
663 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-03-01 16:28:35 -05:00
" "
" Darkcloud Neovim Config: keyboard settings "
" "
" By: Kevin MacMartin (prurigro@gmail.com) "
" Website: https://github.com/prurigro/darkcloud-nvimconfig "
" "
" License: MIT "
" "
2018-03-14 11:38:51 -04:00
" :GitLog & :gitlog | (C) -> show a navigatable log of commit history
" :GitDiff & :gitdiff | (C) -> current file and last commit in vimdiff
" :GitStatus & :gitstatus | (C) -> shows the output of git status
" :GitCommit & :gitcommit | (C) -> commits changes to the current file
" :git <file> | (C) -> open a vert split with the file in diff mode
" :vs33 | (C) -> create a vertical split using 33% width
" :vs66 | (C) -> create a vertical split using 66% width
" :sp33 | (C) -> create a split using 33% of the height
" :sp66 | (C) -> create a split using 66% of the height
" :diff | (C) -> open a new file in diff mode
" :ik | (C) -> add following character to keywords
" :iK | (C) -> remove following character from keywords
2018-03-14 11:38:51 -04:00
" (mouse)
" <Ctrl-ScrollUp> | (A) -> scroll left
" <Alt-ScrollUp> | (A) -> scroll left
" <Shift-ScrollUp> | (A) -> scroll left
" <Ctrl-ScrollDown> | (A) -> scroll right
" <Alt-ScrollDown> | (A) -> scroll right
" <Shift-ScrollDown> | (A) -> scroll right
" <MiddleClick> | (A) -> selects from the cursor
" <Ctrl-LeftClick> | (A) -> selects from the cursor
" <Alt-LeftClick> | (A) -> select the line being clicked
" <Ctrl-Alt-LeftClick> | (A) -> select the paragraph being clicked
" <Ctrl-RightClick> | (A) -> copy selection or character under cursor
" <Ctrl-MiddleClick> | (A) -> copy selection or character under cursor
" <Alt-RightClick> | (A) -> cut selection or character under cursor
" <Alt-MiddleClick> | (A) -> cut selection or character under cursor
" <Ctrl-Alt-RightClick> | (A) -> paste at the cursor (not mouse)
" <Ctrl-Alt-MiddleClick> | (A) -> paste at the cursor (not mouse)
" <Shift-MiddleClick> | (A) -> paste from xorg paste buffer
" (terminal)
" <Esc> | (T) -> leave edit mode
" (tabs)
" <Ctrl-n> | (N) -> go to the next open tab
" <Ctrl-p> | (N) -> go to the previous open tab
" <Ctrl-t> | (N) -> open a new tab
" (split)
" <Ctrl-w>{ | (N) -> rotate counter-clockwise
" <Ctrl-w>} | (N) -> rotate clockwise
" <Ctrl-w>] | (N) -> split vertically
" <Ctrl-w>0 | (N) -> create a vertical split 33% of the window
" <Ctrl-w>) | (N) -> create a vertical split 66% of the window
" <Ctrl-w>[ | (N) -> split horizontally
" <Ctrl-w>9 | (N) -> create a horizontal split 33% of the window
" <Ctrl-w>( | (N) -> create a horizontal split 66% of the window
" (display)
" <Backspace> | (N) -> reset window and clear search
" // | (N) -> reset window and clear search
" n | (N) -> center vertically on next search term
" N | (N) -> center vertically on last search term
" * | (N) -> center vertically on nth next search term
" # | (N) -> center vertically on nth last search term
" (toggles and features)
" <Leader>d | (N) -> VCS vimdiff in a new tab with signify
" ik | (N) -> add cursor character as a keyword
" iK | (N) -> remove cursor character as a keyword
" ~ | (N) -> popup a command reference
" <Leader><F1> | (N) -> toggle the vim reference manual
" ` | (A) -> toggle the gutter(numbers+folds+signify)
" <Space><Space> | (N) -> toggle selected fold
" <F1> | (A) -> toggle line wrapping
" <F2> | (A) -> toggle spell check
" <F3> | (A) -> toggle external-paste mode
" <F4> | (A) -> toggle syntax checking
2024-03-01 16:28:35 -05:00
" <F11> | (N) -> toggle git commit history
" <Leader>[ | (N) -> toggle git commit history
2024-03-06 02:08:39 -05:00
" <F12> | (N) -> toggle the vista sidebar
" <Leader>] | (N) -> toggle the vista sidebar
" <Leader><Leader> | (N) -> toggle the location list
" (spellcheck)
" ?+ | (N) -> add the selected word to the local dictionary
" ?? | (N) -> show spelling suggestions for selected word
" ?N | (N) -> go to the next spelling mistake
" ?P | (N) -> go to the previous spelling mistake
" (copy/paste and undo/redo)
" <Leader>p | (N) -> view the paste buffers and register contents
" P | (V) -> save selection to the buffer and paste over
" p | (V) -> preserve the buffer pasting over selected text
" Y | (N) -> copy to the end of the line
2024-03-01 16:28:35 -05:00
" (delete/cut operations that don't replace the paste buffer)
" <Leader>x | (N) -> delete the char(s) under and the cursor
" <Leader>x | (V) -> delete the currently selected text
" <Leader>X | (N) -> delete the char(s) before the cursor
" <Leader>X | (V) -> delete the currently selected lines
" <Leader>D | (N) -> delete from the cursor to EOL
" <Leader>D | (V) -> delete the currently selected lines
" <Leader>dw | (N) -> delete from the cursor to end of the word
" <Leader>dd | (N) -> delete current line
" <Leader>d | (V) -> delete selected text
2018-03-13 11:32:04 -04:00
" (fixing-and-formatting)
" <Leader>J | (N) -> split document into lines of tw or 80
" <Leader>J | (V) -> split selection into lines of tw or 80
" <Leader>f | (N) -> format document and return to cursor
" <Leader>f | (V) -> format the selection and return to cursor
2018-03-13 11:32:04 -04:00
" <Leader>F | (N) -> run available ale fixers on the document
" <Leader>t | (N) -> convert tabs into spaces
" <Leader>T | (N) -> convert spaces into tabs
" <Leader>w | (N) -> remove whitespace
" <Tab> | (V) -> indent all the lines currently selected
" <Tab> | (N) -> indent the current line
" <Shift-Tab> | (V) -> un-indent all the lines currently selected
" <Shift-Tab> | (N) -> un-indent the current line
" [<Space> | (N) -> insert a blank line above the current one
" ]<Space> | (N) -> insert a blank line below the current one
2021-09-17 15:24:17 -04:00
" (macros)
" ' | (N) -> run a macro
" (movement)
" = | (N) -> go to the first char on the next line
" _ | (N) -> go to the first char on the previous line
" <Ctrl-Up> | (N) -> move four lines up
" <Ctrl-Down> | (N) -> move four lines down
" <Ctrl-Right> | (N) -> move one word right
" <Ctrl-Left> | (N) -> move one word left
" <Alt-Up> | (A) -> move the screen up
" <Alt-Down> | (A) -> move the screen down
" <Alt-Right> | (A) -> move the screen to the right
" <Alt-Left> | (A) -> move the screen to the left
" <Shift-Up> | (N) -> move to the beginning of the document
" <Shift-Down> | (N) -> move to the end of the document
" <Shift-Right> | (N) -> move to the end of the line
" <Shift-Left> | (N) -> move to the beginning of the non-whitespace
" <Shift-Ctrl-Up> | (V) -> vim-move: move a block up one line
" <Shift-Ctrl-Down> | (V) -> vim-move: move a block down one line
" <Shift-Ctrl-Up> | (N) -> vim-move: move a line up one line
" <Shift-Ctrl-Down> | (N) -> vim-move: move a line down one line
" ]g | (N) -> next difference (vimdiff/signify)
" [g | (N) -> previous difference (vimdiff/signify)
" >> | (N) -> next difference (vimdiff/signify)
" << | (N) -> previous difference (vimdiff/signify)
" (selection)
" <Ctrl-a> | (N) -> select all text
" <Ctrl-a> | (V) -> select all text
" <Shift-Up> | (V) -> select all text above
" <Shift-Down> | (V) -> select all text below
" <Shift-Right> | (V) -> select all text to the right
" <Shift-Left> | (V) -> select all text to the left up to the indent
" <Ctrl-Up> | (V) -> select four lines up
" <Ctrl-Down> | (V) -> select four lines down
" <Ctrl-Right> | (V) -> select one word right
" <Ctrl-Left> | (V) -> select one word left
2018-03-14 11:38:51 -04:00
"Filetype Specific Mappings:
" (help)
" q | (A) -> close the dialog
" (error/location list)
" <Left> | (A) -> up
" <Right> | (A) -> down
" l | (A) -> k
" h | (A) -> j
" <LClick><LClick> | (A) -> select entry
" <Space> | (A) -> select entry but remain in qf sidebar
" q | (A) -> close the list
" (vimdiff)
" <Leader><> | (N) -> update differences
" <Leader>,. | (N) -> update differences
" <Leader>>< | (N) -> update differences
" <Leader>., | (N) -> update differences
" <Leader>> | (N) -> replace diff in other pane with current pane
" <Leader>. | (N) -> replace diff in other pane with current pane
" <Leader<< | (N) -> replace diff in current pane with other pane
" <Leader<, | (N) -> replace diff in current pane with other pane
"-unmapping tabbing from < and > for use with diff
"+these commands are replaced by tab and shift+tab
noremap > <Nop>
noremap < <Nop>
"-unmapping help from F1, Alt-F1 and Ctrl-F1
map <F1> <Nop>
map <A-F1> <Nop>
map <C-F1> <Nop>
"-unmap the suspend function
map <C-z> <Nop>
"-unmap ex mode
nnoremap Q <Nop>
"unmap shift+k opening help
