1. Running `buildhosts build` for the first time will move _/etc/hosts_ to _/etc/hosts.core_ and create _/etc/hosts.sources_ with a set of default hosts sources that focus on ad-blocking, and these will be downloaded before a new _/etc/hosts_ is then created using _/etc/hosts.core_ and the contents of the hosts sources.
2. Once this is finished, you can add/edit/delete or comment (lines starting with #) hosts sources in _/etc/hosts.sources_, and running `buildhosts build` again will re-create _/etc/hosts_ using your updated sources.
1. To disable the configured hosts lists and restore your original configuration, run `buildhosts revert` and `/etc/hosts.core` will be moved back to `/etc/hosts` (*/etc/hosts.sources* will need to be manually deleted).