/* * Intelligent SNAKE * * Description: A simple snake clone written in C and SDL * Author: Kevin MacMartin * E-Mail: prurigro@gmail.com * * This project is licensed under the the MIT License (MIT): * * Copyright (c) 2014 Kevin MacMartin * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * This projected is licensed under the terms of the MIT license * */ #include #include #include #include #include /*TITLE OF THE WINDOW*/ #define GAMENAME "Intelligent Snake" /*FONT AND FONTSIZE*/ #define DEFAULT_FONT_FILE "DroidSans-Bold.ttf" #define DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE 22 /*HEIGHT AND WIDTH OF EACH TILE*/ #define TILEWIDTH 20 #define TILEHEIGHT 20 /*MIN+MAX+DEFAULT TILE ROWS AND COLUMNS*/ #define MIN_TILESWIDE 30 #define MIN_TILESHIGH 20 #define MAX_TILESWIDE 80 #define MAX_TILESHIGH 50 #define DEFAULT_TILESWIDE 50 #define DEFAULT_TILESHIGH 30 /*MIN+MAX+DEFAULT SNAKESPEED*/ #define MIN_SNAKESPEED 1 #define MAX_SNAKESPEED 9 #define DEFAULT_SNAKESPEED 1 /*SNAKE LENGTH (+1 FOR BUFFER)*/ #define MIN_SNAKELENGTH 4 #define MAX_SNAKELENGTH 36 #define DEFAULT_SNAKELENGTH 4 /*NUMBER OF NPCs (# OF BLOCKS + 1 FOR FOOD)*/ #define MIN_NPCCOUNT 1 #define MAX_NPCCOUNT 41 #define DEFAULT_NPCCOUNT 21 /*AMOUNT OF FOOD EATEN BEFORE SNAKESPEED INCREASES*/ #define ACCEL_FREQ 3 /*WHETHER TO DISPLAY COMMANDLINE OUTPUT DURING GAMEPLAY*/ #define CONSOLE_OUTPUT true /*CONSTANT VALUES*/ const int colourFood[3] = {255, 0, 0}; //Red const int colourHead[3] = {55, 255, 55}; //Green const int colourTail[3] = {55, 55, 255}; //Blue const int colourBody[3] = {110, 55, 255}; //Purple const int colourBlock[3] = {125, 55, 55}; //Brown const int colourTiles[3] = {0, 45, 20}; //Dark Green const int colourBackground[3] = {25, 25, 25}; //Black const int colourTextGameOver[3] = {230, 230, 230}; //White const int colourTextLabel[3] = {255, 0, 0}; //Red const int colourTextData[3] = {55, 55, 255}; //Blue /*ENUMERATIONS FOR MORE READABLE CODE*/ enum direction {Up, Down, Left, Right}; //Movement directions enum gameParams {QuitGame, TilesHigh, TilesWide, NPCCount, SnakeSpeed, SnakeLength, SnakeDirection, SnakeScore}; /*GAME FUNCTIONS*/ void gameLoop(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8], SDL_Event* event); int moveSnake(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8], enum direction newDirection); bool collisionDetect(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8], enum direction newDirection); void collisionDetectFood(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8]); bool gameEventPoll(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8], SDL_Event* event); bool scrollSnake(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8]); void updateSnake(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8]); void loadNPCs(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8]); void randomLocation(int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8], int* location[2]); void drawText(SDL_Surface* screen, char* string, int size, int x, int y, SDL_Colour colour); void updateRect(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int position[2], const int colour[3]); /*COMMANDLINE FUNCTIONS*/ void configureGame(int argc, char** args, int (*gameParameters)[8]); void printHelpMenu(char filename[]); void printErrorHelp(char filename[]); /*MAIN LOOP*/ int main(int argc, char* args[]) { int x, y, gameParameters[8]; int** ppSprites = NULL; int* pSprites = NULL; SDL_Surface* screen = NULL; SDL_Rect** ppTiles = NULL; SDL_Rect* pTiles = NULL; SDL_Event event; //START RANDOM SEED TO HELP MAKE RANDOM NUMBERS MORE RANDOM srand(time(NULL)); //CONFIGURE GAME SETTINGS USING DEFAULTS AND USER INPUT configureGame(argc, args, &gameParameters); //INITIALIZE SDL if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_TIMER) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\nUnable to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } atexit(SDL_Quit); //INITIALIZE