nnoremap <S-k> <Nop>
"shortcuts to git commands
cabbrev <expr><silent> GitDiff ':Gdiff<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> gitdiff ':Gdiff<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> GitStatus ':Gstatus<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> gitstatus ':Gstatus<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> GitCommit ':Gcommit<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> gitcommit ':Gcommit<CR>'
"create various sizes of splits
cabbrev <expr><silent> vs33 ':VS33<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> vs66 ':VS66<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> sp33 ':SP33<CR>'
cabbrev <expr><silent> sp66 ':SP66<CR>'
cabbrev diff vertical diffsplit
"add/remove character as keyword
cabbrev ik setlocal iskeyword+=
cabbrev iK setlocal iskeyword-=
Tweaked the colors and styling of the cursor line/col and visual selection to better differentiate between the two. Changed the match parenthesis to standout with black text so the colour is based on the syntax instead of sometimes becoming invisble when the colours match. Changed the emmit shortcut from <Ctrl-Y> to <Ctrl-Z> for reach, and because it's easier to remember (zencoding). Tweaked some of the keyboard references so their explanation makes it easier to remember the keys. Removed the multiple cursors plugin as it rarely worked, was buggy when it did and would slow things down when accidentally triggered. Chanced read sudo from :rsudo to :esudo to match the usual load command in vim, :e. Emmit is now only initialized in css, html, php and aspx files (feel free to push additional webdev files that would be likely to have css or html). Tried to apply a more consistant style and better organization across the configs. Lowered the distance from the edge of the screen before scrolling and increased the undo history size. Removed the perl omnicompletion script because I was looking to trim things down and don't really use perl myself; my apologies if anyone does though, and you can easily get it back by cloning https://github.com/c9s/perlomni.vim.git into the bundle directory. I also remove the fugitive git plugin because while I do use git, I've just found it to be easier and more natural to run it from outside vim; fans of that one can get it back by cloning https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git into the bundle directory
2014-03-11 03:05:09 -04:00
"hold ctrl to scroll left/right instead of up/down
noremap <C-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
nnoremap <C-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
xnoremap <C-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
snoremap <C-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
vnoremap <C-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
inoremap <C-ScrollWheelUp> <C-O>4zh
noremap <A-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
nnoremap <A-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
xnoremap <A-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
snoremap <A-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
vnoremap <A-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
inoremap <A-ScrollWheelUp> <C-O>4zh
noremap <S-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
nnoremap <S-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
xnoremap <S-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
snoremap <S-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
vnoremap <S-ScrollWheelUp> 4zh
inoremap <S-ScrollWheelUp> <C-O>4zh
noremap <C-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
nnoremap <C-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
xnoremap <C-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
snoremap <C-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
vnoremap <C-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
inoremap <C-ScrollWheelDown> <C-O>4zl
noremap <A-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
nnoremap <A-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
xnoremap <A-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
snoremap <A-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
