#!/usr/bin/env bash # Dependencies deps=('bower' 'composer' 'egrep' 'gulp' 'npm' 'php' 'sed') # Default settings no_artisan=0 # Initialize variables artisan_down=0 # Colour scheme [[ -t 1 ]] && { c_d=$'\e[1;30m' # DARK GREY c_w=$'\e[1;37m' # WHITE c_b=$'\e[1;34m' # BLUE c_g=$'\e[1;32m' # GREEN c_m=$'\e[1;35m' # MAGENTA c_r=$'\e[1;31m' # RED c_t=$'\e[1;36m' # TEAL c_y=$'\e[1;33m' # YELLOW c_c=$'\e[0m' # CLEAR } # Display a formatted message function msg { printf '%s %s\n' "$c_b==>" "$c_w$1$c_c" } function error { printf '%s\n' "${c_r}ERROR${c_w}: $1$c_c" >&2 exit 1 } # Check for missing dependencies declare -a missing_deps=() for dep in "${deps[@]}"; do type -P "$dep" >/dev/null \ || missing_deps=( ${missing_deps[@]} "$dep" ) done [[ -n "${missing_deps[*]}" ]] && { error "${c_w}missing dependencies ($( for (( x=0; x < ${#missing_deps[@]}; x++ )); do printf '%s' "$c_m${missing_deps[$x]}$c_c" (( (( x + 1 )) < ${#missing_deps[@]} )) && printf '%s' ', ' done )$c_w)" } # Exit with an error on ctrl-c trap 'error "script killed"' SIGINT SIGQUIT # Check for the --no-artisan argument and set a flag that prevents artisan commands from being run if present [[ -n "$1" && "$1" = '--no-artisan' ]] && no_artisan=1 [[ ! -f .env ]] && { msg "Copying ${c_y}.env.example$c_w to ${c_y}.env$c_w with a randomly generated ${c_g}APP_KEY" sed 's|^APP_KEY=.*|APP_KEY='"$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 .env exit } (( ! no_artisan )) && [[ -d vendor ]] && { artisan_down=1 msg "Running: ${c_m}php artisan down" php artisan down } msg "Running: ${c_m}composer installl --no-dev" composer install --no-interaction --no-dev || error "${c_m}composer install --no-interaction --no-dev$c_w exited with an error status" egrep -q '^CACHE_BUST=' .env || { msg "Adding the ${c_y}CACHE_BUST$c_w variable" printf '\n%s\n' 'CACHE_BUST=' >> .env } msg "Updating ${c_y}CACHE_BUST$c_w variable" sed -i 's|^CACHE_BUST=.*|CACHE_BUST='"$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9