generating helpdocs for the submodules failed' fi } # # FINISH # printf '\n%s\n\n' "$cbg_black ~~~ Update Complete ~~~ $c_reset"