vnoremap <A-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
inoremap <A-ScrollWheelDown> <C-O>4zl
noremap <S-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
nnoremap <S-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
xnoremap <S-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
snoremap <S-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
vnoremap <S-ScrollWheelDown> 4zl
inoremap <S-ScrollWheelDown> <C-O>4zl
"middle & ctrl+left = select from cursor
nnoremap <MiddleMouse> <RightMouse>
xnoremap <MiddleMouse> <RightMouse>
snoremap <MiddleMouse> <RightMouse>
vnoremap <MiddleMouse> <RightMouse>
inoremap <MiddleMouse> <RightMouse>
nnoremap <C-LeftMouse> <RightMouse>
xnoremap <C-LeftMouse> <RightMouse>
snoremap <C-LeftMouse> <RightMouse>
vnoremap <C-LeftMouse> <RightMouse>
inoremap <C-LeftMouse> <RightMouse>
"alt+left = line
nnoremap <A-LeftMouse> <LeftMouse>V
xnoremap <A-LeftMouse> <RightMouse>$
snoremap <A-LeftMouse> <RightMouse>$
vnoremap <A-LeftMouse> <RightMouse>$
inoremap <A-LeftMouse> <Esc><LeftMouse>V
"ctrl+alt+left = select paragraph
nnoremap <C-A-LeftMouse> <LeftMouse>vip
xnoremap <C-A-LeftMouse> <RightMouse>ip$
snoremap <C-A-LeftMouse> <RightMouse>ip$
vnoremap <C-A-LeftMouse> <RightMouse>ip$
inoremap <C-A-LeftMouse> <Esc><LeftMouse>vip
"ctrl+(middle/right) = copy
nnoremap <C-RightMouse> <LeftMouse>Vy
xnoremap <C-RightMouse> y
snoremap <C-RightMouse> y
vnoremap <C-RightMouse> y
inoremap <C-RightMouse> <C-0>y
nnoremap <C-MiddleMouse> <LeftMouse>Vy
xnoremap <C-MiddleMouse> y
snoremap <C-MiddleMouse> y
vnoremap <C-MiddleMouse> y
inoremap <C-MiddleMouse> <C-0>y
"alt+(middle/right) = cut
nnoremap <A-RightMouse> x
xnoremap <A-RightMouse> x
snoremap <A-RightMouse> x
vnoremap <A-RightMouse> x
inoremap <A-RightMouse> <C-O>x
nnoremap <A-MiddleMouse> x
xnoremap <A-MiddleMouse> x
snoremap <A-MiddleMouse> x
vnoremap <A-MiddleMouse> x
inoremap <A-MiddleMouse> <C-O>x
"ctrl+alt+(middle/right) = paste
nnoremap <C-A-RightMouse> p
xnoremap <C-A-RightMouse> p
snoremap <C-A-RightMouse> p
vnoremap <C-A-RightMouse> p
inoremap <C-A-RightMouse> <C-O>p
nnoremap <C-A-MiddleMouse> p
xnoremap <C-A-MiddleMouse> p
snoremap <C-A-MiddleMouse> p
vnoremap <C-A-MiddleMouse> p
inoremap <C-A-MiddleMouse> <C-O>p
"configure middle click to paste from X
noremap <S-Insert> <MiddleMouse>
noremap! <S-Insert> <MiddleMouse>
tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n>
nnoremap <silent><expr> <C-n> ':tabnext<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <C-p> ':tabprev<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <C-t> ':tabnew<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>{ ':wincmd R<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>} ':wincmd r<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>] ':vs<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>0 ':VS33<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>) ':VS66<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>[ ':sp<CR>:wincmd j<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>9 ':SP33<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <C-w>( ':SP66<CR>'
"clear search and reset buffer
nnoremap <silent><expr> <BackSpace> ':noh<CR>:redraw!<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> // ':noh<CR>:redraw!<CR>'
"keep the currently highlighted term in a search vertically centered
nnoremap <silent>n nzz
nnoremap <silent>N Nzz
nnoremap <silent>* *zz
nnoremap <silent># #zz
"VCS vimdiff in a new tab with signify
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>d ':SignifyDiff<CR>'
"add/remove cursor character as a keyword
nmap <expr><silent> <Leader>k ':execute "setlocal iskeyword+=".getline(".")[col(".")-1]<CR>:echo "The character ".getline(".")[col(".")-1]." has been added to iskeyword"<CR>'
nmap <expr><silent> <Leader>K ':execute "setlocal iskeyword-=".getline(".")[col(".")-1]<CR>:echo "The character ".getline(".")[col(".")-1]." has been removed from iskeyword"<CR>'
"toggle the command reference box
nnoremap <silent><expr> ~ ':TCommand<CR>'
"toggle the display of the left gutter
nnoremap <silent><expr> ` ':if (&number)<Bar>set nonumber<Bar>if exists("b:sy")<Bar>SignifyDisable<Bar>endif<Bar>else<Bar>set number<Bar>if exists("b:sy")<Bar>SignifyEnable<Bar>endif<Bar>endif<CR>:echo "gutter visibility toggled"<CR>'
