A theme, config and collection of plugins for Neovim
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Kevin cb0122bff1 Added mappings for <Shift-p> to make it replace the current word with
the paste buffer in normal mode, and the selection in visual mode
2014-03-21 10:06:06 -04:00
vim Added mappings for <Shift-p> to make it replace the current word with 2014-03-21 10:06:06 -04:00
.gitmodules Tweaked the colors and styling of the cursor line/col and visual selection to better differentiate between the two. Changed the match parenthesis to standout with black text so the colour is based on the syntax instead of sometimes becoming invisble when the colours match. Changed the emmit shortcut from <Ctrl-Y> to <Ctrl-Z> for reach, and because it's easier to remember (zencoding). Tweaked some of the keyboard references so their explanation makes it easier to remember the keys. Removed the multiple cursors plugin as it rarely worked, was buggy when it did and would slow things down when accidentally triggered. Chanced read sudo from :rsudo to :esudo to match the usual load command in vim, :e. Emmit is now only initialized in css, html, php and aspx files (feel free to push additional webdev files that would be likely to have css or html). Tried to apply a more consistant style and better organization across the configs. Lowered the distance from the edge of the screen before scrolling and increased the undo history size. Removed the perl omnicompletion script because I was looking to trim things down and don't really use perl myself; my apologies if anyone does though, and you can easily get it back by cloning https://github.com/c9s/perlomni.vim.git into the bundle directory. I also remove the fugitive git plugin because while I do use git, I've just found it to be easier and more natural to run it from outside vim; fans of that one can get it back by cloning https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git into the bundle directory 2014-03-11 03:05:09 -04:00
README.md Fixed a few small errors in the README 2014-02-21 01:00:08 -05:00
vimrc Set the guifont to Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ 12 for those with the fontconfig hook, and if that's not what's used, set it to the font you need :) 2014-02-23 22:32:56 -05:00

Darkcloud Vim Theme, Config and Plugin Selection


  1. Git and Bash: Required to manage plugin updates using the "pathogen_update_plugins" script.
  2. CTags: Available @ http://ctags.sourceforge.net, this can be in $PATH or in the vim folder and is required for the tagbar plugin.
  3. Vim v7.4+: Everything has been written and tested using Vim 7.4.135, and I assume there could be issues with 7.3 and below.
  4. Powerline Fonts (optional): Required for the powerline lightline theme, which can be toggled in /etc/vimrc along with the gVim font


  1. Clone this repository then initialize and update the git submodules (in our case, the vim plugins)
  1. Edit the 'vimrc' file and select whether to expect powerline fonts, choose a font for gVim, and add or change any of the loaded config files to match your personal setup.
  2. There are two main ways this package can be deployed: system-wide or single-user.
  • For a distro-agnostic system-wide installation in the /etc directory, copy or link: 'vimrc' to '/etc/vimrc' -and- the 'vim' folder to '/etc/vim'.
  • For a single-user installation in a user's home directory, copy or link: 'vimrc' to '/.vimrc' -and- the 'vim' folder to '/.vim'.
  1. Make sure the 'vimrc' file and 'vim' folder are at least readable to any users that will be using the config.
  2. Clone additional vim plugin repos in the 'bundle' folder to have them loaded at startup.
  3. You can add or replace config files in your 'vimrc' file to customize behaviour.
  4. Run the pathogen_update_plugins script to update your plugins by pulling the latest changes from each plugin repo.
  5. The 'vim/config/keyboard.vim' file has a list of the commands it configures, as well as some basic examples of some provided directly by plugins (though check the plugin folder's README for a full explanation).



All projects cloned in the vim/bundle folder are separate and have their own licenses. Everything else is released under the MIT license.