Disable the startup message

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Kevin MacMartin 2024-05-16 21:13:42 -04:00
parent bd6f2e9dca
commit 2e50fb95a8

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@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
set scrolloff=5 "scroll vertically when the cursor is 5 characters away from the top or bottom
set sidescroll=1 sidescrolloff=5 "scroll horizontally when the cursor is 5 chars away from the edge
set list listchars=tab:>-,trail:- "display tabs as: >--- and trailing spaces as: -
set shortmess+=I "disable startup message
set showmatch "show matching open bracket when closed bracket is inserted
set matchtime=5 "the amount of time before the matching bracket will highlight
let &showbreak = "" "character to prepend to wrapped lines when line wrapping is enabled