const { transliterate } = require('transliteration') const { logger, file, csv } = require('../core') const { program } = require('commander') const schemes = require('./schemes') const chalk = require('chalk') const Joi = require('joi') const _ = require('lodash') program.argument('[filepath]', 'Path to file to validate').parse(process.argv) const allFiles = [ 'data/blocklist.csv', 'data/categories.csv', 'data/channels.csv', 'data/countries.csv', 'data/languages.csv', 'data/regions.csv', 'data/subdivisions.csv' ] let db = {} let files = {} async function main() { let globalErrors = [] for (let filepath of allFiles) { if (!filepath.endsWith('.csv')) continue const csvString = await if (/\s+$/.test(csvString)) return handleError(`Error: empty lines at the end of file not allowed (${filepath})`) const rows = csvString.split(/\r\n/) const headers = rows[0].split(',') for (let [i, line] of rows.entries()) { if (line.indexOf('\n') > -1) return handleError( `Error: row ${i + 1} has the wrong line ending character, should be CRLF (${filepath})` ) if (line.split(/,(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/).length !== headers.length) return handleError(`Error: row ${i + 1} has the wrong number of columns (${filepath})`) } const filename = file.getFilename(filepath) let data = await csv .fromString(csvString) .catch(err => handleError(`${err.message} (${filepath})`)) let grouped switch (filename) { case 'blocklist': grouped = _.keyBy(data, 'channel') break case 'categories': case 'channels': grouped = _.keyBy(data, 'id') break default: grouped = _.keyBy(data, 'code') break } db[filename] = grouped files[filename] = data } const toCheck = program.args.length ? program.args : allFiles for (const filepath of toCheck) { const filename = file.getFilename(filepath) if (!schemes[filename]) return handleError(`Error: "${filename}" scheme is missing`) const rows = files[filename] const rowsCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(rows)) let fileErrors = [] if (filename === 'channels') { fileErrors = fileErrors.concat(findDuplicatesById(rowsCopy)) for (const [i, row] of rowsCopy.entries()) { fileErrors = fileErrors.concat(validateChannelId(row, i)) fileErrors = fileErrors.concat(validateChannelBroadcastArea(row, i)) fileErrors = fileErrors.concat(validateChannelSubdivision(row, i)) fileErrors = fileErrors.concat(validateChannelCategories(row, i)) fileErrors = fileErrors.concat(validateChannelReplacedBy(row, i)) fileErrors = fileErrors.concat(validateChannelLanguages(row, i)) fileErrors = fileErrors.concat(validateChannelCountry(row, i)) } } else if (filename === 'blocklist') { for (const [i, row] of rowsCopy.entries()) { fileErrors = fileErrors.concat(validateChannel(row, i)) } } else if (filename === 'countries') { for (const [i, row] of rowsCopy.entries()) { fileErrors = fileErrors.concat(validateCountryLanguages(row, i)) } } else if (filename === 'subdivisions') { for (const [i, row] of rowsCopy.entries()) { fileErrors = fileErrors.concat(validateSubdivisionCountry(row, i)) } } else if (filename === 'regions') { for (const [i, row] of rowsCopy.entries()) { fileErrors = fileErrors.concat(validateRegionCountries(row, i)) } } const schema = Joi.object(schemes[filename]) rows.forEach((row, i) => { const { error } = schema.validate(row, { abortEarly: false }) if (error) { error.details.forEach(detail => { fileErrors.push({ line: i + 2, message: detail.message }) }) } }) if (fileErrors.length) {`\n${chalk.underline(filepath)}`) fileErrors.forEach(err => { const position = err.line.toString().padEnd(6, ' ')` ${chalk.gray(position)} ${err.message}`) }) globalErrors = globalErrors.concat(fileErrors) } } if (globalErrors.length) return handleError(`${globalErrors.length} error(s)`) } main() function findDuplicatesById(rows) { rows = => { row.normId = return row }) const errors = [] const schema = Joi.array().unique((a, b) => a.normId === b.normId) const { error } = schema.validate(rows, { abortEarly: false }) if (error) { error.details.forEach(detail => { errors.push({ line: detail.context.pos + 2, message: `entry with the id "${}" already exists` }) }) } return errors } // function findDuplicatesByName(rows) { // rows = => { // = // return row // }) // const errors = [] // const schema = Joi.array().unique((a, b) => === // const { error } = schema.validate(rows, { abortEarly: false }) // if (error) { // error.details.forEach(detail => { // errors.push({ // line: detail.context.pos + 2, // message: `entry with the name "${}" already exists` // }) // }) // } // return errors // } function validateChannelId(row, i) { const errors = [] let name = normalize( let code = let expected = `${name}.${code}` if (expected !== { errors.push({ line: i + 2, message: `"${}" must be derived from the channel name "${}" and the country code "${}"` }) } function normalize(name) { let translit = transliterate(name) return translit .replace(/^@/i, 'At') .replace(/^&/i, 'And') .replace(/\+/gi, 'Plus') .replace(/\s\-/gi, ' Minus') .replace(/[^a-z\d]+/gi, '') } return errors } function validateChannelCategories(row, i) { const errors = [] row.categories.forEach(category => { if (!db.categories[category]) { errors.push({ line: i + 2, message: `"${}" has the wrong category "${category}"` }) } }) return errors } function validateChannelCountry(row, i) { const errors = [] if (!db.countries[]) { errors.push({ line: i + 2, message: `"${}" has the wrong country "${}"` }) } return errors } function validateChannelReplacedBy(row, i) { const errors = [] if (row.replaced_by && !db.channels[row.replaced_by]) { errors.push({ line: i + 2, message: `"${}" has the wrong replaced_by "${row.replaced_by}"` }) } return errors } function validateChannelSubdivision(row, i) { const errors = [] if (row.subdivision && !db.subdivisions[row.subdivision]) { errors.push({ line: i + 2, message: `"${}" has the wrong subdivision "${row.subdivision}"` }) } return errors } function validateChannelBroadcastArea(row, i) { const errors = [] row.broadcast_area.forEach(area => { const [type, code] = area.split('/') if ( (type === 'r' && !db.regions[code]) || (type === 'c' && !db.countries[code]) || (type === 's' && !db.subdivisions[code]) ) { errors.push({ line: i + 2, message: `"${}" has the wrong broadcast_area "${area}"` }) } }) return errors } function validateChannelLanguages(row, i) { const errors = [] row.languages.forEach(language => { if (!db.languages[language]) { errors.push({ line: i + 2, message: `"${}" has the wrong language "${language}"` }) } }) return errors } function validateChannel(row, i) { const errors = [] if (!db.channels[]) { errors.push({ line: i + 2, message: `"${}" is missing in the channels.csv` }) } return errors } function validateCountryLanguages(row, i) { const errors = [] for (let lang of row.languages) { if (!db.languages[lang]) { errors.push({ line: i + 2, message: `"${row.code}" has the wrong language "${lang}"` }) } } return errors } function validateSubdivisionCountry(row, i) { const errors = [] if (!db.countries[]) { errors.push({ line: i + 2, message: `"${row.code}" has the wrong country "${}"` }) } return errors } function validateRegionCountries(row, i) { const errors = [] row.countries.forEach(country => { if (!db.countries[country]) { errors.push({ line: i + 2, message: `"${row.code}" has the wrong country "${country}"` }) } }) return errors } function handleError(message) { logger.error(`\n${message}`)) process.exit(1) }