"toggle folded code at foldpoints
nnoremap <Space><Space> za
"toggle line wrapping (and bottom bar if using the gui)
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F1> ':set wrap!<CR>:echo "line wrapping toggled"<CR>'
xnoremap <silent><expr> <F1> '<Esc>:set wrap!<CR>gv'
inoremap <silent><expr> <F1> '<C-O>:set wrap!<CR>'
"toggle show spelling errors
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F2> ':set spell!<CR>:if &spell =~ "0"<Bar>echo "spellcheck toggled off"<Bar>else<Bar>echo "spellcheck toggled on"<Bar>endif<CR>'
xnoremap <silent><expr> <F2> '<Esc>:set spell!<CR>gv'
inoremap <silent><expr> <F2> '<C-O>:set spell!<CR>'
"toggle external-paste mode
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F3> ':if &paste<Bar>set paste!<Bar>else<Bar>set paste<Bar>endif<CR>'
"toggle syntax checking
function! ToggleAle()
if g:ale_enabled
set scl=yes
set scl=auto
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F4> ':call ToggleAle()<CR>'
xnoremap <silent><expr> <F4> '<Esc>:call ToggleAle()<CR>gv'
inoremap <silent><expr> <F4> '<C-O>:call ToggleAle()<CR>'
"view commit history and diffs
2024-03-01 16:28:35 -05:00
nnoremap <expr><silent> <F11> ':vs<CR>:0Gclog<CR>:wincmd b<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>[ ':vs<CR>:0Gclog<CR>:wincmd b<CR>'
2024-03-06 02:08:39 -05:00
"bindings to trigger the vista list of tags
nnoremap <silent><expr> <F12> ':Vista!!<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>] ':Vista!!<CR>'
"toggle the location list
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader><Leader> ':call ToggleLocationList()<CR>'
"add the selected mispelled word to the local dictionary
nnoremap ?+ zg
"display a list of suggestions for the selected mispelled word
nnoremap ?? hea<C-X>s
"go to the next mispelled word
nnoremap ?N ]s
"go to the previous mispelled word
nnoremap ?P [s
"display contents of paste buffers
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>p ':reg<CR>'
"P pastes and replaces the buffer, p pastes and keeps it
vnoremap P p
xmap p <Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterVisual
"copy to the end of the line
nnoremap Y vg_y
"delete/cut operations that don't replace the paste buffer
nnoremap <Leader>x "_x
vnoremap <Leader>x "_x
nnoremap <Leader>X "_X
vnoremap <Leader>X "_X
nnoremap <Leader>D "_D
vnoremap <Leader>D "_D
nnoremap <Leader>dd "_dd
nnoremap <Leader>dw "_dw
vnoremap <Leader>d "_d
2018-03-13 11:32:04 -04:00
"format width to text width (or 80 chars if text width is 0)
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>J ':let b:tw=&textwidth<CR>:if (b:tw == 0)<Bar>set tw=80<Bar>endif<CR>gg0vG$gq:if (b:tw == 0)<Bar>set tw=0<Bar>let b:tw=80<Bar>endif<CR>:echo "Document has been formatted to a width of ".b:tw." characters"<CR>'
vnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>J '<Esc>:let b:tw=&textwidth<CR>:if (b:tw == 0)<Bar>set tw=80<Bar>endif<CR>gvgq:if (b:tw == 0)<Bar>set tw=0<Bar>let b:tw=80<Bar>endif<CR>:echo "Selection has been formatted to a width of ".b:tw." characters"<CR>'
2018-03-13 11:32:04 -04:00
"format by Vim syntax
nnoremap <Leader>f mzgg=G`z<CR>:echo "The document has been formatted"<CR>
vnoremap <Leader>f mz=`z<CR>:echo "The selection has been formatted"<CR>
2018-03-13 11:32:04 -04:00
"fix with ale
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>F ':ALEFix<CR>:echo "Available ale fixers have been run on the document"<CR>'
"convert tabs to spaces and spaces to tabs
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>t ':let b:et=&expandtab<CR>:set expandtab<CR>:retab!<CR>:let &expandtab=b:et<CR>:echo "Tabs have been converted to spaces"<CR>'
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>T ':let b:et=&expandtab<CR>:set noexpandtab<CR>:%retab!<CR>:let &expandtab=b:et<CR>:echo "Spaces have been converted to tabs"<CR>'
"remove trailing whitespace
nnoremap <silent><expr> <Leader>w ':FixWhitespace<CR>:echo "Trailing whitespace has been removed"<CR>'
"tab and untab the currently selected lines
vnoremap <Tab> >gv
nnoremap <Tab> v>gv<Esc>
vnoremap <S-Tab> <gv
nnoremap <S-Tab> v<gv<Esc>
"insert blank lines above and below the current one
