#!/usr/bin/env bash # Dependencies deps=('curl' 'dos2unix' 'grep' 'node' 'rows' 'sqlite3') # URLs tmp_m3u_url='https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/index.m3u' tmp_csv_url='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iptv-org/database/master/data/channels.csv' # Temporary files tmp_m3u_file='/tmp/iptv.m3u' tmp_csv_file='/tmp/iptv.csv' tmp_processed_csv_file='/tmp/iptv-processed.csv' tmp_sqlite_file='/tmp/iptv.sqlite' # Final m3u final_m3u='channels.m3u' function cleanup { [[ -f "$tmp_m3u_file" ]] && rm "$tmp_m3u_file" [[ -f "$tmp_csv_file" ]] && rm "$tmp_csv_file" [[ -f "$tmp_processed_csv_file" ]] && rm "$tmp_processed_csv_file" [[ -f "$tmp_sqlite_file" ]] && rm "$tmp_sqlite_file" } function cleanup_and_exit { cleanup exit "$1" } function update { # Ensure old temporary files don't exist cleanup if ! curl -s "$tmp_m3u_url" > "$tmp_m3u_file"; then printf '%s\n' "Unable to download $tmp_m3u_url" cleanup_and_exit 1 fi if curl -s "$tmp_csv_url" > "$tmp_csv_file"; then # Convert to unix format dos2unix "$tmp_csv_file" # Add links to each channel while read -r; do if [[ "$REPLY" =~ ^([^,]*), ]]; then id="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" if [[ "$id" = 'id' ]]; then printf '%s\n' "${REPLY},link" else match="$(grep -A1 'tvg-id="'"$id"'"' "$tmp_m3u_file")" if (( $? == 0 )); then link="$(grep -e '^http' <<< "$match")" printf '%s\n' "$REPLY,$link" fi fi fi done < "$tmp_csv_file" > "$tmp_processed_csv_file" # Convert to sqlite rows csv2sqlite "$tmp_processed_csv_file" "$tmp_sqlite_file" # Create the m3u ./scripts/iptv-generate-m3u > "$final_m3u" # Delete temporary files cleanup_and_exit 0 else printf '%s\n' "Unable to download $tmp_csv_url" cleanup_and_exit 1 fi } # Check for missing dependencies declare -a missing_deps=() for dep in "${deps[@]}"; do type -P "$dep" >/dev/null \ || missing_deps=( "${missing_deps[@]}" "$dep" ) done [[ -n "${missing_deps[*]}" ]] && { printf '%s\n' "missing dependencies ($( for (( x=0; x < ${#missing_deps[@]}; x++ )); do printf '%s' "${missing_deps[$x]}" (( ( x + 1 ) < ${#missing_deps[@]} )) && printf '%s' ', ' done ))" exit 1 } # Update M3U update