2. Edit the 'vimrc' file and select whether to expect powerline fonts, choose a font for gvim, and add or change any of the loaded config files to match your personal setup.
8. The 'vim/config/keyboard.vim' file has a list of the commands it configures, as well as some basic examples of some provided directly by plugins (though check the plugin folder's README for a full explanation).
* An original theme designed to be readable and aesthetically pleasing.
* A complete default configuration to start with and work from that aims to improve compatibility and provide sane, modern standards.
* Keyboard/mouse bindings that attempt to maintain vim's default behaviour while adding behaviour common to other text editors, improving accessibility to useful features, and making the mouse more capable (check the comments at the top of vim/config/keyboard.vim for a list of bindings and what they do).
* A core set of plugins that add some handy features and better support for some formats (you may want to remove plugins in vim/bundle/ supporting formats you won't be using).
* Written by prurigro: [GitHub Projects](https://github.com/prurigro) | [Arch Linux AUR Packages](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=prurigro)
* Many other authors have their work contained in this repo, most of which are self contained in the vim/bundle directory. I also used the Vim jellybean theme as a basis for the Darkcloud theme, which is maintained by NanoTech <http://nanotech.nanotechcorp.net/>
## License
All projects cloned in the vim/bundle folder are separate and have their own licenses. Everything else is released under the MIT license.