SDL_ttf if (TTF_Init() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\nUnable to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } atexit(TTF_Quit); //INITIALIZE THE MAIN SURFACE if ((screen = SDL_SetVideoMode((TILEWIDTH * gameParameters[TilesWide]), (TILEHEIGHT * gameParameters[TilesHigh]) + 35, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_ANYFORMAT)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "\nUnable to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //SET THE INPUT QUEUE TO IGNORE INPUT VIA MOUSE MOVEMENT SDL_EventState(SDL_MOUSEMOTION, SDL_IGNORE); //SET WINDOW TITLE SDL_WM_SetCaption(GAMENAME, NULL); //SET BACKGROUND COLOUR SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, colourBackground[0], colourBackground[1], colourBackground[2])); while (gameParameters[QuitGame] == 0) { //INIT TILES ARRAY pTiles = malloc(gameParameters[TilesWide] * sizeof(SDL_Rect)); ppTiles = malloc(gameParameters[TilesHigh] * sizeof(SDL_Rect*)); for (x = 0; x < gameParameters[TilesHigh]; x++) ppTiles[x] = malloc(gameParameters[TilesWide] * sizeof(SDL_Rect)); for (x = 0; x < gameParameters[TilesHigh]; x++) for (y = 0; y < gameParameters[TilesWide]; y++) { ppTiles[x][y].w = TILEWIDTH - (TILEWIDTH / 10); ppTiles[x][y].h = TILEHEIGHT - (TILEHEIGHT / 10); ppTiles[x][y].x = ((ppTiles[x][y].w + (TILEWIDTH / 10)) * y); ppTiles[x][y].y = ((ppTiles[x][y].h + (TILEHEIGHT / 10)) * x); SDL_FillRect(screen, &ppTiles[x][y], SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, colourTiles[0], colourTiles[1], colourTiles[2])); } //INIT SPRITES ARRAY pSprites = malloc(2 * sizeof(int)); ppSprites = malloc((gameParameters[NPCCount] + MAX_SNAKELENGTH) * sizeof(int*)); //The array is defined by the snake's maximum size so it can grow during gameplay for (x = 0; x < gameParameters[NPCCount] + MAX_SNAKELENGTH; x++) { ppSprites[x] = malloc(2 * sizeof(int)); ppSprites[x][0] = 0; ppSprites[x][1] = 0; } //SET SNAKE START POSITION for (x = gameParameters[NPCCount]; x < gameParameters[NPCCount] + gameParameters[SnakeLength]; x++) { ppSprites[x][0] = 3; ppSprites[x][1] = (3 + gameParameters[NPCCount] + gameParameters[SnakeLength] - DEFAULT_SNAKELENGTH + 2 - x); } //SET NPC LOCATIONS for (x = 0; x < gameParameters[NPCCount]; x++) randomLocation(ppSprites, &gameParameters, &(ppSprites)[x]); //GAME LOOP gameLoop(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, &gameParameters, &event); //FREE MEMORY AND RESET POINTERS free(ppTiles); free(ppSprites); ppSprites = NULL; pSprites = NULL; //RESET GAME SETTINGS USING DEFAULTS AND USER INPUT if (gameParameters[QuitGame] == 0) configureGame(argc, args, &gameParameters); } //FREEING THE SCREEN SURFACE BEFORE EXITING SDL_FreeSurface(screen); //EXIT THE PROGRAM exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /*GAME LOOP*/ void gameLoop(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8], SDL_Event* event) { SDL_Colour SDL_ColourBackground = {colourBackground[0], colourBackground[1], colourBackground[2]}; SDL_Colour SDL_ColourTextLabel = {colourTextLabel[0], colourTextLabel[1], colourTextLabel[2]}; SDL_Colour SDL_ColourTextData = {colourTextData[0], colourTextData[1], colourTextData[2]}; SDL_Colour SDL_ColourTextGameOver = {colourTextGameOver[0], colourTextGameOver[1], colourTextGameOver[2]}; int scoreLabelPosition[2] = {15, (TILEHEIGHT * (*gameParameters)[TilesHigh]) + 4}; int scoreDataPosition[2] = {95, (TILEHEIGHT * (*gameParameters)[TilesHigh]) + 4}; int speedLabelPosition[2] = {(TILEWIDTH * (*gameParameters)[TilesWide]) - 100, (TILEHEIGHT * (*gameParameters)[TilesHigh]) + 4}; int speedDataPosition[2] = {(TILEWIDTH * (*gameParameters)[TilesWide]) - 25, (TILEHEIGHT * (*gameParameters)[TilesHigh]) + 4}; int gameOverMsgPosition[5] = {(TILEWIDTH * ((*gameParameters)[TilesWide] / 2)) - 147, (TILEWIDTH * ((*gameParameters)[TilesWide] / 2)) - 50, (TILEWIDTH * ((*gameParameters)[TilesWide] / 2)) + 61, (TILEWIDTH * ((*gameParameters)[TilesWide] / 2)) + 82, (TILEHEIGHT * (*gameParameters)[TilesHigh]) + 9}; char* gameOverMsg[4] = {"GAME OVER", "SPACE to RESTART", " or ", "ESC to QUIT"}; char tempString[2][3] = {"-1", "-1"}; //LOAD BLOCKS AND FOOD loadNPCs(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters); //DRAW LABELS FOR SCORE AND SPEED RESPECTIVELY drawText(screen, "SCORE", DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, scoreLabelPosition[0], scoreLabelPosition[1], SDL_ColourTextLabel); drawText(screen, "SPEED", DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, speedLabelPosition[0], speedLabelPosition[1], SDL_ColourTextLabel); //LOOP UNTIL GAME IS FINISHED while (1) { //UPDATE THE SNAKE'S SCORE WHEN IT CHANGES if (atoi(tempString[0]) != (*gameParameters)[SnakeScore]) { if (atoi(tempString[0]) != -1) drawText(screen, tempString[0], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, scoreDataPosition[0], scoreDataPosition[1], SDL_ColourBackground); sprintf(tempString[0], "%d", (*gameParameters)[SnakeScore]); drawText(screen, tempString[0], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, scoreDataPosition[0], scoreDataPosition[1], SDL_ColourTextData); } //UPDATE THE SNAKE'S SPEED WHEN IT CHANGES if (atoi(tempString[1]) != (*gameParameters)[SnakeSpeed]) { if (atoi(tempString[1]) != -1) drawText(screen, tempString[1], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, speedDataPosition[0], speedDataPosition[1], SDL_ColourBackground); sprintf(tempString[1], "%d", (*gameParameters)[SnakeSpeed]); drawText(screen, tempString[1], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, speedDataPosition[0], speedDataPosition[1], SDL_ColourTextData); } if (gameEventPoll(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, event) == false) break; updateSnake(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters); SDL_Flip(screen); SDL_Delay(250 / ((*gameParameters)[SnakeSpeed] + 3)); if (scrollSnake(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters) == false) break; updateSnake(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters); SDL_Flip(screen); SDL_Delay(250 / ((*gameParameters)[SnakeSpeed] + 3)); if (gameEventPoll(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, event) == false) break; updateSnake(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters); SDL_Flip(screen); } //DISPLAY GAME OVER MESSAGE AND WAIT FOR INPUT if ((*gameParameters)[QuitGame] == 0) { //DISPLAY GAMEOVER MESSAGES drawText(screen, gameOverMsg[0], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE - 7, gameOverMsgPosition[0], gameOverMsgPosition[4], SDL_ColourTextGameOver); drawText(screen, gameOverMsg[1], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE - 9, gameOverMsgPosition[1], gameOverMsgPosition[4], SDL_ColourTextData); drawText(screen, gameOverMsg[2], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE - 9, gameOverMsgPosition[2], gameOverMsgPosition[4], SDL_ColourTextGameOver); drawText(screen, gameOverMsg[3], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE - 9, gameOverMsgPosition[3], gameOverMsgPosition[4], SDL_ColourTextData); SDL_Flip(screen); //WAIT A MOMENT TO ENSURE INPUT FROM THE GAME ISN'T CAUGHT SDL_Delay(250 / ((*gameParameters)[SnakeSpeed] + 3)); //CAPTURE SDL_QUIT TO EXIT, ESCAPE TO EXIT, OR SPACEBAR TO RESTART while (1) { if (SDL_PollEvent(event)) { if ((*event).type == SDL_QUIT) { (*gameParameters)[QuitGame] = 1; break; } else if ((*event).type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if (((*event).key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) || ((*event).key.keysym.sym == SDLK_q)) { (*gameParameters)[QuitGame] = 1; break; } else if (((*event).key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE) || ((*event).key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN)) break; } } } drawText(screen, gameOverMsg[0], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE - 7, gameOverMsgPosition[0], gameOverMsgPosition[4], SDL_ColourBackground); drawText(screen, gameOverMsg[1], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE - 9, gameOverMsgPosition[1], gameOverMsgPosition[4], SDL_ColourBackground); drawText(screen, gameOverMsg[2], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE - 9, gameOverMsgPosition[2], gameOverMsgPosition[4], SDL_ColourBackground); drawText(screen, gameOverMsg[3], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE - 9, gameOverMsgPosition[3], gameOverMsgPosition[4], SDL_ColourBackground); SDL_Flip(screen); } drawText(screen, "SCORE", DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, scoreLabelPosition[0], scoreLabelPosition[1], SDL_ColourBackground); drawText(screen, "SPEED", DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, speedLabelPosition[0], speedLabelPosition[1], SDL_ColourBackground); if (atoi(tempString[0]) != -1) drawText(screen, tempString[0], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, scoreDataPosition[0], scoreDataPosition[1], SDL_ColourBackground); if (atoi(tempString[1]) != -1) drawText(screen, tempString[1], DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, speedDataPosition[0], speedDataPosition[1], SDL_ColourBackground); } /*MOVES THE SNAKE IN THE DESIRED DIRECTION*/ int moveSnake(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8], enum direction newDirection) { int x; //MOVEMENT for (x = (*gameParameters)[NPCCount] + (*gameParameters)[SnakeLength] - 1; x >= (*gameParameters)[NPCCount]; x--) { if (x == (*gameParameters)[NPCCount]) { //MOVE THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE TO THE NEW DIRECTION switch (newDirection) { case Up: ppSprites[x][0] = ppSprites[x][0] - 1; (*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] = 0; break; case Down: ppSprites[x][0] = ppSprites[x][0] + 1; (*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] = 1; break; case Left: ppSprites[x][1] = ppSprites[x][1] - 1; (*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] = 2; break; case Right: ppSprites[x][1] = ppSprites[x][1] + 1; (*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] = 3; break; } } else { //MOVE THE BODY/TAIL OF THE SNAKE TO THE PIECE AHEAD OF IT ppSprites[x][0] = ppSprites[x - 1][0]; ppSprites[x][1] = ppSprites[x - 1][1]; } } } /*DETECT+HANDLE WHEN THE SNAKE COLLIDES WITH WALLS, BLOCKS, ITSELF OR FOOD*/ bool collisionDetect(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8], enum direction newDirection) { int x; switch (newDirection) { case Up: for (x = 0; x < (*gameParameters)[NPCCount] + (*gameParameters)[SnakeLength] - 2; ++x) { if (((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][0] - 1) == ppSprites[x][0]) && (ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][1] == ppSprites[x][1])) { if (x == 0) collisionDetectFood(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters); else return false; } } if ((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][0] - 1) < 0) return false; moveSnake(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, Up); break; case Down: for (x = 0; x < (*gameParameters)[NPCCount] + (*gameParameters)[SnakeLength] - 2; ++x) { if (((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][0] + 1) == ppSprites[x][0]) && (ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][1] == ppSprites[x][1])) { if (x == 0) collisionDetectFood(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters); else return false; } } if ((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][0] + 1) >= (*gameParameters)[TilesHigh]) return false; moveSnake(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, Down); break; case Left: for (x = 0; x < (*gameParameters)[NPCCount] + (*gameParameters)[SnakeLength] - 2; ++x) { if (((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][1] - 1) == ppSprites[x][1]) && (ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][0] == ppSprites[x][0])) { if (x == 