@extends('dashboard.core') @section('dashboard-heading') @if($export && count($rows) > 0) <a href="/dashboard/export/{{ $model }}"><button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary">Export</button></a> @endif @if($create) <a href="/dashboard/edit/{{ $model }}/new" class="new-button btn btn-secondary">New</a> @endif @endsection @section('dashboard-body') <div id="edit-list-wrapper"> <input type="hidden" id="token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}" /> @if(count($paramdisplay)) @foreach($paramdisplay as $param) <div>Showing {{ $heading }} with a {{ $param['title'] }} of "{{ $param['value'] }}"</div> @endforeach @endif @if($filter) @if(!$paginate) <input id="filter-input" class="search" placeholder="Filter" /> @else <form id="search-form" class="search-form" data-url="{{ url()->current() }}"> <input class="search-form-input search" placeholder="Search" value="{{ request()->query('search') }}" /> <input type="submit" class="search-form-submit" value="Search" /> </form> @endif @endif @if($paginate && $rows->lastPage() !== 1) <div class="pagination-navigation-bar"> <a class="pagination-navigation-bar-arrow prev btn btn-primary {{ $rows->onFirstPage() ? 'btn-disabled' : '' }}" href="/dashboard/edit/{{ $model }}?page={{ $rows->onFirstPage() ? 1 : $rows->currentPage() - 1 }}{{ $query !== '' ? ('&' . $query) : '' }}"> Previous Page </a> <div class="pagination-navigation-bar-page-count"> @php $pages_around = 2; $start_page = $rows->currentPage() - $pages_around; @endphp @if($start_page < 1) @php $start_page = 1; @endphp @elseif($start_page + $pages_around > $rows->lastPage()) @php $start_page = $rows->lastPage() - $pages_around; @endphp @endif @if($start_page > 1) <a class="pagination-navigation-bar-pages-number btn btn-outline space" href="/dashboard/edit/{{ $model }}?page=1{{ $query !== '' ? ('&' . $query) : '' }}"> 1 </a> @endif @for($page = $start_page; $page < $start_page + 1 + $pages_around * 2; $page++) @if($page === $rows->currentPage()) <div class="pagination-navigation-bar-pages-number btn btn-inactive">{{ $page }}</div> @elseif($page <= $rows->lastPage()) <a class="pagination-navigation-bar-pages-number btn btn-outline" href="/dashboard/edit/{{ $model }}?page={{ $page }}{{ $query !== '' ? ('&' . $query) : '' }}"> {{ $page }} </a> @endif @endfor @if($start_page + $pages_around * 2 < $rows->lastPage()) <a class="pagination-navigation-bar-pages-number btn btn-outline space" href="/dashboard/edit/{{ $model }}?page={{ $rows->lastPage() }}{{ $query !== '' ? ('&' . $query) : '' }}"> {{ $rows->lastPage() }} </a> @endif </div> <a class="pagination-navigation-bar-arrow next btn btn-primary {{ $rows->hasMorePages() ? '' : 'btn-disabled' }}" href="/dashboard/edit/{{ $model }}?page={{ $rows->hasMorePages() ? $rows->currentPage() + 1 : $rows->currentPage() }}{{ $query !== '' ? ('&' . $query) : '' }}"> Next Page </a> </div> @endif @if(request()->query('search', null) != null && count($rows) == 0) <div class="help-text text-center">No Matching {{ $heading }} Found</div> @else <ul id="edit-list" class="list-group edit-list list" data-model="{{ $model }}" {{ $sortcol != false ? "data-sort=$sortcol" : '' }}> @foreach($rows as $row) <li class="list-group-item {{ $sortcol != false ? 'sortable' : '' }}" data-id="{{ $row['id'] }}"> <div class="title-column"> @if($sortcol != false) <div class="sort-icon" title="Click and drag to reorder"> <div class="sort-icon-inner"> <div class="sort-icon-inner-bar"></div> <div class="sort-icon-inner-bar"></div> <div class="sort-icon-inner-bar"></div> </div> </div> @endif @foreach($display as $index => $display_column) @php $name = null; $type = null; foreach ($columns as $column) { if ($column['name'] == $display_column) { $name = $column['name']; $type = $column['type']; $ext = array_key_exists('ext', $column) ? $column['ext'] : $row::$default_image_ext; break; } } if ($type == 'image') { $image = $row->getUploadsPath('image') . $row->id . "-$name.$ext"; $thumbnail = $row->getUploadsPath('thumb') . $row->id . "-$name.$ext"; if (!file_exists(public_path($image))) { $image = null; $thumbnail = null; } else if (!file_exists(public_path($thumbnail))) { $thumbnail = $image; } } @endphp @if($name != null && $type != null && ($row[$display_column] != '' || ($type == 'image' && $thumbnail !== null))) <div class="column"> @if($type == 'image') <a class="image-preview" href="{{ $image }}" target="_blank" style="background-image: url({{ $thumbnail }})"> </a> @else {{ $row[$display_column] }} @endif </div> @if($index < count($display) - 1) <div class="spacer">|</div> @endif @endif @endforeach </div> <div class="button-column"> @if(!empty($button)) <button type="button" class="action-button btn btn-secondary" data-confirmation="{{ $button[1] }}" data-success="{{ $button[2] }}" data-error="{{ $button[3] }}" data-url="{{ $button[4] }}">{{ $button[0] }}</button> @endif @if(!empty($idlink)) <a class="btn btn-secondary" href="{{ $idlink[1] }}{{ $row['id'] }}">{{ $idlink[0] }}</a> @endif <a class="edit-button btn btn-warning" href="/dashboard/edit/{{ $model }}/{{ $row['id'] }}">Edit</a> @if($delete) <button type="button" class="delete-button btn btn-danger">Delete</button> @endif </div> </li> @endforeach </ul> @endif </div> @endsection