1. Install the packages in the `Package Requirements` above
2. Copy the folders above that aren't already configured to their equivalent location in `/etc`
3. In `/etc/nginx/sites-available/REPLACEME.TLD.conf` and `/etc/systemd/system/letsencrypt.service`, replace instances of `REPLACEME.TLD` with the FQDN
4. Rename `/etc/nginx/sites-available/REPLACEME.TLD.conf` so that `REPLACEME.TLD` is replaced with the FQDN
5. Add your site files to `/srv/http/REPLACEME.TLD` where public assets are located in `/srv/http/REPLACEME.TLD/public` (replacing `REPLACEME.TLD` with the FQDN)
6. Create a symlink from `/etc/nginx/sites-available/REPLACEME.tld.conf` to `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/REPLACEME.tld.conf` (replacing `REPLACEME.TLD` with the FQDN)
2. Run `systemctl start mysqld` and `systemctl enable mysqld` to start mysqld and enable it at boot
3. Run `mysql_secure_installation`.
4. Create a new password.
5. Say `yes` to everything (e.g. "Remove anonymous users? Disallow root logging remotely? Remove test database and access to it? Reload privilege tables now?")
1. Install the packages in the `Package Requirements` above
2. Copy the folders above that aren't already configured to their equivalent location in `/etc`
3. In `/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf` and `/etc/postfix/main.cf`, replace instances of `REPLACEME.TLD` with the FQDN
4. In `/etc/postfix/aliases`, replace the instance of `REPLACEME` with the user that should receive domain-level emails
5. Run `newaliases` to update the aliases database with the contents of `/etc/postfix/aliases`
6. Run `systemctl start postfix dovecot` to start the mail services and `systemctl status postfix` and `systemctl status dovecot` to check for errors
7. If there were no errors in the previous command, run `systemctl enable postfix dovecot` to enable the mail services at boot
### Add Accounts
1. Create an account by running `useradd -m -d /home/REPLACEME -s /bin/bash REPLACEME` (replacing `REPLACEME` with the username associated with the mail account)
2. Set the password by running `passwd REPLACEME` (replacing `REPLACEME` with the username associated with the mail account)