0) collisionDetectFood(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters); else return false; } } if ((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][1] - 1) < 0) return false;; moveSnake(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, Left); break; case Right: for (x = 0; x < (*gameParameters)[NPCCount] + (*gameParameters)[SnakeLength] - 2; ++x) { if (((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][1] + 1) == ppSprites[x][1]) && (ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][0] == ppSprites[x][0])) { if (x == 0) collisionDetectFood(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters); else return false; } } if ((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][1] + 1) >= (*gameParameters)[TilesWide]) return false;; moveSnake(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, Right); break; } return true; } /*HANDLES COLLISION WITH FOOD*/ void collisionDetectFood(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8]) { //INCREASE THE SNAKE'S SIZE IF IT'S NOT ALREADY THE MAXIMUM if ((*gameParameters)[SnakeLength] < MAX_SNAKELENGTH) (*gameParameters)[SnakeLength]++; //INCREASE THE SNAKE'S SPEED WHEN THE SCORE IS DIVISIBLE BY ACCEL_FREQ if ((((*gameParameters)[SnakeScore] % ACCEL_FREQ) == 0) && ((*gameParameters)[SnakeScore] != 0) && ((*gameParameters)[SnakeSpeed] < MAX_SNAKESPEED)) (*gameParameters)[SnakeSpeed]++; //INCREASE THE SNAKE'S SCORE (*gameParameters)[SnakeScore]++; //SET FOOD PIECE IN NEW LOCATION randomLocation(ppSprites, gameParameters, &(ppSprites)[0]); updateRect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites[0], colourFood); SDL_Flip(screen); } /*CAPTURES INPUT AND GENERATES APPROPRIATE RESPONSE*/ bool gameEventPoll(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8], SDL_Event* event) { bool playerAlive = true; if (SDL_PollEvent(event)) { switch ((*event).type) { case SDL_QUIT: playerAlive = false; (*gameParameters)[QuitGame] = 1; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: //WHEN KEY IS PRESSED, CHECK WHICH AND RESPOND ACCORDINGLY switch ((*event).key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: case SDLK_w: case SDLK_k: if (((*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] != Up) && ((*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] != Down)) playerAlive = (collisionDetect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, Up)); break; case SDLK_DOWN: case SDLK_s: case SDLK_j: if (((*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] != Down) && ((*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] != Up)) playerAlive = (collisionDetect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, Down)); break; case SDLK_LEFT: case SDLK_a: case SDLK_h: if (((*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] != Left) && ((*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] != Right) && ((*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] != -1)) playerAlive = (collisionDetect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, Left)); break; case SDLK_RIGHT: case SDLK_d: case SDLK_l: if (((*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] != Right) && ((*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] != Left)) playerAlive = (collisionDetect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, Right)); break; case SDLK_ESCAPE: case SDLK_q: playerAlive = false; (*gameParameters)[QuitGame] = 1; break; } break; } } return playerAlive; } /*MOVES SNAKE AUTOMATICALLY IN WHICHEVER DIRECTION IT WENT LAST*/ bool scrollSnake(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8]) { bool playerAlive = true; switch ((*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection]) { case Up: playerAlive = (collisionDetect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, Up)); break; case Down: playerAlive = (collisionDetect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, Down)); break; case Left: playerAlive = (collisionDetect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, Left)); break; case Right: playerAlive = (collisionDetect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites, gameParameters, Right)); break; default: break; } return playerAlive; } /*REDRAW THE SNAKE BASED ON CURRENT VALUES*/ void updateSnake(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8]) { int x; for (x = (*gameParameters)[NPCCount]; x < (*gameParameters)[NPCCount] + (*gameParameters)[SnakeLength]; x++) { if (x == (*gameParameters)[NPCCount]) updateRect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites[x], colourHead); else if (x == ((*gameParameters)[NPCCount] + (*gameParameters)[SnakeLength] - 1)) updateRect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites[x], colourTiles); else if (x == ((*gameParameters)[NPCCount] + (*gameParameters)[SnakeLength] - 2)) updateRect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites[x], colourTail); else updateRect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites[x], colourBody); } } /*DRAW NPCs BASED ON ON CURRENT VALUES*/ void loadNPCs(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8]) { int x, startNPCs = 0; for (x = startNPCs; x < (*gameParameters)[NPCCount]; x++) { if (x == startNPCs) updateRect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites[x], colourFood); else updateRect(screen, ppTiles, ppSprites[x], colourBlock); } } /*A HELPER FUNCTION TO RANDOMLY PLACE NPCs WITH SOME INTELLIGENCE*/ void randomLocation(int** ppSprites, int (*gameParameters)[8], int* location[2]) { int x, randLocation[2]; bool isAcceptable = false; while (!isAcceptable) { isAcceptable = true; randLocation[0] = (rand() % ((*gameParameters)[TilesHigh] - 2)) + 1; randLocation[1] = (rand() % ((*gameParameters)[TilesWide] - 2)) + 1; //DON'T LOAD NPCs ONTO SNAKE OR OTHER NPCs for (x = 0; x < (*gameParameters)[NPCCount] + (*gameParameters)[SnakeLength]; ++x) if (((ppSprites[x][0]) == randLocation[0]) && ((ppSprites[x][1]) == randLocation[1])) isAcceptable = false; //DON'T LOAD NPCs DIRECTLY NEXT TO THE SNAKE'S HEAD if (((((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][0]) - 1) == randLocation[0]) && (((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][1])) == randLocation[1])) || //ABOVE THE SNAKE'S HEAD ((((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][0]) + 1) == randLocation[0]) && (((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][1])) == randLocation[1])) || //BELOW THE SNAKE'S HEAD ((((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][0])) == randLocation[0]) && (((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][1]) - 1) == randLocation[1])) || //LEFT OF THE SNAKE'S HEAD ((((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][0])) == randLocation[0]) && (((ppSprites[(*gameParameters)[NPCCount]][1]) + 1) == randLocation[1]))) //RIGHT OF THE SNAKE'S HEAD isAcceptable = false; } //SET THE GIVEN NPC'S LOCATION TO THE GENERATED COORDINATES (*location)[0] = randLocation[0]; (*location)[1] = randLocation[1]; } //DRAW TEXT WHEN REQUIRED void drawText(SDL_Surface* screen, char* string, int size, int x, int y, SDL_Colour colour) { SDL_Colour SDL_ColourBackground = {colourBackground[0], colourBackground[1], colourBackground[2]}; SDL_Rect coordinates = {x, y}; SDL_Surface *newString = NULL; TTF_Font *font; //LOAD THE FONT font = TTF_OpenFont(DEFAULT_FONT_FILE, size); if (!font) fprintf(stderr, "Error loading %s", DEFAULT_FONT_FILE); newString = TTF_RenderText_Shaded(font, string, colour, SDL_ColourBackground); SDL_BlitSurface(newString, NULL, screen, &coordinates); TTF_CloseFont(font); SDL_FreeSurface(newString); } /*LOW LEVEL FUNCTION TO BE RUN BY HIGHER LEVEL ONES FOR UPDATING TILES*/ void updateRect(SDL_Surface* screen, SDL_Rect** ppTiles, int position[2], const int colour[3]) { SDL_FillRect(screen, &ppTiles[position[0]][position[1]], SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, colour[0], colour[1], colour[2])); } /*PARSES