// global variables const fadeTime = 250; // declare a reverse function for jquery jQuery.fn.reverse = [].reverse; // show or hide the loading modal function loadingModal(action) { const $loadingModal = $("#loading-modal"); if (action === "show") { $loadingModal.css({ visibility: "visible", opacity: 1 }); } else if (action === "hide") { $loadingModal.css({ opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { $loadingModal.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); }, fadeTime); } } // show the confirmation modal and run the supplied command if confirm is pressed function askConfirmation(message, command, cancelCommand) { const $confirmationModal = $("#confirmation-modal"), $heading = $confirmationModal.find(".card-header"), $cancelButton = $confirmationModal.find(".btn.cancel-button"), $confirmButton = $confirmationModal.find(".btn.confirm-button"); // close the confirmation modal and unbind its events const closeConfirmationModal = function() { // unbind events $(document).off("keydown", escapeModal); $cancelButton.off("click", closeConfirmationModal); $confirmButton.off("click", confirmModal); // hide the modal $confirmationModal.css({ opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { // set visibility to hidden $confirmationModal.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); // clear the heading $heading.empty(); }, fadeTime); }; // close the modal if the escape button is pressed const escapeModal = function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { closeConfirmationModal(); } else { e.preventDefault(); } }; // functionality to run when clicking the confirm button const confirmModal = function() { command(); closeConfirmationModal(); }; // functionality to run when clicking the cancel button const cancelModal = function() { if (cancelCommand !== undefined) { cancelCommand(); } closeConfirmationModal(); }; // hide the modal when the cancel button is pressed $cancelButton.on("click", cancelModal); // hide the modal when the escape key is pressed $(document).on("keydown", escapeModal); // run the command and hide the modal when the confirm button is pressed $confirmButton.on("click", confirmModal); // set the heading with the supplied message $heading.text(message); // show the confirmation modal $confirmationModal.css({ visibility: "visible", opacity: 1 }); } // show the alert modal and display the provided message until accept is pressed function showAlert(message, command) { const $alertModal = $("#alert-modal"), $message = $alertModal.find(".message"), $acceptButton = $alertModal.find(".btn.accept-button"); // close the alert modal and unbind its events const closeAlertModal = function() { // unbind events $(document).off("keydown", escapeModal); $acceptButton.off("click", closeAlertModal); // clear the message $message.empty(); // hide the modal $alertModal.css({ opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { $alertModal.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); }, fadeTime); // if a command was passed run it now if (command !== undefined) { command(); } }; // close the modal if the escape button is pressed const escapeModal = function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { closeAlertModal(); } else { e.preventDefault(); } }; // hide the modal when the escape key is pressed $(document).on("keydown", escapeModal); // hide the modal when the accept button is pressed $acceptButton.on("click", closeAlertModal); // set the message with the supplied message $message.html(message); // show the alert modal $alertModal.css({ visibility: "visible", opacity: 1 }); } // initialize edit list functionality function editListInit() { const editList = document.getElementById("edit-list"), $editList = $(editList), $token = $("#token"), model = $editList.data("model"); // initialize delete button functionality const deleteButtonInit = function() { const $deleteButtons = $(".btn.delete-button"); $deleteButtons.on("click", function() { const $this = $(this), $listItem = $this.closest(".list-group-item"), itemId = $listItem.data("id"); askConfirmation("Are you sure you want to delete this?", function() { $.