| id | Unique channel ID derived from the `name` and `country` separated by dot. May only contain Latin letters, numbers and dot. | Required | `AnhuiTV.cn` |
| network | Network of which this channel is a part. May contain any characters except `,` and `"`. | Optional | `Anhui` |
| owners | List of channel owners separated by `;`. May contain any characters except `,` and `"`. | Optional | `China Central Television` |
| country | Country code from which the channel is transmitted. A list of all supported countries and their codes can be found in [data/countries.csv](data/countries.csv) | Required | `CN` |
| subdivision | Code of the subdivision (e.g., provinces or states) from which the broadcast is transmitted. A list of all supported subdivisions and their codes can be found in [data/subdivisions.csv](data/subdivisions.csv). | Optional | `CN-AH` |
| city | The name of the city in English from which the channel is broadcast. May contain any characters except `,` and `"`. | Optional | `Hefei` |
| broadcast_area | List of codes describing the broadcasting area of the channel separated by `;`. Any combination of `r/<region_code>`, `c/<country_code>`, `s/<subdivision_code>`. | Required | `c/CN;r/ASIA` |
| languages | List of languages in which the channel is broadcast separated by `;`. A list of all supported languages and their codes can be found in [data/languages.csv](data/languages.csv). | Required | `zho;eng` |
| categories | List of categories to which this channel belongs separated by `;`. A list of all supported categories can be found in [data/categories.csv](data/categories.csv). | Optional | `animation;kids` |
| logo | Logo URL. Only URL with [HTTPS](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTPS) protocol are allowed. Supported image types: `PNG`, `JPEG`. Max size: 512x512 pixels. The link should not be [geo-blocked](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geo-blocking). May contain any characters except `,` and `"`. | Required | `https://example.com/logo.png` |
| name | Official name of the country | Required | `Canada` |
| code | [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2) code of the country | Required | `CA` |
| languages | List of official languages of the country separated by `;`. A list of all supported languages can be found in [data/languages.csv](data/languages.csv). | Required | `eng;fra` |
Since finding a suitable logo for the channel is not always possible, this list contains only recommendations and should just help you in choosing a logo from several options.
1. If the channel logo has several versions, it is better to choose a color one.
That way there is less chance of the logo blending in with the background.
-`CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md`: rules you shouldn't break if you don't want to get banned.
-`preview.png`: image displayed in the `README.md`.
-`data/`: contains all data.
-`scripts/`: contains all scripts used in the repository.
-`tests/`: contains tests to check the scripts.
-`CONTRIBUTING.md`: file you are currently reading.
-`README.md`: project description displayed on the home page.
## Scripts
These scripts are created to automate routine processes in the repository and make it a bit easier to maintain.
For scripts to work, you must have [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en) installed on your computer.
To run scripts use the `npm run <script-name>` command.
-`act:check`: allows to run the [check](https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv/blob/master/.github/workflows/check.yml) workflow locally. Depends on [nektos/act](https://github.com/nektos/act).
-`act:update`: allows to run the [update](https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv/blob/master/.github/workflows/update.yml) workflow locally. Depends on [nektos/act](https://github.com/nektos/act).
-`act:deploy`: allows to run the [deploy](https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv/blob/master/.github/workflows/deploy.yml) workflow locally. Depends on [nektos/act](https://github.com/nektos/act).
-`db:validate`: checks the integrity of data.
-`db:export`: saves all data in JSON format to the `/.api` folder.
-`db:update`: triggers a data update using approved requests from issues.
-`lint`: сhecks the scripts for syntax errors.
-`test`: runs a test of all the scripts described above.
## Workflows
To automate the run of the scripts described above, we use the [GitHub Actions workflows](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows).
Each workflow includes its own set of scripts that can be run either manually or in response to an event.
-`check`: runs the `db:validate` script when a new pull request appears, and blocks the merge if it detects an error in it.
-`update`: sequentially runs `db:update` and `db:validate` scripts and commits all the changes if successful.
-`deploy`: after each update of the [master](https://github.com/iptv-org/database/branches) branch runs the script `db:export` and then publishes the resulting files to the [iptv-org/api](https://github.com/iptv-org/api) repository.