nnoremap <silent> ]<Space> :<C-u>call append(line("."), repeat([""], v:count1))<CR>
nnoremap <silent> [<Space> :<C-u>call append(line(".")-1, repeat([""], v:count1))<CR>
2021-09-17 15:24:17 -04:00
nnoremap ' @
"additional mappings for easier access
nnoremap = +
nnoremap _ -
"map ctrl+direction to shifting the screen in that direction
nnoremap <C-Up> 4k
nnoremap <C-Down> 4j
nnoremap <C-Right> <S-Right>
nnoremap <C-Left> <S-Left>
noremap <A-Up> <ScrollWheelUp>
nnoremap <A-Up> <ScrollWheelUp>
xnoremap <A-Up> <ScrollWheelUp>
snoremap <A-Up> <ScrollWheelUp>
vnoremap <A-Up> <ScrollWheelUp>
inoremap <A-Up> <ScrollWheelUp>
noremap <A-Down> <ScrollWheelDown>
nnoremap <A-Down> <ScrollWheelDown>
xnoremap <A-Down> <ScrollWheelDown>
snoremap <A-Down> <ScrollWheelDown>
vnoremap <A-Down> <ScrollWheelDown>
inoremap <A-Down> <ScrollWheelDown>
noremap <A-Right> 4zl
nnoremap <A-Right> 4zl
xnoremap <A-Right> 4zl
snoremap <A-Right> 4zl
vnoremap <A-Right> 4zl
inoremap <A-Right> <C-O>4zl
noremap <A-Left> 4zh
nnoremap <A-Left> 4zh
xnoremap <A-Left> 4zh
snoremap <A-Left> 4zh
vnoremap <A-Left> 4zh
inoremap <A-Left> <C-O>4zh
"remap keys to scroll to the end in a direction
nnoremap <S-Up> gg0
nnoremap <S-Down> G$
nnoremap <S-Right> $
nnoremap <S-Left> ^
"remap shift+ctrl+up/down to move blocks up/down a line with vim-move
vmap <S-C-Up> <Plug>MoveBlockUp
vmap <S-C-Down> <Plug>MoveBlockDown
nmap <S-C-Up> <Plug>MoveLineUp
nmap <S-C-Down> <Plug>MoveLineDown
"move to next/previous difference (vimdiff/signify)
nmap ]g <plug>(signify-next-hunk)
nmap [g <plug>(signify-prev-hunk)
nmap >> ]g
nmap << [g
"ctrl-a to select all
nnoremap <C-a> gg0vG$
xnoremap <C-a> <Esc>gg0vG$
"map remap keys for speedier text selection
xnoremap <C-Up> 4k
xnoremap <C-Down> 4j
xnoremap <C-Right> <S-Right>
xnoremap <C-Left> <S-Left>
"remap keys to select all text in one direction
xnoremap <S-Up> gg0
xnoremap <S-Down> G$
xnoremap <S-Right> $
xnoremap <S-Left> ^
Tweaked the colors and styling of the cursor line/col and visual selection to better differentiate between the two. Changed the match parenthesis to standout with black text so the colour is based on the syntax instead of sometimes becoming invisble when the colours match. Changed the emmit shortcut from <Ctrl-Y> to <Ctrl-Z> for reach, and because it's easier to remember (zencoding). Tweaked some of the keyboard references so their explanation makes it easier to remember the keys. Removed the multiple cursors plugin as it rarely worked, was buggy when it did and would slow things down when accidentally triggered. Chanced read sudo from :rsudo to :esudo to match the usual load command in vim, :e. Emmit is now only initialized in css, html, php and aspx files (feel free to push additional webdev files that would be likely to have css or html). Tried to apply a more consistant style and better organization across the configs. Lowered the distance from the edge of the screen before scrolling and increased the undo history size. Removed the perl omnicompletion script because I was looking to trim things down and don't really use perl myself; my apologies if anyone does though, and you can easily get it back by cloning https://github.com/c9s/perlomni.vim.git into the bundle directory. I also remove the fugitive git plugin because while I do use git, I've just found it to be easier and more natural to run it from outside vim; fans of that one can get it back by cloning https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git into the bundle directory
2014-03-11 03:05:09 -04:00
if !&diff
autocmd FileType help map <buffer> <silent><expr> q ':q<CR>'
"error/location list
autocmd FileType qf map <buffer> <Left> <Up>
autocmd FileType qf map <buffer> <Right> <Down>
autocmd FileType qf map <buffer> l j
autocmd FileType qf map <buffer> h k
autocmd FileType qf map <buffer> <2-LeftMouse> <CR>
autocmd FileType qf map <buffer> <Space> <CR><C-w>p
autocmd FileType qf if getwininfo(win_getid())[0]['loclist'] == 0|map <buffer> <silent><expr> q ':call ToggleQuickfixList()<CR>'|else|map <buffer> <silent><expr> q ':call ToggleLocationList()<CR>'|endif
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|nmap <buffer> <silent><expr> <Leader><> ':diffu<CR>'|endif