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: "/dashboard/delete", data: { model: model, id: itemId, _token: $token.val() } }).always(function(response) { if (response === "success") { $listItem.slideUp(150, function() { $listItem.remove(); }); } else { showAlert("Failed to delete record"); } }); }); }); }; // initialize action button functionality const actionButtonInit = function() { const $actionButtons = $(".btn.action-button"); $actionButtons.on("click", function() { const $this = $(this), $listItem = $this.closest(".list-group-item"), itemId = $listItem.data("id"), confirmationMessage = $this.data("confirmation"), successMessage = $this.data("success"), errorMessage = $this.data("error"), postUrl = $this.data("url"); askConfirmation(confirmationMessage, function() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: postUrl, data: { id: itemId, _token: $token.val() } }).always(function(response) { if (response === "success") { showAlert(successMessage); } else { showAlert("ERROR: " + errorMessage); } }); }); }); }; // initialize sort functionality if data-sort is set const sortRowInit = function() { let sortOrder = {}, sortCol, sortable; if ($editList.attr("data-sort")) { sortCol = $editList.data("sort"); sortable = Sortable.create(editList, { handle: ".sort-icon", onUpdate: function() { // update the sortOrder object based on the updated order $editList.find(".list-group-item").reverse().each(function(index) { sortOrder[$(this).data("id")] = index; }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/dashboard/reorder", data: { model: model, order: sortOrder, column: sortCol, _token: $token.val() } }).always(function(response) { if (response !== "success") { showAlert("Sorting failed", function() { document.location.reload(true); }); } }); } }); } }; // initialize filter functionality if the filter-input element exists const filterInputInit = function() { const $filter = $("#filter-input"); if ($filter.length) { // empty the filter $filter.val(""); // initialize the filter list functionality const filterList = new List("edit-list-wrapper", { valueNames: [ "title-column" ] }); // add/remove a filtered class to identify when the list is filtered $filter.on("input", function() { if ($filter.val() === "") { $editList.removeClass("filtered"); } else { $editList.addClass("filtered"); } }); } }; // initialize search functionality if the search-form element exists const searchFormInit = function() { const $form = $("#search-form"); if ($form.length) { $form.on("submit", function(e) { const term = $form.find(".search").val(); let url = $form.data("url"); e.preventDefault(); if (term !== "") { url += `?search=${term}`; } window.location.href = url; }); } }; deleteButtonInit(); actionButtonInit(); sortRowInit(); filterInputInit(); searchFormInit(); } // initialize edit item functionality function editItemInit() { const $editItem = $("#edit-item"), $submit = $("#submit"), $backButton = $("#back"), $textInputs = $(".text-input"), $currencyInputs = $(".currency-input"), $datePickers = $(".date-picker"), $mkdEditors = $(".mkd-editor"), $fileUploads = $(".file-upload"), $imgUploads = $(".image-upload"), $lists = $(".list"), $token = $("#token"), model = $editItem.data("model"), id = $editItem.data("id"), operation = id === "new" ? "create" : "update"; let allowTimes = [], easymde = [], formData = {}, submitting = false, hours, minutes, changes = false; // fill the formData object with data from all the form fields const getFormData = function() { // function to add a column and value to the formData object const addFormData = function(type, column, value) { // add the value to a key with the column name formData[column] = value; // add the column to the array of columns formData.columns.push({ type: type, name: column }); }; // reset the formData object formData = {}; // add the database model row id and _token formData.model = model; formData.id = id; formData._token = $token.val(); // create an empty array to contain the list of columns formData.columns = []; // add values from the contents of text-input elements $textInputs.each(function() { const $this = $(this), column = $this.attr("id"), value = $this.val(); addFormData("text", column, value); }); // add values from the contents of date-picker elements $datePickers.each(function() { const $this = $(this), column = $this.attr("id"), value = $this.val(); addFormData("date", column, value); }); // add values from the contents of currency-input elements $currencyInputs.each(function() { const $this = $(this), column = $this.attr("id"), value = AutoNumeric.getNumericString(this); addFormData("text", column, value); }); // add values from the contents of the markdown editor for mkd-editor elements $mkdEditors.each(function() { const $this = $(this), column = $this.attr("id"), value = easymde[column].value(); addFormData("text", column, value); }); // add values from list-items inputs $lists.each(function() { const $this = $(this), column = $this.attr("id"), value = []; $this.find(".list-items .list-items-row").each(function(index, row) { const rowData = {}; $(row).find(".list-items-row-input-inner").each(function(index, input) { const $input = $(input), column = $input.data("column"), value = $input.val(); rowData[column] = value; }); value.push(rowData); }); addFormData("list", column, value); }); }; const uploadFile = function(row_id, currentFile) { let file, fileUpload; // functionality to run on success const returnSuccess = function() { loadingModal("hide"); window.location.href = `/dashboard/edit/${model}/${row_id}`; }; // add the file from the file upload box for file-upload class elements if ($fileUploads.length >= currentFile + 1) { fileUpload = $fileUploads[currentFile]; if ($(fileUpload).val() !