1. Choose either **tmux.powerline.conf** if powerline fonts are available or **tmux.normal.conf** if they're not, and install it to __/etc/tmux.conf__ for a system-wide install or __~/.tmux.conf__ for a local install.
1. If your network device isn't named **eth0**, set **$NETDEV** to the name of the device you'd like to use somewhere tmux will see it when it runs (ie: `echo 'export NETDEV="wlan0"' >> ~/.bashrc`)
Tmux supports italics if your terminal does, but the terminfo files _screen_ and _screen-256color_ don't advertise this, and most programs will display reversed text when it should be italics. To fix this, run: `tmux-italics-terminfo`, then follow the instructions it displays by changing `set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color"` to `set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color-it"` in your _tmux.conf_. You'll want to make sure your _/etc/bash.bashrc_, _/etc/dircolors_, possibly **vim** and any other terminal applications that check the `$TERM` variable have _screen-it_ and _screen-256color-it_ added.
* Written by Kevin MacMartin: [GitHub Projects](https://github.com/prurigro) | [Arch Linux AUR Packages](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=prurigro)