Make pathogen_disabled global so it can be checked later, and allow it to be overridden prior to loading so an external vimrc can disable plugins before its loaded

This commit is contained in:
Kevin MacMartin 2024-02-23 16:13:01 -05:00
parent 9e92da6cde
commit fb1797cd84

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
runtime config/settings.vim
"Initialize Plugins:
let pathogen_disabled = []
let g:pathogen_disabled = get(g:, "pathogen_disabled", [])
if has('python3')
"configure pythonx and check for the python-neovim and python-msgpack libraries if python3 is found
@ -72,39 +72,39 @@
"if python isn't available disable plugins that depend on it and set library variables to false
call add(pathogen_disabled, 'MatchTagAlways')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'MatchTagAlways')
let g:python_neovim = 0
let g:python_msgpack = 0
"don't load vim-gutentags if ctags can't be found
if !executable('ctags')
call add(pathogen_disabled, 'vim-gutentags')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'vim-gutentags')
if !g:python_neovim || !g:python_msgpack
"don't load deoplete if either of its python dependencies are missing
call add(pathogen_disabled, 'deoplete.nvim')
call add(pathogen_disabled, 'neco-syntax')
call add(pathogen_disabled, 'nvim-yarp')
call add(pathogen_disabled, 'vim-hug-neovim-rpc')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'deoplete.nvim')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'neco-syntax')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'nvim-yarp')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'vim-hug-neovim-rpc')
elseif has('nvim')
"don't load the neovim compatibility plugins required by deoplete if actually running neovim
call add(pathogen_disabled, 'nvim-yarp')
call add(pathogen_disabled, 'vim-hug-neovim-rpc')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'nvim-yarp')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'vim-hug-neovim-rpc')
"disable autocompletion logic when running in vimpager mode
if exists('g:vimpager.enabled')
call add(pathogen_disabled, 'deoplete.nvim')
call add(pathogen_disabled, 'neco-syntax')
call add(pathogen_disabled, 'nvim-yarp')
call add(pathogen_disabled, 'vim-hug-neovim-rpc')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'deoplete.nvim')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'neco-syntax')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'nvim-yarp')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'vim-hug-neovim-rpc')
"if neovim is being used we should disable plugins that aren't compatible or necessary
if has('nvim')
call add(pathogen_disabled, 'vim-fixkey')
call add(g:pathogen_disabled, 'vim-fixkey')
"use pathogen to load plugins that haven't been disabled