== "") { file = new FormData(); // add the file, id and model to the formData variable file.append("file", fileUpload.files[0]); file.append("name", $(fileUpload).attr("name")); file.append("id", row_id); file.append("model", model); file.append("ext", $(fileUpload).data("ext")); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/dashboard/file-upload", data: file, processData: false, contentType: false, beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-TOKEN", $token.val()); } }).always(function(response) { if (response === "success") { uploadFile(row_id, currentFile + 1); } else { loadingModal("hide"); showAlert("Failed to upload file", function() { submitting = false; }); } }); } else { uploadFile(row_id, currentFile + 1); } } else { returnSuccess(); } }; const uploadImage = function(row_id, currentImage) { let file, imgUpload; // functionality to run on success const returnSuccess = function() { uploadFile(row_id, 0); }; // add the image from the image upload box for image-upload class elements if ($imgUploads.length >= currentImage + 1) { imgUpload = $imgUploads[currentImage]; if ($(imgUpload).val() !== "") { file = new FormData(); // add the file, id and model to the formData variable file.append("file", imgUpload.files[0]); file.append("name", $(imgUpload).attr("name")); file.append("id", row_id); file.append("model", model); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/dashboard/image-upload", data: file, processData: false, contentType: false, beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-TOKEN", $token.val()); } }).always(function(response) { if (response === "success") { uploadImage(row_id, currentImage + 1); } else { loadingModal("hide"); showAlert("Failed to upload image", function() { submitting = false; }); } }); } else { uploadImage(row_id, currentImage + 1); } } else { returnSuccess(); } }; const contentChanged = function() { changes = true; $submit.removeClass("no-input"); }; // initialize image deletion $(".edit-button.delete.image").on("click", function(e) { const $this = $(this), name = $this.data("name"); if (!submitting) { submitting = true; askConfirmation("Are you sure you want to delete this image?", function() { // delete the image $.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: "/dashboard/image-delete", data: { id: id, model: model, name: name, _token: $token.val() } }).always(function(response) { if (response === "success") { $(`#current-image-${name}`).slideUp(200); submitting = false; } else { showAlert("Failed to delete image: " + response, function() { submitting = false; }); } }); }, function() { submitting = false; }); } }); // initialize file deletion $(".edit-button.delete.file").on("click", function(e) { const $this = $(this), name = $this.data("name"), ext = $this.data("ext"); if (!submitting) { submitting = true; askConfirmation("Are you sure you want to delete this file?", function() { // delete the file $.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: "/dashboard/file-delete", data: { id: id, model: model, name: name, ext: ext, _token: $token.val() } }).always(function(response) { if (response === "success") { $(`#current-file-${name}`).slideUp(200); submitting = false; } else { showAlert("Failed to delete file: " + response, function() { submitting = false; }); } }); }, function() { submitting = false; }); } }); // initialize list item functionality $lists.each(function(index, list) { const $list = $(list), $template = $list.find(".list-template"), $items = $list.find(".list-items"); let sortable = undefined; const initSort = function() { if (typeof sortable !== "undefined") { sortable.destroy(); } sortable = Sortable.create($items[0], { handle: ".sort-icon", onUpdate: contentChanged }); }; const initDelete = function() { $items.find(".list-items-row").each(function(index, row) { const $row = $(row); // initialize delete button functionality $row.find(".list-items-row-button").off("click").on("click", function() { $row.remove(); initSort(); contentChanged(); }); }); }; const initList = function() { $list.find(".list-data-row").each(function(rowIndex, row) { // Add the values from the current data row to the template $(row).find(".list-data-row-item").each(function(itemIndex, item) { const $item = $(item), column = $item.data("column"), value = $item.data("value"); $template.find(".list-items-row-input-inner").each(function(inputIndex, input) { const $input = $(input); if ($input.data("column") === column) { $input.val(value); } }); }); // Add the populated template to the list of items then clear the template values $template.find(".list-items-row").clone().appendTo($items); $template.find(".list-items-row-input-inner").val(""); }); initSort(); initDelete(); }; $list.find(".list-add-button").on("click", function() { $template.find(".list-items-row").clone().appendTo($items); initDelete(); initSort(); contentChanged(); }); initList(); }); // allow the date picker start time selection to start on the hour and every 15 minutes after for (hours = 0; hours <= 23; hours++) { for (minutes = 0; minutes <= 3; minutes++) { allowTimes.push(hours + ":" + (minutes === 0 ? "00" : minutes * 15)); } } // enable the datepicker for date-picker elements $datePickers.each(function() { $(this).flatpickr({ enableTime: true }); }); // enable the markdown editor for mkd-editor elements $mkdEditors.each(function() { const $this = $(this), column = $this.attr("id"); easymde[column] = new EasyMDE({ element: this, toolbar: [ "bold", "italic", "|", "heading-1", "heading-2", "heading-3", "|", "quote", "unordered-list", "ordered-list", "link" ], blockStyles: { italic: "_" }, autoDownloadFontAwesome: false, tabSize: 4, spellChecker: false }); setTimeout(function() { // load the initial value into the editor easymde[column].value($this.attr("value")); easymde[column].codemirror.refresh(); // watch for changes to easymde editor contents easymde[column].codemirror.on("change", contentChanged); }, 500); }); // enable currency formatting for currency-input elements new AutoNumeric.multiple($currencyInputs.toArray(), { currencySymbol: "$", rawValueDivisor: 0.01, allowDecimalPadding: false, modifyValueOnWheel: false }); // watch for changes to input and select element contents $editItem.find("input, select").on("input change", contentChanged); // initialize back button $backButton.on("click", function() { if (!submitting) { if (changes) { askConfirmation("Cancel changes and return to the list?", function() { window.location.href = "/dashboard/edit/" + model; }); } else { window.location.href = "/dashboard/edit/" + model; } } }); // initialize submit button $submit.on("click", function() { if (!submitting && changes) { submitting = true; // show the loading modal loadingModal("show"); // populate the formData object getFormData(); // submit the update if (Object.keys(formData.columns).length) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/dashboard/update", data: formData }).always(function(response) { let message = ""; if ((/^id:[0-9][0-9]*$/).test(response)) { uploadImage(response.replace(/^id:/, ""), 0); } else { loadingModal("hide"); if ((/^not-unique:/).test(response)) { message = `${response.replace(/'/g, "").replace(/^[^:]*:/, "").replace(/,([^,]*)$/, " and $1").replace(/,/g, ", ")} must be unique`; } else if ((/^required:/).test(response)) { message = `${response.replace(/'/g, "").replace(/^[^:]*:/, "").replace(/,([^,]*)$/, " and $1").replace(/,/g, ", ")} must not be empty`; } else { message = `Failed to ${operation} record`; } showAlert(message, function() { submitting = false; }); } }); } else { uploadImage(formData.id, 0); } } }); } // initialize the user profile image functionality function userProfileImageInit() { const $form = $("#user-profile-image"), $upload = $("#profile-image-upload"), $delete = $("#profile-image-delete"), $token = $("#token"), $display = $form.find(".image-display").first(), defaultImage = $display.data("default"); let file, submitting = false; $upload.on("change", function() { if ($upload.val() !== "" && !submitting) { submitting = true; askConfirmation("Update your user profile image?", function() { // show the loading modal loadingModal("show"); // add the image to the form data file = new FormData(); file.append("file", $upload[0].files[0]); // submit the form data $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/dashboard/user/profile-image-upload", data: file, processData: false, contentType: false, beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-TOKEN", $token.val()); } }).always(function(response) { loadingModal("hide"); if ((/\.png\?version=/).test(response)) { $display.css({ backgroundImage: `url(${response})` }); $delete.removeClass("inactive"); submitting = false; } else { showAlert("Failed to upload image", function() { submitting = false; }); } }); }, function() { $upload.val(""); submitting = false; }); } }); $delete.on("click", function() { if (!submitting) { submitting = true; askConfirmation("Delete your profile image?", function() { // delete the profile image $.