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synced 2024-12-22 16:00:24 -05:00
Improve comments in the colors, remove stray ' characters in the pallete file, and remove the tab colors as that's handled by lightline
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 13 additions and 10 deletions
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ endif
"declare the name of our theme
let colors_name = "darkcloud"
"sets the highlighting for the given group | format: s:C('Name','Foreground','Background','Style')
"sets the highlighting for the given group | format: s:C("Name","Foreground","Background","Style")
fun! s:C(group, fg, bg, attr)
if has("gui_running") || &termguicolors
let l:term = "gui"
@ -59,20 +59,23 @@ endfun
call s:C("Normal",g:cWhite,g:cDarkBg,"")
hi! link Conceal Normal
call s:C("Cursor","",g:cDarkBg,"standout")
call s:C("CursorColumn","",g:cLightBg,"")
call s:C("CursorLine","",g:cLightBg,"")
call s:C("CursorLineNr",g:cBlue,g:cLightBg,"bold")
call s:C("LineNr",g:cGray4,"","bold")
"selected text
call s:C("Visual","",g:cDarkBg,"standout")
"vertical split divider
call s:C("VertSplit",g:cGray1,"","")
call s:C("MatchParen","",g:cLightBg,"bold")
"matched parenthesis
call s:C("MatchParen",g:cWhite,g:cLightBg,"bold")
call s:C("TabLine","",g:cBlack,"")
call s:C("TabLineFill","",g:cBlack,"")
call s:C("TabLineSel",g:cBlack,g:cGray1,"")
call s:C("ExtraWhiteSpace",g:cDarkRed,g:cDarkBg,"")
"menu call
@ -278,7 +281,7 @@ endfun
if has('nvim')
if has("nvim")
call s:C("@attribute",g:cRed,"","")
call s:C("@boolean",g:cYellow,"","bold")
call s:C("@character",g:cWhite,"","bold")
@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
if has("gui_running") || &termguicolors
let g:cBlack = '#000000'
let g:cWhite = '#ffffff'
let g:cGray1 = '#dadada'
let g:cGray2 = '#c6c6c6'
let g:cGray3 = '#6c6c6c'
let g:cGray4 = '#4e4e4e'
let g:cBlue = '#87d7ff'
let g:cRed = '#d75f5f'
let g:cYellow = '#ffd787'
let g:cDarkBlue = '#5fafd7'
let g:cDarkRed = '#af5f5f'
let g:cDarkYellow = '#d7af5f'
let g:cLightBg = '#303030'
let g:cDarkBg = '#262626'
elseif &t_Co >= 256
Reference in a new issue