COMMANDLINE OPTIONS AND GENERATES APPROPRIATE RESPONSE*/ void configureGame(int argc, char** args, int (*gameParameters)[8]) { int parsecount = 1; //SET DEFAULT GAME PARAMETERS (*gameParameters)[QuitGame] = 0; (*gameParameters)[TilesWide] = DEFAULT_TILESWIDE; (*gameParameters)[TilesHigh] = DEFAULT_TILESHIGH; (*gameParameters)[NPCCount] = DEFAULT_NPCCOUNT; (*gameParameters)[SnakeSpeed] = DEFAULT_SNAKESPEED; (*gameParameters)[SnakeLength] = DEFAULT_SNAKELENGTH; (*gameParameters)[SnakeDirection] = -1; (*gameParameters)[SnakeScore] = 0; //PARSE COMMANDLINE FOR SETTINGS while (parsecount < argc) { //HELP MENU if (strcmp(args[parsecount], "-h") == 0) { printHelpMenu(args[0]); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } //RESOLUTION else if (strcmp(args[parsecount], "-g") == 0) { if ((parsecount + 2) < argc) { if (((atoi(args[parsecount + 1]) >= MIN_TILESWIDE) && (atoi(args[parsecount + 1]) <= MAX_TILESWIDE)) && ((atoi(args[parsecount + 2]) >= MIN_TILESHIGH) && (atoi(args[parsecount + 2]) <= MAX_TILESHIGH))) { (*gameParameters)[TilesWide] = atoi(args[parsecount + 1]); (*gameParameters)[TilesHigh] = atoi(args[parsecount + 2]); parsecount = parsecount + 3; } else { printErrorHelp(args[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { printErrorHelp(args[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } //NUMBER OF BLOCKS else if (strcmp(args[parsecount], "-b") == 0) { if ((parsecount + 1) < argc) { if ((atoi(args[parsecount + 1]) >= (MIN_NPCCOUNT - 1)) && (atoi(args[parsecount + 1]) <= (MAX_NPCCOUNT - 1))) { (*gameParameters)[NPCCount] = atoi(args[parsecount + 1]) + 1; parsecount = parsecount + 2; } else { printErrorHelp(args[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { printErrorHelp(args[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } //SNAKE'S LENGTH else if (strcmp(args[parsecount], "-l") == 0) { if ((parsecount + 1) < argc) { if ((atoi(args[parsecount + 1]) >= (MIN_SNAKELENGTH - 1)) && (atoi(args[parsecount + 1]) <= (MAX_SNAKELENGTH - 1))) { (*gameParameters)[SnakeLength] = atoi(args[parsecount + 1]) + 1; parsecount = parsecount + 2; } else { printErrorHelp(args[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { printErrorHelp(args[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } //SNAKE'S SPEED else if (strcmp(args[parsecount], "-s") == 0) { if ((parsecount + 1) < argc) { if ((atoi(args[parsecount + 1]) >= MIN_SNAKESPEED) && (atoi(args[parsecount + 1]) <= MAX_SNAKESPEED)) { (*gameParameters)[SnakeSpeed] = atoi(args[parsecount + 1]); parsecount = parsecount + 2; } else { printErrorHelp(args[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { printErrorHelp(args[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } //FAIL IF ANYTHING ELSE else { printErrorHelp(args[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } /*PRINT THE HELP MENU TO THE COMMANDLINE*/ void printHelpMenu(char filename[]) { fprintf(stdout, " Usage: %s [options]\n", filename); fprintf(stdout, " Options:\n"); fprintf(stdout, " -g [width] [height]\tSet the grid size: between [%d]x[%d] and [%d]x[%d] (DEFAULT: [%d]x[%d])\n", MIN_TILESWIDE, MIN_TILESHIGH, MAX_TILESWIDE, MAX_TILESHIGH, DEFAULT_TILESWIDE, DEFAULT_TILESHIGH); fprintf(stdout, " -b [blocks]\t\tSet the number of blocks: between [%d] and [%d] (DEFAULT: [%d])\n", MIN_NPCCOUNT - 1, MAX_NPCCOUNT - 1, DEFAULT_NPCCOUNT - 1); fprintf(stdout, " -l [length]\t\tSet the snake's starting length: between [%d] and [%d] (DEFAULT: [%d])\n", MIN_SNAKELENGTH - 1, MAX_SNAKELENGTH - 1, DEFAULT_SNAKELENGTH - 1); fprintf(stdout, " -s [speed]\t\tSet the snake's starting speed: between [%d] and [%d] (DEFAULT: [%d])\n", MIN_SNAKESPEED, MAX_SNAKESPEED, DEFAULT_SNAKESPEED); fprintf(stdout, " -h\t\t\tDisplay help information\n"); } /*DISPLAYS AN ERROR MESSAGE BEFORE CALLING THE HELP MENU FUNCTION*/ void printErrorHelp(char filename[]) { fprintf(stderr, " Error: invalid input\n\n"); printHelpMenu(filename); }