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: "/dashboard/user/profile-image-delete", data: { _token: $token.val() } }).always(function(response) { if (response === "success") { $display.css({ backgroundImage: `url(${defaultImage})` }); $delete.addClass("inactive"); submitting = false; } else { showAlert("Failed to delete profile image", function() { submitting = false; }); } }); }, function() { submitting = false; }); } }); } // initialize the user profile update functionality function userProfileUpdateInit() { const $form = $("#user-profile-update"), $submit = $form.find(".submit-button"), $inputs = $form.find("input"), $name = $("#name"), $website = $("#website"), $facebook = $("#facebook"), $soundcloud = $("#soundcloud"), $instagram = $("#instagram"), $twitter = $("#twitter"), $token = $("#token"); let formData = {}, submitting = false; const getFormData = function() { formData = { name: $name.val(), website: $website.val(), facebook: $facebook.val(), soundcloud: $soundcloud.val(), instagram: $instagram.val(), twitter: $twitter.val(), _token: $token.val() }; }; // remove the error class from an input and enable submit when its value changes $inputs.on("input change", function() { $submit.removeClass("no-input"); $(this).removeClass("error"); }); // initialize submit button $submit.on("click", function() { if (!submitting) { submitting = true; // remove the error class from inputs $inputs.removeClass("error"); // show the loading modal loadingModal("show"); // populate the formData object getFormData(); // submit the update $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/dashboard/user/profile-update", data: formData }).always(function(response) { loadingModal("hide"); if (response === "success") { $submit.addClass("no-input"); showAlert("User profile updated successfully", function() { submitting = false; }); } else { // add the error class to fields that haven't been filled correctly for (let errorName in response.responseJSON.errors) { if ($form.find(`[name='${errorName}']`).length) { $form.find(`[name='${errorName}']`).addClass("error"); } } showAlert("Error updating user profile", function() { submitting = false; }); } }); } }); } // initialize the user password update functionality function userPasswordUpdateInit() { const $form = $("#user-password-update"), $submit = $form.find(".submit-button"), $inputs = $form.find("input"), $oldpass = $("#oldpass"), $newpass = $("#newpass"), $newpassConfirmation = $("#newpass_confirmation"), $token = $("#token"); let formData = {}, submitting = false; const getFormData = function() { formData = { oldpass: $oldpass.val(), newpass: $newpass.val(), newpass_confirmation: $newpassConfirmation.val(), _token: $token.val() }; }; // remove the error class from inputs and enable submit if all inputs have data when changes are made $inputs.on("input change", function() { let enableSubmit = true; for (let i = 0; i < $inputs.length; i++) { if ($inputs[i].value === "") { enableSubmit = false; break; } } if (enableSubmit) { $submit.removeClass("no-input"); } else { $submit.addClass("no-input"); } $inputs.removeClass("error"); }); // initialize submit button $submit.on("click", function() { if (!submitting) { submitting = true; // remove the error class from inputs $inputs.removeClass("error"); // show the loading modal loadingModal("show"); // populate the formData object getFormData(); if (formData.newpass !== formData.newpass_confirmation) { // fail with an error if the newpass and newpass_confirmation don't match $newpassConfirmation.val(""); $newpass.addClass("error"); $newpassConfirmation.addClass("error"); showAlert("New passwords do not match", function() { submitting = false; }); } else { // submit the update $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/dashboard/user/password-update", data: formData }).always(function(response) { loadingModal("hide"); if (response === "success") { $inputs.val("").trigger("change"); showAlert("Password updated successfully", function() { submitting = false; }); } else if (response === "old-password-fail") { $oldpass.addClass("error"); showAlert("Old password is not correct", function() { submitting = false; }); } else { $newpass.addClass("error"); $newpassConfirmation.val(""); showAlert("New password must be at least 6 characters", function() { submitting = false; }); } }); } } }); } // run the respective initialization functions for each form on the current page $(document).ready(function() { if ($("#edit-list").length) { editListInit(); } if ($("#edit-item").length) { editItemInit(); } if ($("#user-profile-image").length) { userProfileImageInit(); } if ($("#user-profile-update").length) { userProfileUpdateInit(); } if ($("#user-password-update").length) { userPasswordUpdateInit(); } });