# vnotes Manage your notes with flat files and your system text editor ## Dependencies * [bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/bash.html) * [coreutils](https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/) * [kbd](http://www.kbd-project.org) * [ncurses](https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses.html) ## Configuration Configuration is handled using environment variables: * `EDITOR`: The text editor that should be used to open notes (default: `/usr/bin/vim`) * `VNOTES_FOLDER`: The folder notes should be managed in (default: `$HOME/Notes`) * `VNOTES_EXTENSION`: The file extension notes should have (default: `md`) ## Usage * `vnotes [PATTERN]`: If multiple notes include `[PATTERN]` a list of matching notes is presented to choose from, otherwise it opens the closest matching note * `vnotes -c|--create [NAME]`: Creates a new note named `[NAME]` * `vnotes -d|--delete [NAME]`: Deletes the note named `[NAME]` * `vnotes -h|--help`: Shows the help text