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Hypothetical Template

The Hypothetical website template based on Laravel 5.6



The default language is set by the DEFAULT_LANGUAGE variable in the .env file. This will be the language used until it is changed, which can be done using the /language/{lang} route or directly using Language::setSessionLanguage($lang) where in both cases lang is the language code for a given language.

In the view, a block of text can be configured with multiple languages using the following syntax:

        'en' => "This is a sentence",
        'fr' => "C'est une phrase"


    {{ Language::select([ 'en' => "This is a sentence", 'fr' => "C'est une phrase" ]) }}


The default public facing website uses vue.js. To configure a non-SPA traditional website, look at the files in traditional-bootstrap.

The following list of files and directories are where various pieces of the public website are located:

  • resources/views/templates/base.blade.php: The outer template for the entire website
  • resources/views/templates/public.blade.php: The inner template for the public site
  • resources/assets/fonts: The folder containing website fonts (these get loaded into public/fonts/ by the gulpfile)
  • resources/assets/js/app.js: The main javascript file that loads the public site
  • resources/assets/js/mixins: The folder containing vue.js mixins that can be applied globally in resources/assets/js/app.js or in individual components
  • resources/assets/js/mixins/base-page.js: The base-page mixin with page functionality that should be imported into all page components
  • resources/components: The folder containing vue.js components
    • resources/components/pages: Page components that should be imported into vue-router in resources/assets/js/app.js
    • resources/components/sections: Section components (single-use per page) that should be imported into mixins or page components
    • resources/components/partials: Partial components (multi-use per page or section) that should be imported into mixins and/or page and section components
  • resources/assets/sass/app.scss: The main sass file for the public site
  • resources/assets/sass/_fonts.scss: Stylesheet containing font declarations and mixins declared to use those fonts in other stylesheets
  • resources/assets/sass/_var.scss: Stylesheet containing variables to be used in other stylesheets
  • resources/assets/sass/pages: Stylesheets for page-specific styles wrapped in the respective page component class
  • resources/assets/sass/sections: Stylesheets for section-specific styles wrapped in the respective section component class
  • resources/assets/sass/partials: Stylessheets for partial-specific styles wrapped in the respective partial component class
  • resources/assets/sass/classes: General stylesheets for classes that can be used anywhere
  • resources/assets/sass/mixins: Stylesheets declaring SCSS mixins for use in other stylesheets

Dependencies can be included with bower or npm and loaded either into the jsPublicLibs array in the gulpfile or imported in the javascript.

Other information about database interaction, routing, controllers, etc can be viewed in the Laravel Documentation.


Updating the dashboard menu

The dashboard menu can be edited by changing the $menu array in app/Models/Dashboard.php.

The each item in the array is itself an array, containing either a menu item or a dropdown of menu items.

Dropdowns should contain the following keys:

  • title: The text that appears on the dropdown item
  • submenu: This is an array of menu items.

Menu items should contain the following keys:

  • title: The text that appears on the menu item
  • type: The dashboard type (this can be view for a viewable table or edit for an editable list)
  • model: The lowercase name of the database model

Adding a new model to the dashboard

Create a model that extends the DashboardModel class and override variables that don't fit the defaults.

DashboardModel variables

  • $dashboard_type: The dashboard type (this can be view for a viewable table or edit for an editable list)
  • $dashboard_heading: This sets the heading that appears on the dashboard page; not setting this will use the model name
  • $export: This enables a button that allows the table to be exported as a spreadsheet
Edit variables

These are variables that only function when the $dashboard_type variable is set to edit.

  • $create: A boolean determining whether to enable a button that allows new records to be created
  • $delete: A boolean determining whether to enable a button that allows records to be deleted
  • $filter: A boolean determining whether to enable an input field that allows records to be searched
  • $dashboard_help_text: An html string that will add a help box to the top of the edit-item page
  • $dashboard_display: An array to configure what column data to show on each item in the edit-list
  • $dashboard_reorder: A boolean determining whether to render drag handles to reorder the items in the list
  • $dashboard_sort_column: A string containing the column used to sort the list (this should be an integer when $dashboard_reorder is true)
  • $dashboard_sort_direction: When $dashboard_reorder is false this determines the sort direction (this can be desc for descending or asc ascending)
  • $dashboard_button: An array containing the following items in this order:
    • The title
    • Confirmation text asking the user to confirm
    • A "success" message to display when the response is success
    • A "failure" message to display when the response is not success
    • The URL to send the POST request to with the respective id in the request variable
Configuring the columns

All DashboardModel models require a $dashboard_columns array that declares which columns to show and how to treat them.

All models use the following attributes:

  • name: The name of the model
  • title: (optional) The title that should be associated with the model; when unset this becomes the model name with its first letter capitalized

Models with their $dashboard_type set to edit also use:

  • type: The column type which can be any of the following:
    • text: Text input field for text data
    • mkd: Markdown editor for text data containing markdown
    • date: Date and time selection tool for date/time data
    • select: Text input via option select with possible options in an options array
    • hidden: Fields that will contain values to pass to the update function but won't appear on the page (this must be used for the sort column)
    • image: Fields that contain image uploads
    • file: Fields that contains file uploads
    • display: Displayed information that can't be edited
    • user: This should point to a foreign key that references the id on the users table; setting this will bind items to the user that created them
  • name: (required by file and image) Used along with the record id to determine the filename
  • delete: (optional for file and image) Enables a delete button for the upload when set to true
  • ext: (required by file) Configures the file extension of the upload

An example of the $dashboard_columns array in a model with its $dashboard_type set to view:

    public static $dashboard_columns = [
        [ 'title' => 'Date', 'name' => 'created_at' ],
        [ 'name' => 'email' ],
        [ 'name' => 'name' ]

An example of the $dashboard_columns array in a model with its $dashboard_type set to edit:

    public static $dashboard_columns = [
        [ 'name' => 'user_id', 'type' => 'user' ],
        [ 'name' => 'created_at', 'title' => 'Date', 'type' => 'display' ],
        [ 'name' => 'title',  'type' => 'text' ],
        [ 'name' => 'body',  'type' => 'mkd' ],
        [ 'name' => 'tags', 'type' => 'text' ],
        [ 'name' => 'header-image', 'title' => 'Header Image', 'type' => 'image', 'delete' => true ]