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|nmap <buffer> <silent><expr> <Leader>,. ':diffu<CR>'|endif
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|nmap <buffer> <silent><expr> <Leader>>< ':diffu<CR>'|endif
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|nmap <buffer> <silent><expr> <Leader>., ':diffu<CR>'|endif
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|nmap <buffer> <Leader>> dp|endif
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|nmap <buffer> <Leader>. dp|endif
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|nmap <buffer> <Leader>< do|endif
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|nmap <buffer> <Leader>, do|endif
autocmd FilterWritePre * if &diff|cabbrev q! qall!|endif
"remove incompatible toggles from specific file types
2024-03-06 02:08:39 -05:00
autocmd Filetype help,qf,diff,vista noremap <buffer> <F11> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype help,qf,diff,vista noremap <buffer> <Leader>[ <Nop>
autocmd Filetype help,qf,diff noremap <buffer> <F12> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype help,qf,diff noremap <buffer> <Leader>] <Nop>
"disable modifier keys with directions that would interfere with logic
2024-03-01 16:28:35 -05:00
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <C-Up> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <C-k> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <C-Down> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <C-j> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <C-Right> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <C-l> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <C-Left> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <C-h> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <A-Up> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <A-k> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <A-Down> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <A-j> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <A-Right> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <A-l> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <A-Left> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <A-h> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <S-Up> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <S-k> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <S-Down> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <S-j> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <S-Right> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <S-l> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <S-Left> <Nop>
autocmd Filetype qf noremap <buffer> <S-h> <Nop>
Tweaked the colors and styling of the cursor line/col and visual selection to better differentiate between the two. Changed the match parenthesis to standout with black text so the colour is based on the syntax instead of sometimes becoming invisble when the colours match. Changed the emmit shortcut from <Ctrl-Y> to <Ctrl-Z> for reach, and because it's easier to remember (zencoding). Tweaked some of the keyboard references so their explanation makes it easier to remember the keys. Removed the multiple cursors plugin as it rarely worked, was buggy when it did and would slow things down when accidentally triggered. Chanced read sudo from :rsudo to :esudo to match the usual load command in vim, :e. Emmit is now only initialized in css, html, php and aspx files (feel free to push additional webdev files that would be likely to have css or html). Tried to apply a more consistant style and better organization across the configs. Lowered the distance from the edge of the screen before scrolling and increased the undo history size. Removed the perl omnicompletion script because I was looking to trim things down and don't really use perl myself; my apologies if anyone does though, and you can easily get it back by cloning https://github.com/c9s/perlomni.vim.git into the bundle directory. I also remove the fugitive git plugin because while I do use git, I've just found it to be easier and more natural to run it from outside vim; fans of that one can get it back by cloning https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git into the bundle directory
2014-03-11 03:05:09 -04:00