Kevin MacMartin 1c7b9453de Syntastic doesn't check on :wq when disabled, and toggling
active/passive also toggles check on open/wq. A new variable was added
to prevent autochecking tags, and the README and update script were
updated to reflect this. Disabling the linebreaks is now defaulted to
off (flip it back on if you like it). The update script is a bit more
careful about how it runs when executed from other directories. A bug
preventing the g:disablelinebreaks variable from being possible to
disable has been squashed, and no default is set when it's not enabled.
Added Emmet javascript (rather than just json), and tried to sync up the
webformat list between plugins that enable themselves for those.
2014-07-14 10:30:02 -04:00

48 lines
2.2 KiB

" "
" Darkcloud Vim Config: settings to load after all else "
" "
" By: Kevin MacMartin (prurigro@gmail.com) "
" Website: https://github.com/prurigro/darkcloud-vimconfig "
" "
" License: MIT "
" "
"load the system version of matchit if another hasn't already been
if !exists('g:loaded_matchit') && findfile('plugin/matchit.vim', &rtp) ==# ''
runtime! macros/matchit.vim
"disable linebreaks by default or override all of them (default: 1)
if !exists("g:disablelinebreaks")
let g:disablelinebreaks=1
if (g:disablelinebreaks == 1)
autocmd VimEnter * set tw=0 nolinebreak
"enable omnicompletion for any filetype without that has syntax highlighting
if has("autocmd") && exists("+omnifunc")
autocmd VimEnter,Filetype * if &omnifunc == ""|setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete|endif
"misc filtype specific settings
autocmd FileType gitcommit,notes,mail,notmuch,text setlocal spell
autocmd FileType notes,mail,notmuch,mkd,text setlocal nonumber
autocmd FileType mail,notmuch,text setlocal wrap
autocmd FileType notes setlocal tw=80
autocmd FileType help* wincmd L "help windows always open vertically
autocmd FileType help* vertical resize 80 "set the window size to 80 cols
autocmd FileType help* setlocal nocursorline "remove the horizontal cursor line
autocmd BufEnter,FileType qf,help* setlocal nowrap nocursorcolumn "disable text wrapping and the vertical cursor line
autocmd BufEnter,FileType extradite setlocal number
"settings for buffers in diff mode
autocmd VimEnter,FilterWritePre * if &diff|setlocal nofoldenable|endif
autocmd VimEnter * if &diff|wincmd H|endif
"disable the whitespace plugin for vimfiler
autocmd BufEnter,FileType vimfiler hi ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE