2023-05-30 15:45:54 -04:00

275 lines
8.4 KiB

" "
" Darkcloud Vim Config: theme "
" "
" By: Kevin MacMartin (prurigro@gmail.com) "
" Website: https://github.com/prurigro/darkcloud-vimconfig "
" "
" License: MIT "
" "
"remove all the colours before writing our own
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
"declare the name of our theme
let colors_name = "darkcloud"
"sets the highlighting for the given group | format: s:C('Name','Foreground','Background','Style')
fun! s:C(group, fg, bg, attr)
if has("gui_running")
let l:term = "gui"
let l:term = "cterm"
if a:fg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " " . l:term . "fg=" . a:fg
exec "hi " . a:group . " " . l:term . "fg=NONE"
if a:bg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " " . l:term . "bg=" . a:bg
exec "hi " . a:group . " " . l:term . "bg=NONE"
if a:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " " . l:term . "=" . a:attr
exec "hi " . a:group . " " . l:term . "=NONE"
call s:C("SpellBad","","","italic,underline")
call s:C("SpellCap","","","italic,underline")
call s:C("SpellRare","","","")
call s:C("SpellLocal","","","")
"CORE: {{{
call s:C("Normal",g:cLightText,g:cDarkGrayBg,"")
hi Normal ctermfg=254 ctermbg=235
hi! link Conceal Normal
call s:C("Cursor","",g:cDarkGrayBg,"standout")
call s:C("CursorColumn","",g:cLightGrayBg,"")
hi CursorColumn ctermbg=236
call s:C("CursorLine","",g:cLightGrayBg,"")
hi CursorLine ctermbg=236
call s:C("CursorLineNr",g:cBlue,g:cLightGrayBg,"bold")
hi CursorLineNr ctermbg=236
call s:C("LineNr",g:cDarkGrayFg,"","bold")
hi LineNr ctermfg=239
call s:C("Visual","",g:cDarkGrayBg,"standout")
call s:C("VertSplit",g:cGray,"","")
call s:C("MatchParen","",g:cLightGrayBg,"bold")
call s:C("TabLine","",g:cBlack,"")
call s:C("TabLineFill","",g:cBlack,"")
call s:C("TabLineSel",g:cBlack,g:cGray,"")
call s:C("ExtraWhiteSpace",g:cDarkRed,g:cDarkGrayBg,"")
"menu call
call s:C("Pmenu",g:cBlue,g:cLightGrayBg,"")
call s:C("PmenuSel",g:cBlue,g:cLightGrayBg,"bold")
call s:C("Search","",g:cDarkGrayBg,"standout")
hi! link IncSearchMatch Search
hi! link IncSearchMatchReverse Search
call s:C("IncSearch","",g:cDarkGrayBg,"standout")
hi! link IncSearchOnCursor IncSearch
hi! link IncSearchCursor IncSearchOnCursor
"status line
call s:C("StatusLine","",g:cLightGrayBg,"")
hi! link StatusLineNC StatusLine
call s:C("WildMenu",g:cGray,g:cLightGrayBg,"")
call s:C("Folded",g:cBlue,g:cLightGrayBg,"bold")
call s:C("FoldColumn",g:cLightText,"","bold")
call s:C("SignColumn",g:cRed,"","bold")
hi! link ColorColumn SignColumn
"syntax style
call s:C("Boolean",g:cYellow,"","bold")
call s:C("Comment",g:cLightGrayFg,"","italic")
call s:C("Conditional",g:cYellow,"","")
call s:C("Constant",g:cBlue,"","bold")
call s:C("Delimiter",g:cWhite,"","")
call s:C("Directory",g:cBlue,"","")
call s:C("Function",g:cBlue,"","")
call s:C("Identifier",g:cDarkText,"","bold")
call s:C("Keyword",g:cBlue,"","bold")
call s:C("Label",g:cRed,"","")
call s:C("NonText",g:cBlue,"","")
call s:C("Number",g:cRed,"","bold")
call s:C("Operator",g:cRed,"","")
call s:C("PreProc",g:cYellow,"","")
call s:C("Question",g:cBlue,"","")
call s:C("Special",g:cYellow,"","bold")
call s:C("SpecialKey",g:cLightGrayFg,"","")
call s:C("Statement",g:cYellow,"","")
call s:C("String",g:cWhite,"","bold")
call s:C("StringDelimiter",g:cDarkText,"","")
call s:C("Tag",g:cYellow,"","")
call s:C("Title",g:cRed,"","bold")
call s:C("Todo",g:cRed,"","bold")
call s:C("Type",g:cRed,"","bold")
call s:C("Typedef",g:cRed,"","bold")
hi! link Character String
