Create new mappings for signify jumps so they don't conflict with treesitter textobjects mappings

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Kevin MacMartin 2024-03-05 15:53:12 -05:00
parent e859159e49
commit 432d4768db

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@ -166,6 +166,8 @@
" <Shift-Ctrl-Up> | (N) -> vim-move: move a line up one line
" <Shift-Ctrl-Down> | (N) -> vim-move: move a line down one line
" ]g | (N) -> next difference (vimdiff/signify)
" [g | (N) -> previous difference (vimdiff/signify)
" >> | (N) -> next difference (vimdiff/signify)
" << | (N) -> previous difference (vimdiff/signify)
@ -577,13 +579,11 @@
nmap <S-C-Up> <Plug>MoveLineUp
nmap <S-C-Down> <Plug>MoveLineDown
"map signify to ]c and [c
let g:signify_mapping_next_hunk = ']c'
let g:signify_mapping_prev_hunk = '[c'
"move to next/previous difference (vimdiff/signify)
nmap >> ]c
nmap << [c
nmap ]g <plug>(signify-next-hunk)
nmap [g <plug>(signify-prev-hunk)
nmap >> ]g
nmap << [g