hi! link Float Number
hi! link Include Keyword
hi! link MoreMsg Special
hi! link SpecialChar Special
hi! link StorageClass Type
hi! link Structure PreProc
call s:C("Error",g:cRed,g:cBlack,"standout")
hi! link WarningMsg Error
hi! link ErrorMsg Error
call s:C("DiffAdd",g:cYellow,"","standout")
call s:C("DiffChange",g:cBlue,"","standout")
call s:C("DiffDelete",g:cRed,"","standout")
call s:C("DiffText",g:cDarkText,"","standout")
call s:C("cBraces",g:cYellow,"","")
hi! link cBlock String
hi! link cBlock cBraces
hi! link cNumbersCom Number
hi! link coffeeRegExp javaScriptRegexpString
hi! link dosiniLabel Function
call s:C("gitcommitSummary",g:cLightText,"","")
call s:C("gitcommitType",g:cBlue,"","")
call s:C("gitcommitFile",g:cRed,"","")
call s:C("htmlArg",g:cRed,"","bold")
call s:C("htmlBold",g:cWhite,"","bold")
call s:C("htmlH1",g:cRed,"","bold")
call s:C("htmlH2",g:cBlue,"","bold")
call s:C("htmlH3",g:cYellow,"","bold")
call s:C("htmlH4",g:cRed,"","italic")
call s:C("htmlH5",g:cBlue,"","italic")
call s:C("htmlH6",g:cYellow,"","italic")
call s:C("htmlLink",g:cRed,"","")
call s:C("htmlSpecialChar","","","italic")
call s:C("htmlTagName",g:cYellow,"","bold")
hi! link javaScriptBraces Delimiter
hi! link javaScriptParens Delimiter
hi! link javaScriptValue Constant
hi! link javascriptDomElemAttrs javaScriptSpecial
hi! link javascriptDomElemFuncs javaScriptFunction
hi! link javascriptHtmlEvents javaScriptSpecial
autocmd BufEnter,FileType json hi! link Label Constant
autocmd BufEnter,FileType json hi! link Number Todo
autocmd BufEnter,FileType json hi! link String Statement
call s:C("mkdCode",g:cYellow,g:cLightGrayBg,"")
call s:C("mkdURL",g:cLightGrayFg,"","")
hi! link mkdIndentCode mkdCode
hi! link cocoaClass objcClass
hi! link cocoaFunction Function
hi! link objcClass Type
hi! link objcDirective Type
hi! link objcMessageName Identifier
hi! link objcMethodArg Normal
hi! link objcMethodName Identifier
hi! link objcStatement Constant
hi! link objcSubclass objcClass
hi! link objcSuperclass objcClass
hi! link phpArrayPair Operator
hi! link phpNull Constant
hi! link phpSuperglobal Identifier
call s:C("rubyGlobalVariable","","","bold")
hi! link rubyClass Type
hi! link rubyConstant Type
hi! link rubyGlobalVariable rubyInstanceVariable
hi! link rubyInterpolationDelimiter Identifier
hi! link rubyModule rubyClass
hi! link rubyPredefinedIdentifier PreProc
hi! link rubySharpBang Comment
"systemd unit files
hi! link sdBindIPv6 sdValue
hi! link sdBool sdValue
hi! link sdCPUSchedPol sdValue
hi! link sdCapability sdDevAllow
hi! link sdDatasize sdValue
hi! link sdDevAllow Keyword
hi! link sdDocURI sdFilename
hi! link sdExecArgs sdExecFile
hi! link sdExecFile sdFilename
hi! link sdFileList sdFilename
hi! link sdFilename String
hi! link sdIOSchedClass sdValue
hi! link sdIOSchedPrio sdValue
hi! link sdIPTOS Label
hi! link sdKey Identifier
hi! link sdOtherSignal sdValue
hi! link sdServiceBlock sdValue
hi! link sdSocketBlock Operator
hi! link sdSymbol sdValue
hi! link sdTCPCongest Label
hi! link sdUnitBlock Comment
hi! link sdValue PreProc
"MISC: {{{
hi! link mailHeaderKey Identifier
call s:C("SignifySignAdd",g:cYellow,"","bold")
call s:C("SignifySignChange",g:cYellow,"","bold")
call s:C("SignifySignDelete",g:cRed,"","bold")
hi! link SignifyLineAdd DiffAdd
hi! link SignifyLineChange DiffChange
hi! link SignifyLineDelete DiffDelete
call s:C("ALEErrorSign",g:cRed,"","standout")
call s:C("ALEWarningSign",g:cYellow,"","standout")
hi! link TagListFileName Directory
"cleanup {{{
delf s:C